I need C25K Success Stories w/ Pics - Need Motivation!!!



  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    Bump. Starting this soon!
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    I was on week two and pulled a hamstring muscle so had to stop for two weeks all healed now so will start again at week one...it's a good program so can't wait to start again :) don't have pics to share sorry
  • ErinG6191
    ErinG6191 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I don't have any pictures, but wanted to share my success anyways for encouragement. I have never been a runner, but have always wanted to be one. I have started C25K multiple times in my life and for the first time, with patience, dedication and listening to my body I have been successful. I began the program in February at Week 1 and am now running 3 miles outside fairly comfortably- I also ran 4 miles the other day and felt great. I signed up for a 10K in August and am looking forward to my first half-marathon in October. It was really tough at times, and there were weeks when I would take 2 or 3 days off in between running due to soreness...it def. took me longer than 9 weeks and I am fine with that. There were weeks I had to repeat, but I just kept the ultimate goal in mind. I've lost almost 40 lbs...def. not all from running, (20 lbs were from having a baby, 20 were from MFP and running/working out). Run outside if you can...starting on the treadmill is nice but once you work up to longer distances running outside will keep you from getting bored. Stick with it and listen to your body...you can do it!!!! Oh, and one final suggestion- (it's probably already mentioned), but def. go and get fitted for running sneakers at a running store. Part of my problem for so many years was running in the wrong type of shoes.
  • ErinG6191
    ErinG6191 Posts: 33 Member
    Forgot to mention, add me if you want motivation, encouragement or tips!
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    I started June of last year, and with MFP and the C25K program I lost 35 pounds.
    Ran my first 5K event on Sept 5, 2012

    I was bad over the winter and gained back 30 lbs.
    I've already dropped 8 of it, and have been walking 1 mile a day the last two weeks.
    Next week I start Week 1 again and am very confident I will get better results than last year.
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    I have not had the weight loss since I am only on week 5. But i can tell the different already with my endurance and I am doing my first 5k next weekend.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    I literally JUST started the C25K tonight!! OMG!!! Super hard to run! I have a femur and knee replacement on my right leg and haven't really been able to run since I was 11. I did a little in high school. I think I did for 3 minutes straight but I probably weighed 175 lbs then. I weigh 229 lbs right now. I did the first day though and ran the whole 60 seconds each time (6 times @ 60 seconds whew!! It's hard!!!)

    You can do it!! I'm gonna stick to it!! I hope it will change some things up with my muscles and weight loss. I have been walking but maybe this little bit of running will give my body a boost. Also, it might give me more strength in my legs which will be VERY helpful with my condition.

    Good luck and add me if you want!!!
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    I skipped week 1-3 since I'm pretty active and been running on the treadmill as is. Anyway I started week 4 day one yesterday and I actually liked it! (i hate running) Looking forward to getting stronger-running a full 5k and hopefully seeing some weight loss results! Got 10 lbs to lose. Goodluckeveryone!
  • jamespate
    jamespate Posts: 1
    Sorry no pics. But I wanted to share my story as well.

    I was never a runner. I could sprint a little bit but I would never say I was a runner.

    I started the C25K in October 2012. It took me until February to finish, because I was out of shape and needed more rest days, I had fallen off the wagon at christmas time, etc. But when I finished it, I did 7KM in one shot without stopping! I had never done that. Since summer has arrived, I have been doing more outdoor activities and even my thin friends are worn out because they don't have my endurance. I am literally running circles around them while they catch their breath :D

    Here were my highlights:
    - After the first couple weeks, I was smashing records every time I got on the treadmill.
    - My knees are stronger than they've ever been
    - I have more breath (after having smoked for 10+ years and quit a couple years ago)
    - Because I have more breath, I can enjoy singing (to myself) more
    - I have all but eliminated my anxiety. I used to silently suffer all the time with it, but now nothing fazes me
    - To the above point, my heart is stronger
    - My endurance is a lot better
    - I hardly ever get cold, *especially* after a run I could walk around in shorts.
    - I lost 10-15 pounds
    - It got me motivated to try other programs like 100 pushups

    downsides: the bespoke suit I bought last year has to be adjusted or I just can't wear the pants anymore :(

    Protip: I would recommend using an app on your smartphone/tablet to track your runs.
  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    I just started this week!
  • sarahhorrigan
    sarahhorrigan Posts: 64 Member
    Am hoping posting this image works...

