Team Beachbody Support Group/Insanity,P90X, and more

I created a Support and Motivation group for anyone who is currently working out to any Team Beachbody program. You are welcome to join my group here on my fitness pal and my group on facebook for even more motivation and support.

I have 8 new members starting Insanity tomorrow including myself. I have 2 starting P90X . There are several others who have already started and a few who will be starting within the next week or two.

If you are up for this challenge of completing any Team Beachbody program let me know. As a group we can motivate one another to press play every day and finish the program. Yesterday I completed day 90 of P90X. Being in a group helped me account for myself and motivated me to press play everyday especially when seeing the changes and weight loss photos of others who decided to share their pictures.

If you want more information on a program or are unsure about a program ask me.

Send me a message, friend me, or respond here if you are interested. Lets do this.


  • alexsandstrom1982
    I created a Support and Motivation group for anyone who is currently working out to any Team Beachbody program. You are welcome to join my group here on my fitness pal and my group on facebook for even more motivation and support.

    I have 8 new members starting Insanity tomorrow including myself. I have 2 starting P90X . There are several others who have already started and a few who will be starting within the next week or two.

    If you are up for this challenge of completing any Team Beachbody program let me know. As a group we can motivate one another to press play every day and finish the program. Yesterday I completed day 90 of P90X. Being in a group helped me account for myself and motivated me to press play everyday especially when seeing the changes and weight loss photos of others who decided to share their pictures.

    If you want more information on a program or are unsure about a program ask me.

    Send me a message, friend me, or respond here if you are interested. Lets do this.

    I am in your group on here but I also want to join your group on Facebook. Can you provide the link please?
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    The same as the above user, I've joined your group here, id love to join your fb group too please :)
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    Assuming insanity is delivered tomorrow like the tracking says it will be, I will be starting tomorrow as well!!! I'd be interested in your FB group too please =)
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I have added all so far to both groups. Thanks for joining.

    Anyone else who is interested let me know.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    I have added all so far to both groups. Thanks for joining.

    Anyone else who is interested let me know.

    I am in one group but would like to be in all of your groups. You are so motivating and your transformation pictures are amazing.
  • rinmaru
    rinmaru Posts: 1 Member
    I am very interested! I've tried P90X twice before, one month each time, but had the terrible luck of falling ill with a bad cold the first time and consecutive flu/food poisoning the second attempt. Incredibly frustrating! So I'm hoping 3rd time's the charm. (And if by some bizarre hand of fate I get really sick AGAIN I will not quit permanently.)

    Would love the join the group both here and on Facebook. Looking forward to the extra motivation!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I am very interested! I've tried P90X twice before, one month each time, but had the terrible luck of falling ill with a bad cold the first time and consecutive flu/food poisoning the second attempt. Incredibly frustrating! So I'm hoping 3rd time's the charm. (And if by some bizarre hand of fate I get really sick AGAIN I will not quit permanently.)

    Would love the join the group both here and on Facebook. Looking forward to the extra motivation!

    Hi Erin,

    I sent you a link to my facebook group. All you need to do is click on join group. I will receive the notification and then add you. We have a lot of new members starting today.
  • lowe81
    lowe81 Posts: 15 Member
    I am also starting p90x today and would like to be added to the group! I think it’s great everyone on here is so motivating. Really helps
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    This is great that so many of you are interested in support and motivation. My group her on My Fitness Pal is over 90 members already. My Facebook Group is at 35 members and requests for both groups are still coming in daily. I will keep accepting the invitations. Everyone is welcome if you work out to or will be working out to any Team Beachbody Fitness program.

    A few members have told me they love being in both groups. My Facebook groups allows me to post motivational and educational videos and several members have thanked me for that. I have posted videos on how to measure and be consistant with taking body measurements. I have also posted videos on what to expcect in week 1 of a few different types of Beachbody workouts.

    Anyone who is still interested can still join one or both groups. I have posted the links below.!/groups/527307200663612/

    Have a great day ahead!!

  • alexsandstrom1982
    This is great that so many of you are interested in support and motivation. My group here on My Fitness Pal is over 90 members already. My Facebook Group is at 35 members and requests for both groups are still coming in daily. I will keep accepting the invitations. Everyone is welcome if you work out to or will be working out to any Team Beachbody Fitness program.

    A few members have told me they love being in both groups. My Facebook groups allows me to post motivational and educational videos and several members have thanked me for that. I have posted videos on how to measure and be consistant with taking body measurements. I have also posted videos on what to expcect in week 1 of a few different types of Beachbody workouts.

    Anyone who is still interested can still join one or both groups. I have posted the links below.!/groups/527307200663612/

    Have a great day ahead!!


    I want to thank you again for this group. It sure has motivated me the past week. I am losing and shedding the fat and I am motivated to do my workouts. This is new for me. Nothing worked for me in the past. I would quit after day 1 or day 2. This is awesome. Thanks for letting me in both groups.

  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    This is great. We have over 107 members and counting in my group on My fitness pal. We also have 39 motivated members on my Facebook group. Both groups are growing and I am accepting all requests. The links to both groups are below.

    Some members are in both because they like the motivational and educational videos I post and love being accountable in both boards. Keep up the awesome work everyone. Anyone who works out to any Team Beachbody program is welcome to join.

    Thanks Ryan
  • alexsandstrom1982
    I am bumping this for you Ryan. I have seen many positive postings in the forum about how they all love the group and motivation. Almost 120 members now and anyone working out to any Beachbody program can join.

    Anyone doing Power 90? I am doing Power 90. My goal is Insanity but need to shed more weight first.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    I wrecked my back in week 5 of Insanity last year and still feel the side effects, so I'm looking at starting Turbofire on June 24 instead. Can I join the Beachbody support group you've got going on? I don't do facebook, so I'm looking for people who participate here and/or on the teambeachbody site.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I wrecked my back in week 5 of Insanity last year and still feel the side effects, so I'm looking at starting Turbofire on June 24 instead. Can I join the Beachbody support group you've got going on? I don't do facebook, so I'm looking for people who participate here and/or on the teambeachbody site.

    Yes you can join here. I will send you an invite. Sorry to hear that you hurt your back in Insanity.
  • adioschubs
    adioschubs Posts: 384 Member
    I am interested in joining. I am doing Les Mills Combat!
  • moathkhozyem
    Joined here . and interest to join FB group
    Thanks in Advance =)
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    So your group page says that you have challenge groups starting each month, but I don't see them on the board. Where can I find that? I'm intrigued by a challenge group! I like the accountability of sharing these experiences with others. I know that's what helped me through some of those tough days of Insanity last year (week 3's a *****) :D

    Are your challenge groups on Team Beachbody?