Any College Kids?

Looking for some motivation from college kids!


  • miraclbab36
    Hi. I'm in college. I need motivation as well. :smile:
  • KuriChan44
    KuriChan44 Posts: 18
    Me too! I'm finishing up my last year in September and determined to get in shape this summer :) Add me if you guys want; we can help motivate each other through the summer and eventually midterms and finals.
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    Will be glad to be part of your support system. Anyone that's active in MFP can add me too :)
  • bluefire301175
    bluefire301175 Posts: 24 Member
    Yep I'm in my sophomore year. Would be happy to help! Looking for motivation as well especially since it's summer and broiling outside.
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    Me! But I'm a slacker. (collegewise)
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    Me! And my food diary reflects it. :p I eat so much fast food it's not even funny (but it's not-so-bad stuff like a chicken sandwich or a fruit smoothie, and all within my calorie goals.) Never any time or money to cook!
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I'm getting ready for my last year of undergrad, possibly looking into grad school in the future. :) Feel free to add.
  • sammycannillo
    Hey! I'm in college at Penn State. I am dealing with binge eating problems that I have never had before :(
  • thejominator
    thejominator Posts: 4 Member
    About to be a sophomore in college..feel free to add me I need some motivation as well
  • DarthGibbles89
    DarthGibbles89 Posts: 17 Member
    lol I'm not sure i'd call myself a kid, but I'm one. :) Senior this year.
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm at the bitter end of my college kid-ness (graduation is October!) but I am in school to finish my degree through summer so definitely a college kid!! Anyone can add me :)
  • itsjosiebitch
    itsjosiebitch Posts: 68 Member
    Hi. I'm here :blushing:
  • ndpotter10
    I am! I only have one semester left yay!!! Graduation is in December!!
  • exstacy
    exstacy Posts: 4
    Hi my name is Stacy and I'm from Holland. I actually start college in September, and it;s also my 21st birthday in September, so I really want to get in shape! Anyone can add me if they want to xo