    I started C25K in January (starting weight 200lbs) - and could barely manage the 45 second runs of the first week - I thought my chest was going to explode. I was obese, hadn't run for over 20 years (and even when I ran as a teenager I was rubbish at it) and was seriously unfit. I kept at it and managed to complete it in April (I repeated a few sessions because I found it pretty hard going up until about week 5) and have been running regularly since. I'm now 150lbs and go running 3 or 4 times a week and in the last month have realised that I actually *want* to go running because I enjoy it! My 9 year old daughter joins me on runs some times too and it's brilliant to have a new activity we can do together.

  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Am hoping posting this image works...

    I started C25K in January (starting weight 200lbs) - and could barely manage the 45 second runs of the first week - I thought my chest was going to explode. I was obese, hadn't run for over 20 years (and even when I ran as a teenager I was rubbish at it) and was seriously unfit. I kept at it and managed to complete it in April (I repeated a few sessions because I found it pretty hard going up until about week 5) and have been running regularly since. I'm now 150lbs and go running 3 or 4 times a week and in the last month have realised that I actually *want* to go running because I enjoy it! My 9 year old daughter joins me on runs some times too and it's brilliant to have a new activity we can do together.


    Fantastic such an inspiration, thanks for posting x
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    thanks everyone!

    Keep the motivation coming - I officially start tomorrow!

    Also, I forgot I plan to start bringing my dog with me - anyone have any advice for beginner running with a dog (...who normally pulls like a freight train...I hope running will help her stop doing this - I'm hoping it's just pent up energy from being an inside dog lol)


    I tried running with mine and she screws up my pace and makes me way out of breathe. I strongly suggest starting without your dog til you get faster.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I take my German Shepherd with me and she can be ... challenging ... on a lead sometimes! I take her for a walk first so she can do her business before I start the podcast, that way she's happy to trot along side and there aren't any sudden stops (or certainly less!). If anything, she pulls less when we're doing the C25K stuff as she seems to be less bored so I haven't had to use a Halti.

    I use a retracting lead so if she wants to go ahead a bit that's fine and I don't have 10ft of lead to trip over. She's been out 8 times now and has quite got into it. I say "go!" and she starts to trot (I'm not fast enough for her to actually have to run ... yet!).

    She'll still try and dart after the odd squirrel but usually it's when we're doing the walking sections, when she's trotting she kind of stays focussed on not being overtaken by me so hopefully you'll find the same with your dog.
  • jrback
    jrback Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished a couple weeks ago. Although I really didn't lose any weight I could really see more muscle tone in my legs. Good luck!
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    C25K is great - stick with it and you'll definitely get results. The pic on the left is from July 2011, and I joined MFP in February 2012 at about the same weight. Over nearly a year and a half, I've lost 45 pounds, and for much of the time my main exercise was walking or working up to jogging with C25K, which I only started last fall. The pic on the right is from May of this year from my first 5k. Ran it with a 9:00 minute / mile pace and was in the top 10 of women in my age group. My main cardio exercise is walking and running along with 30DS.

  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    Wow you look great!! Good job!
  • kellystoo
    kellystoo Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished week 1 day 3 today. I'm 32 yrs old and NEVER ran a mile in my life. I have decided 32 will be the year I become a runner. Thanks for all these stories they are all amazing. I'm hoping to be comfortable in my skin and have heard running will do that for me :)
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