Heya (:

I'm found MFP in the iTunes app store yesturday and am completely in love with it. I know I can lose the weight I want to now, finally! It is such an amazing help, but support from friends is also very helpful. I'm up for meeting any new people serious about losing the weight they want to support me and be supported!

Thanks :smile:


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Hey Faith

    Your name is so fitting for this journey. One has to have FAITH in themself to reach there goal. This site is amazing because of the support, database, and my hard work I have lost 17 lbs in 7 weeks. I will send you a friend request.
  • tlyoung115
    Hi Faith!!

    We joined at the same time so I can't really tell you how things are here on MFP, but I can say welcome and that I hope you have the greatest success and reach all of your goals! I'll be rooting for ya!
