1200 calorie diet

Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked before, but just wondering what people eat if they only have 1200 calories a day? I am new at this and obviously I know fruit and veg are important but is there anything in particular I should look at including on a daily basis or anything I should discard completely besides things filled with sugar.
All help will be greatly appreciated! :)


  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    if u set your limit to 1200 u should be eating back your exercise cals... at least a few hundred of them. you want this to be a sustainable way of life, not a restrictive diet. you dont have to completely discard anything- find out whats truly worth it. lean meats, fruit, veggies and healthy fats are the basis- but being overly restrictive will likely lead to failure. i think a good reasonable outlook is to factor in maybe 200 (or whatever u want) cals a day for treats, and plan ahead. that way u can enjoy things in moderation and really look forward to the food.
  • I am allowed to have a little more than 1200 per day but once you start changing the things you eat you will be surprised how much you can really eat and only use 1200 calories just really watch what you are eating, lean proteins like chicken and fish are really good just watch portion sizes and also myself I have started buying pre portioned snacks this just works for me im sure everyone is different but it does cost a little more but in my busy life it really helps me keep my portions under control when Im not able to have a measuring cup or scale. I have switched from regular eggs to egg beaters that also helps cut a good bit of calories and do skim milk instead of 2% I have just made some adjustments and I am able to eat all day and not feel hungry:)
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    My intake is set at 1100 + exercise, so you can take a look at my dairy, although I'm vegan :) You can eat a lot of food and be full if you choose carefully.
    My typical lunch would be lots and lots of salad (1/2 to 1 spoon of pumpkin oil - which is so hard because I love pumpkin oil) with corn and beans and steamed vegetables (very healthy and veeeery low cal, especially zucchini!), 1/2 or 3/4 cup of brown rice, some tofu, maybe a carrot. That's around 300-450 kcal (pretty much depends on the amount of rice, tofu and beans, the rest if peanuts!)

    By the way, make sure you eat back your exercise calories too!
  • PinkSuede
    PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
    I'm doing 1500 now but I've done 1200 and I don't find doing 1200 cal much harder than doing 1500. I found that choosing high fiber, high protein foods and avoiding sugar helped me stay full. Beans were probably my favorite thing to eat since they kept me full the longest. Lean chicken as well. The easiest way I found to stay on track was to come up with a few 300 calorie meals and rotate those. At 300 cal a meal that left me 300 for snacks. For example oatmeal and 1 cup of blueberries for breakfast (very filling and high fiber), homemade chicken chilli for lunch, and fish and lentils with oven roasted veggies for dinner.

    As far as cutting things out the only thing I'd try to cut out aside from sweets is bleached/refined starches. White breads/pasta/rice. If you switch to whole wheat/grain/unbleached you'll find they usually have a lot more fiber, and the fiber will help you feel full. I cut out corn for the most part as well.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    A typical non-exercise day for me will be:
    Breakfast: a bowl of porridge with a teaspoon of honey, and a cup of tea with skimmed milk (about 200 cals)
    Mid-morning snack: fruit (around 60-100 cals)
    Lunch: Big salad with lots of raw crunchy veg; my favourite at the moment is lettuce, carrots, red peppers, radishes, cucumber, raisins and sunflowers seeds with a low-cal caesar dressing (about 250 cals)
    Mid-afternoon snack: Nuts or dried fruit (around 100 cals) - I'm loving wasabi peas at the moment...
    Dinner: Lean meat (chicken, turkey or fish) with lots of veggies - stirfrys are great, grilled meat and steamed veg, slow cooker stews etc. (about 450 cals)
    Dessert: yoghurt or fruit (around 100 cals)

    Apart from my cup of tea in the morning (which I need to get me going!) I drink LOTS of water (about 8 pints a day), low-cal cordial or herbals teas. You can have coffee if you like but too much caffeine makes me crazy and I also only really like coffee with sugar and cream so not very healthy!

