Was feeling awesome about my weight loss until...

I started off at 168 on May 1 and now June 8, I weigh 157.2. On Wednesday I weighed in at 158.4 and was feeling pretty good since I hadn't hit 158 yet. I wore a cute outfit to work and forgot about jeans day even. Some woman brought in some change for me to count and it was pretty heavy. As I went to lift it she said "oh no dear don't lift that" when I asked why she looked confused and asked if I was pregnant.... My stomach is not necessarily toned but it does not balloon out in anyway at all. Too make matters worse she continued saying well don't worry I get asked all the time because of my belly too. Ruined my entire day and I just keep looking at my stomach wondering what other people see considering I don't see that at all.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    It is kind of ridiculous for a person to ask that at all. But the one thing that stood out about your post is the conception that if you are pregnant...you shouldn't lift at all.

    I really hate that...though I have never been pregnant, or plan on getting pregnant any time soon...for some reason pregnancy is typically viewed as "weakness" and fragile. Unless if there is reason not to lift...i really don't see what the issue is.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Don't let someone ELSE ruin YOUR day.... ever! Let it motivate you. Think to yourself "I'll show her!"

    Then kill her with kindness!
  • JHP8
    JHP8 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! 10 pounds...good for you. That other person -- what a mean-spirited (or super socially-awkward) woman.
  • mollykallies
    mollykallies Posts: 4 Member
    Oh shoot I forgot to put that part. I am really really not in anyway pregnant or plan to become pregnant ANYTIME soon. Reasons I was so offended!!! It was the fact she thought I looked like I was pregnant. Far enough along to be showing even.

    Oh and believe me I did kill her with kindness. Being a bank teller you learn to do that but this is the most ridiculous situation I have been confronted with by a customer ever!
  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    I really hope you can let go of her ignorant comment. My grandpa had dementia really badly, and he asked all my full figured friends that, even me. I believe people ask such insensitive questions out of their own insecurities (or dementia, whichever the case may be!)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Is she someone who comes in regularly? You should say next time you see her, "Remember last time you saw me and thought I was pregnant? Yeah, I ended up having the worst explosive diarrhea EVER!" Clearly she has never been told you NEVER ask someone if they are pregnant. That said, she was obviously embarrassed when she made the second comment because no one would really say that unless they were nervous.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Just last weekend I was asked if I was pregnant and I wear a size 4. Sometime people just don't think
  • TheRainQueen
    TheRainQueen Posts: 43 Member
    I have had a situation that has happened before..at a gym. Didnt even know what to say to the person. Lifting isn't necessarily bad for someone who is pregnant. Also...people need to shut their mouths sometimes. I'm sorry the person spoke out of turn and hope you feel better soon.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I once asked that of a woman- another member of my profession, around others. I found out later from former coworkers that she used to be thin and an adrenal tumor totally messed up her metabolism. We smoothed it over but I'll never forget it. And now I never, never ask a woman when she's due even if she looks ready to drop any time and I can see through her shirt that her belly button is an outie. I learned the hard way.

    Sometimes perfectly nice people say stupid things. The woman who asked that question may have been almost as embarrassed as you were.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Sorry your confidence was knocked, that would bum me out too! But this is her problem not yours. I would never ask if someone was preggers, even if they obviously look like they are coz you never know. I don't know how tall you are but 158 probably doesn't make you obese, so I'm sure you don't look preggers, especially if you don't see it. Chalk it up to her being silly and keep on with feeling good about your fitness drive!
  • summery79
    summery79 Posts: 116 Member
    Oh that is awful. I know how that feels, kids used to ask me that when I was heavier. It really poked at my insecurities about my appearance.

    Most adults would not be so stupid, but it happens. :(
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Ah don't let it get you down, if being asked or implied that your pregnant is the worst thing you hear in your day its a great day take it from me.

    Edited so I don't just sound like a pompous guy, just a glimpse of what I hear sometimes...was pushing my daughter in a pram and had a whole bunch of guys shout "fagg0t!" at me because I look different, took it as a compliment but was hurt that my daughter had to put up with that mentality as I knew how they really meant it.

    People can be fools but you are not.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Don't let it ruin your day you are doing great. Use it as more motivation :)
  • tpcooper
    tpcooper Posts: 30 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. I learned when I was about 5 to never assume someone was pregnant. My dad is a dentist and I basically asked his hygienist when her baby was coming.

    To think an adult woman would not know the same lesson by now is hard for me to believe, I have to think it was intentional
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    dont let it get to you it happened to me a few times back in the day i know its frustrating but who cares you came a long way your doing good dont let her affect your progress , she's nobody dont waste energy on ignorant people like that! be happy for what u accomplished so far and keep going your doing this for you not for people like her!
  • afarrow78
    afarrow78 Posts: 13
    Congratulations on your weight loss. Do not let people bring you down. You know you are making the healthy changes and that is all that matters. :smile:
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I'm so sorry that happened to you. Don't let it ruin your enjoyment of your success. some people don't think you never ask a women if she is pregnant. I have that kind of belly that makes me look like I'm pregnant so I get it every once in while as well. Just try to remember that some people are just plain rude.
  • anxietygirl
    anxietygirl Posts: 70 Member
    I feel you, honey. My mother posted a Christmas picture of me on Facebook a couple of years ago; of the three of us, Mom and my older sister and I. Someone commented and asked, "OMG! Is Katie pregnant?"

    I just replied, "Nope, just fat." The person was duly shamed, but damn, what a serious self-esteem blow, right?

    I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't let it derail you! You are on your way, you are doing great!
  • usamackem
    usamackem Posts: 7 Member
    I was asked if I was pregnant and I'm an old dude with a beard :) Which goes to prove you can't cure stupidity! 10 pounds is awesome! Concentrate on what the scales and the new clothes shopping tell you and forget the rest!
  • carriespence1
    carriespence1 Posts: 70 Member
    I remember being asked that once, right after having my son. I told the nice lady no I'm not pregnant, it'sonly a tumor.She couldn't get away fast enough. It gave me a giggle to see the panic on her face.