Looking for a work out buddy/challenger

Okay so I am terrible about being motivated. The summer in college when I got into shape, it was because I went to the gym on my lunch break every day with a friend. It was great, I lost 20 lbs....

Now I live alone in a new town with no friends. Hurrah new job. I need a fitness buddy. Someone that is willing to exchange messages and work out videos with me. Something as simple as "Hey I did this 10 minute video and it kicked my butt, what do you think." Then I could be like wow that is a great work out, "have you tried this one?"

Basically send each other video challenges back and forth. I am a beginner in getting back into shape. Basically I can do the 30 day shred for 2-3 days and then have to stop 2-3 because of the pain in my legs.

Does anyone want to be my challenge buddy?


  • kiera0423
    kiera0423 Posts: 4
    That sounds so fun! I'll be your friend :) Hi I'm Kiera.
  • serenity56
    serenity56 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm doing 30DS too! I understand having injuries put a damper on your efforts :( It's easy for me to injure my neck/back, and every time I get hurt I'm stuck on the couch with pain killers and a heating pad for a day or two. And then the motivation's gone. :( Maybe we can help each other get back on track when we take a forced break? Feel free to add me!
  • Please add me! Lets challenge each other!
  • tryingtoshed
    tryingtoshed Posts: 135 Member
    I'm finishing up the 30ds on sunday, and I completely understand. That workout kills your body--esp the knees. I know this sounds crazy, but what I did to keep myself going through that program was to exercise in my underwear in my room. When I looked over at my dresser mirror, it just motivated me more when I saw what I didn't want to see. Keep doing the 30ds, and don't give up! Take a some rest days during the program of course, but the pain is TOTALLY worth it. You can always check out my page for my before/after 30ds photos that I just put up. And if you;re interested in being buddies/challengers, I'd be up to it =]
  • Hey, I will join your workout buddy group as well. Every bit of motivation is needed for our journey. Sometimes we can get discouraged and feel unmotivated. Im out of town with family for the weekend. I brought my jump rope, dumb bells and stretch bands with me so i wouldnt have an excuse to not get off track. It's summer time now, so we have to think of little things like that because most people gain weight when traveling.
  • AndreaBrumfield815
    AndreaBrumfield815 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Andrea. I am starting the 30DS tomorrow!! So excited. We can do this! I would be more than happy to help you as I need help and encouragement myself:)
  • Swhyte27
    Swhyte27 Posts: 15 Member
    I am doing 30ds as well. I just finished day 2. I would love the motivation as well as help motive!! Anyone can add me! :)