    I eat back about 80% of my exercise cals - the only reason I don't eat them all back is because I don;t have a heart rate monitor to accurately measure how many I have burned.
  • AllieMalle
    AllieMalle Posts: 8 Member
    I was doing 1200 and cut back to 1100 because I really could not get to the 1200 without being too full. Sounds crazy, but I have been eating a ton of vegetables, both raw and cooked. You would be amazed how few calories are in two cups of steamed broccoli! My typical day would be a veggie/fruit smoothie for breakfast. Lunch a big salad with protein (chicken or tuna) with balsamic light dressing. Dinner would be a lean protein like grilled chicken or sirloin with two cups of steamed broccoli. Throughout the day I would have two snacks, either fruit or an Atkins bar (snack bar was only 150 calories, meal replacement bar is 240 -260). I wold sometimes throw in some Lactaid or Fat Free milk. I have been doing this for about three months and I do every once in a while eat a dessert or something extra. And yes, if you add in exercise, you can adjust, but I did not do that because my caloric intake included me being sedentary, because I was recovering from back surgery so I had limitations. But I believe the weight loss has dramatically increased my recovery time and the walking has really helped to strengthen my back. In the beginning all I could do was walk 2 miles. I added about 1/2 a mile a week and now I can walk 4-5 miles no problem. I still walk at a slower pace then most because I am still recovering, but my therapist said he didn't care about the pace, just keep walking!!
    Hope this helps.
  • cilu90
    cilu90 Posts: 31
    It kind of depends on your personal preferences and eating schedule (whats comfy for you). I like a good breakfast and big dinner with a small lunch and afternoon snack. So a typical day for me would be a fruit, greens and oat or almond milk smoothy for breakfast (chia or plain almond/peanut butter helps with protein) or a veggie and cheese (usually parm or asiago or romano) omelet with salsa for breakfast; stoneyfield farms vanilla greek yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit, sometimes with trail mix for a quick lunch at work; and a meat and veggie dinner with a small amount of some starch 'cause I make my husband potatoes. sweet potatoes, rice, pasta, quinoa, or bread and i gotta have some of that! Snacks for me can be anything, but in small amounts and quite often (Im a grazer!). I love to cook and try new things, but its all a personal preference deal. Thats why MFP is so cool. It gives you the ability to figure out what you can eat that you like, while trying to squeeze out as much as you can from your calorie limits. If overall health and well being are important as well, you find that eating better (cleaner) usually gives you more bang for your buck. And dont forget those excercise calories! Bonus!
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    I will go anywhere from 1000 - 1500 cal in a day. Some days I'm not very hungry and other days I'm more hungry. As long as I have an 800 - 1000 calorie deficit each day I'm good. If I eat 1500 I may have to work a little longer on the treadmill, but I'm totally ok with that. As a previous poster said once you start eating healthier foods it's easy to finish your day on 1200 calories a day without feeling too hungry. One of my sample days that is roughly around 1200 calories...

    Coffee with fat free creamer (this is one of my "I WILL NOT GIVE UP" items - I love my coffee and creamer)
    Jack Links Jumbo Beef Jerky (beware this has a lot of sodium so I have to watch the rest of the days intake when I eat this, but great protein source)
    1 Cup raspberries mixed in Yoplait Greek Yogurt (again Greek yogurt is great protein source)

    Morning Snack:
    String Cheese

    1 whole sliced cucumber, 2 roma tomatoes sliced, 1 regular can of tuna with 1 TBSP Kraft Olive oil mayo. I put the tuna on top of the veggies.

    Afternoon Snack:
    Black Bean Chips (beanitos) and 1 cup mild salsa

    Dinner: (yes I love to eat breakfast for dinner sometimes...LOL)
    3 egg whites scrambled with chopped bell peppers and spinach with 1/8 cup shredded cheese (sometimes less) on top
    1 cup grapes
    1 cup 1% milk

    Now I try to stay away from grains as I have tummy problems if I eat so much of it so that's why you don't see any breads or rice. I just try to stay away from it. Even those Black Bean Chips are something I do rarely. Also my dinners are usually a meat and veggie. With summer here now I do a lot of grilling.
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    It's all relative to each person. I eat 1800+ calories a day.
  • futurehealthfreak
    futurehealthfreak Posts: 13 Member
    I've been trying to meet 1,350 a day until my trainer recently calculated how much I need to lose weight (working out 6 days a week) and it's 1,690! Your body needs a lot more than you think. I'm 5'7", 150 lbs, 27% bf currently, and I need 1,690 to lose, not to maintain... I suggest you go get it calculated but just a friendly reminder that 1,200 is not a magic number... it's actually the number of kcals suggested for a sedentary 6-7 year old girl, or a moderately active 3 year old girl according to my nutrition text book which is based off of EER and activity level (0-30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity is sedentary, 30-60 is moderate, and active is anything over 60). I don't know where 1,200 came from but you should try calculating your BMR and never drop below that number. Even if it's just online with one of those calculators, it'll give you much better number. Just make sure you're eating whole/healthy foods still! Don't forget that whatever calories you steal from what your body won't allow your body to function at it's maximum! You might lose weight from 1200 but you won't be healthy over all. Yes, the exact number depends on the person (and I admit to being below 1200 some days myself but I try eating as much as I can!) but I personally don't agree with a 1200 goal for any adult.

