WHY do I eat? Advice??

karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So, these past few months I have been REALLY struggling with my eating habits....

I am ALWAYS sick after I eat...why?? Because I can't control my limit. :noway: :grumble:

I sit and think..."is it emotional? Am I really hungry? Why can't I stop??" ...But all my answers lead to "I'm eating because it tastes so good" or Sometimes I catch myself eating because of the following.....

1) I do not want to waste it
2) It is sooooo good I can't stop
3) I'm boredddddddd
4) I LOVE FOOD :love: and it is a social thing to do when I'm with the BF or friends. We go out to restaurants and talk and eat!

But I HATE this...I hate feeling sick after I eat EVERYDAY and being sluggish consistently..I need help with this what do I do to help cope with this overindulging business??


  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I have all the same excuses about eating. I had to just serve myself smaller portions. I only put a limited amount of food on my plate so I wont hate myself after eating.

    I then package up the rest for later meals.
  • fitcakequeen
    fitcakequeen Posts: 10 Member

    I do the SAME THING! And it does not help that I am a cake designer and work from home, so goodies are always in my face :) I wish I had an answer for this too. I think all the reasons you posted are true. I have a passion for food, cooking, baking, entertaining, all of it.

    I'm sorry I don't have any advice, but know that you are not alone :)

    p.s. your profile pics are gorgeous!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So, these past few months I have been REALLY struggling with my eating habits....

    I am ALWAYS sick after I eat...why?? Because I can't control my limit. :noway: :grumble:

    I sit and think..."is it emotional? Am I really hungry? Why can't I stop??" ...But all my answers lead to "I'm eating because it tastes so good" or Sometimes I catch myself eating because of the following.....

    1) I do not want to waste it
    2) It is sooooo good I can't stop
    3) I'm boredddddddd
    4) I LOVE FOOD :love: and it is a social thing to do when I'm with the BF or friends. We go out to restaurants and talk and eat!

    But I HATE this...I hate feeling sick after I eat EVERYDAY and being sluggish consistently..I need help with this what do I do to help cope with this overindulging business??

    God, it's like I wrote that myself. I am the same exact way...

    For me, it comes down to a matter of self-control and will power.

    I look forward to hearing other members' thoughts on this too.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    I dont really have advise for ys, I guess you have to figure out yr triggers and work thru them.

    PLEASE do not take this the wrong way, but are those your real pics on yr profile?? If they are, why are you here??? You look incredible, young and healthy and THIN!!!
  • dawnsant
    dawnsant Posts: 44
    OMG! Thank you so much for writing this! I do the same thing!! It is not that I have to eat or that I am still hungry. In fact, I am most always full before I even eat half of whatever I am eating. BUT I just love the taste so much. I enjoy eating. I wish I could look at food as something needed to live and to fuel my body. But I don't. I relate food to catching up with friends and family, social events, and alot of really good times. If you figure this one out you have to tell me! Good luck!
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    Just wanted you to know you are not alone. I have the same problem and have come to realize I eat for the same reasons. Unfortunately I am still struggling with this. The frustrating part for me is I have identified the reasons I do it but I haven't quite figured out how to change the habit. Best of luck to you and if you figure it out let me know. :happy:
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    So, these past few months I have been REALLY struggling with my eating habits....

    I am ALWAYS sick after I eat...why?? Because I can't control my limit. :noway: :grumble:

    I sit and think..."is it emotional? Am I really hungry? Why can't I stop??" ...But all my answers lead to "I'm eating because it tastes so good" or Sometimes I catch myself eating because of the following.....

    1) I do not want to waste it
    2) It is sooooo good I can't stop
    3) I'm boredddddddd
    4) I LOVE FOOD :love: and it is a social thing to do when I'm with the BF or friends. We go out to restaurants and talk and eat!

    But I HATE this...I hate feeling sick after I eat EVERYDAY and being sluggish consistently..I need help with this what do I do to help cope with this overindulging business??

    Hey, This was myself, as like most these are the reasons I did. Now, what I found was that I had to address these issues head on and deal with them in order to take control of my life. Once, I started addressing them I was able to get a handle and control. I also found that when I was like that if I would exercise or keep myself busy I did not eat and then my mind was on something else instead of food. I also would soak in a tub or brush my teeth that made me not want to eat beause it was inconvenient during those times. Keep working at it and write down the things that really trigger those times and you will see a pattern that you can take control over those times. God Bless, brenda
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    I dont really have advise for ys, I guess you have to figure out yr triggers and work thru them.

    PLEASE do not take this the wrong way, but are those your real pics on yr profile?? If they are, why are you here??? You look incredible, young and healthy and THIN!!!

    Thats my senior year in highschool...what im trying to get BACK to. But thank you.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    I just need tips on HOW to control it. I guess I could brush my teeth or do something else but Im not sure what else there is to do ha
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Brush your teeth, go for a walk , call someone, exercise, read...
  • when you go out to eat with your friends ask for your doggie bag when they serve your meal, immediately box half your food up to take home......this works for me, but if I wait till the end of the meal, I find I have eaten more than half and sometimes the whole meal.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I take small portions of everything, except I only allow myself one portion of bread and one of meat. Eat slowly while slipping one your drink (which hopefully isn't loaded with calories). And have coffee (black) with dessert. It offsets the sweetness so that you don't get used to the sweet and over indulge. And then you have coffee to keep sipping on instead of going back for seconds, or sampling from your friends plate. Also, whats really helped me is keeping up my food diary, just being aware of what I'm eating helps keep me from eating out of boredom. (also my hubby is disabled, so I've told my hubby to remind me of the honey-do list whenever I wander into the kitchen with that bored look on my face.)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    1) I do not want to waste it
    2) It is sooooo good I can't stop
    3) I'm boredddddddd
    4) I LOVE FOOD :love: and it is a social thing to do when I'm with the BF or friends. We go out to restaurants and talk and eat!

    Hi, we all fight that list in one way or another. Very perceptive.
    1) The food looks better in the garbage can then on my butt. But if it is healthy, and nutritous and worth saving then pack it into single servings and enjoy not cooking.
    2) I take the soooo good food and divide it into a proper portion and savor the idea that I can eat the rest later.
    3) If you catch yourself reaching for food because of boredom, use this as a trigger to go brush and floss and rinse with mouthwash. You will feel refreshed and your dentist/hygeinist will be impressed.
    4) Learn to love feeling healthy, eating fresh live food, use restaurants to get new ideas on how to dress a salad, but keep dressing on the side. I check out seafood appys, they tend to have small portions. Share a dessert with friend and be gernerous to them or look for a specialty drink that's not too bad.

    The thing about this journey is to identify your weak spots and " try, try again" to figure out why you ate and what creative solution you can discover to avoid it the next time. You've done the identify part, now unleash your creativity. :)
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    "1) The food looks better in the garbage can then on my butt. But if it is healthy, and nutritous and worth saving then pack it into single servings and enjoy not cooking."

    hahaha very good!
  • KIM5
    KIM5 Posts: 1
    Have you read Geneen Roth? She has some great advice and insight into all the reasons you listed on why you are eating. I have found her books to be very helpful.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Have you read Geneen Roth? She has some great advice and insight into all the reasons you listed on why you are eating. I have found her books to be very helpful.

    I just picked up one of her books, "When Food Is Love". Can't wait to dig into it.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    damnit. i feel the same way. I also find that when i am on vacation i lose tons of weight bc i am doing so much, excited, running around... but ... working from home, my breaks are snacks / meals.... i eat really healthy.... just... way tooo much.
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