40lbs lost, AND I was able to get my rings off!

I started my weight loss journey on March 11th of 2013. I have lost a total of 40lbs! I have also been able to reach another goal of mine, which is getting my engagement and wedding band off. They have been stuck on my finger for a year! I really needed to get them off to fix the band. Anyways! I still have 41lbs I want to lose to reach my goal. Hoping to achieve this by the end of the year. :) ALSO I am 6lbs from onederland and could not be more thrilled to be coming back to the 100s after being in the 200s for 4 years.





  • WannaBLoser2013
    Good job. Keep it up.
  • KReduced
    KReduced Posts: 98 Member
    Yay! What an amazing difference!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Yes, my wedding ring is stuck on my finger, too. I have days where I can get it off but I would like to be able to get off whenever I want to...lol. Great job!
  • teddy1234567
    teddy1234567 Posts: 32 Member
    Good for you well done! I have a ring i would love to take off, its been years since i have been able to take it off.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    great job on the 40 lbs lost!!! :D

    Now the problem you might encounter one day: fingers being too small for the rings! haha... that's my problem now and my grandmother's wedding ring and my university grad ring HAVE to be on my middle finger or I'll lose them :(
  • flee228
    flee228 Posts: 8
    Wow; what did you do to loose 40 lbs in 3 months time ? I've just started less than a month, 3 weeks to be exact and I've only lost about 4 lbs, you are an inspiration !
  • kuykendalljess
    kuykendalljess Posts: 16 Member
    On the first day, I cut out ALL drinks other than water. I ate 1200 calories for the first 2 months, and worked out 5-7 days a week for at least an hour each day. I always break my diet (eek I know, but it works for me). Towards the end of the second month I became way to obsessed with my calorie intake that I decided for this next month not to count ANY (scary, right??). Well I assumed my weight loss would halt or that I would gain, but I still lost just at a slower rate. My goal is about 10lbs a month. This month I also started a BUSY summer semester in school, so I haven't made it to the gym in weeks. I took up running around my neighborhood, at least a mile 5 days a week, to compensate. I try to stay active like taking my son to the local greenway to walk or even parking in the back of the school parking lot for a little bit more of a walk. Really I think it takes consistency in eating and working out. There is no secret thing I am doing. Just working out when I can and making better decisions about food.

    I meant to add my stats!

    SW: 246
    CW: 206
    GW: 165
    Height 5'9"
    Age: 25
  • kugelette
    kugelette Posts: 25
    Congrats on your NSV and can I just say, the difference in your face is AMAZING! So dramatic and fantastic! Keep up the good work. :)
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