    *rant over*
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    I'm doing a 1200cal diet your welcome to look at my dairy (just don't pay too much attention to the junk food the last few days and bear in mind i was at a wedding last weekend)

    What i will say is weigh your food as you'll be really surprised at how little things like 50g of cereal is. Eat in a smaller bowl or plate to feel like your getting a good sized portion. Bulk things out with salad but be careful with dressing.

    The main thong for me is getting breakfast right, if i eat loads in the morning i struggle later on to squeeze in my calories later at night when i fancy a snack.
  • JetsetterBabe
    JetsetterBabe Posts: 20 Member
    I'm at 1200 but I'm vegan so that cuts out a lot of fatty, high cal foods out of my diet.

    Usually breakfast consists of sprouted grain toast with homemade almond butter, or a meal replacement shake, or a bowl of berries and banana.

    Lunch will be a combination of vegetables turned into soup with beans, or stir fry with brown rice, or tofu with veggies.

    Dinner is most likely going to be almost all raw. A plate full of veggies, rolled up in a sprouted tortilla or salad loaded with veggies and tofu or beans.

    I'm not a huge fan of creating elaborate dishes so keeping it simple allows me to eat whole foods getting the necessary nutrition while keeping cals on target. Eating this way also is great if you travel a lot. You can eat almost anywhere.
  • missbeth91
    missbeth91 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it as like I said I am still learning. :)
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Eat foods that are high volume but low in calorie.
    A 400 calorie salad with chicken & tons of vegetables is much more filling & satisfying than a 400 calorie cookie.
    AVOID GRANOLA BARS. They are very tasty but they're gone in a few bites and quite unsatisfying for 200 calories.
  • NiccyCyan
    NiccyCyan Posts: 1
    If you eat clean 1200kcal won't even seem like that little calories. Just eat a balanced diet. If you feel like snacking have fruit/vegetables instead of chocolate. Drink water if you're hungry because you may just be thirsty. If you can't eat completely clean have one 'bad' food a day, like one packet of crisps. It's also a lot easier if you get all of your calories from food so instead of having things like pop/fruit juice have water/green tea ect... When you eat, eat foods that are nutritious and aren't just empty calories. Try not to see junk food as a luxury, see it for what it is, empty calories- it's just full of fat and sugar. Stay away from processed food, it may taste good but it's not filling and isn't benefiting your body. You're trying to lose weight to be healthy, right, be healthy in all aspects- exercise (cardio and strength training), eat clean, drink water, get an adequate amount of sleep. Instead of being in the mindset of 'I want to lose weight', think 'I want to be healthy' and make that thought dictate what you eat. Remember being healthy doesn't mean eating salads all for the time, make sure you eat a balanced diet where you are supplying your body with all of the nutrients it needs. Also, depending your height, bmr, 1200kcal may be too little for you.

    I'm not an expert (I'm only 16) so I suggest you do some research to help you figure out what's best for you but I hope that was helpful.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I ate at 1200 for two weeks and I found it super hard to keep all my micro's. I also found it really affected my workouts. For me at least I didn't lose any weight those two weeks and after I bumped it up to 1400cal I started losing again (this I think is completely personal, and probably won't apply to everyone).

    My only advice is to be super picky about what you're eating in order to get the right nutrition. Choose lean meats, eat egg whites instead of whole eggs, and skim milk instead of 2%. Everything will be about getting cal down while keeping the nutrients. Also, try using spices in your cooking to keep things interesting. Adding curry powder to baked sweet potato fries, just as an example.

    Take care, and good luck!
  • fuzzymop55
    fuzzymop55 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked before, but just wondering what people eat if they only have 1200 calories a day? I am new at this and obviously I know fruit and veg are important but is there anything in particular I should look at including on a daily basis or anything I should discard completely besides things filled with sugar.
    All help will be greatly appreciated! :)

    my diary is open to give you ideas.