12lbs loss since April 26,2013

Reading other people's success stories always inspire me! And while reading,i realized that you don't have to wait to lose 100lbs before it becomes a success story. Heck! Even 2lbs is a success story! Lol

I started MFP with NO exercise on April 26,2013. I've always been a constant dieter but it is only now that i fully understand what i'm doing! Since using MFP,i lost 1-2 lbs a week. For 3 weeks,i didnt do any excercise and ate whatever i wanted as long as it doesn't exceed my calorie goal. The more weight lost,the more inspired i become. On the 4th week,i felt my body craving for some moving. I listened to my body and starting doing youtube aerobics lol! Then i discovered the outdoors. I walk/run 3 times a week :)

I started with 237.5lbs and its june 8,2013 now and i weight 228.5 lbs! Yey! I know i still have a LONG way to go but i am not giving up! This is just the beginning of a better me :)

How do you post pics here,btw?:)
