Protien - Too Much

Vanessa1977 Posts: 101
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I'm not sure if it is possible to have too much protien, but I just notice I am already over my suggested protein for the day.
I made a shrimp pasta for lunch and apparently shrimp has a lot of protein.
I will probably have another bowl for dinner. Should I be concerned about too much protien?

Thanks for any feed back you have too offer.


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Don't worry about it, protien is all good. MFP is not correctly biased towards your requirements, the body needs a gram of protien for every pound you weigh.

    Besides it keeps you full and going over protien is far better for you than going over on carbs, fat or calories
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    i always go over, try have 80g a day.
  • a gram of protien for every pound you way - that is a lot of flipping protien. LOL
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I think it's good to have alot of protein!
  • I think the gram per pound on the protein is a little much. My mom is a nutritionist and when looking over my MFP diary said that while the protein that MFP suggests is a little low, it is not too far out of whack for me. For me, an overweight woman with a physical disability she suggested that I have about 50 grams a day... but keep in mind, my day to day activity level is sedentary.
    Going over your protein is not an issue, particularly if it is lean proteins and you are exercising in some way... because an over abundance of protein turns to fat if not used to develop muscle.
    Numerically if looking to build muscle, you would be looking at 1g per pound of lean body mass (so for this you need to know your body fat). For example... someone who is about 150lbs with a 10% body fat would need about 130-135 g of protein. BUT this is for body building sort of stuff.
    To just lose fat, your protein should be about 15%-35% of your caloric intake. And there are about 4 calories per gram of lean protein.
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    It's important to consume more protein when dieting and working out. I've heard many times from hardcore bodybuilders the 1g/1lb of body weight formula. In my opinion, it's overkill. I personally this formula: divide current body weight by 2 and that will equal a healthier amount of protein that will actually be used by the body. Exam. 200lb person would need 100g/day. Anything over that is being flushed down the toilet.

    I wrote an article on my personal blog, explaining the many benefits of protein:
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Be careful with overloading on protein. Having too much per day (I am talking about WAY over what MFP recommends...) can cause MAJOR problems in some people, myself included.

    I have never been considered overweight in my life (my highest weight ever was 149.5 at 5'9"), have neither a personal nor family history of kidney issues, and have no underlying health issues. However, I wound up with severe kidney issues (thankfully temporary ones!) due to eating too much protein. At the time, I was eating approximately 20 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbs, and 100 grams of protein (and WAY too few calories). My GFR, albumin, and BUN levels were all out of whack. It was determined that it was due to my high protein intake. Thankfully, after changing my diet to reduce protein intake, my kidneys slowly recovered.

    Be REALLY careful with eating either too high or too low protein and fat. BALANCE is the key. :)
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