Being Called fat hurts

I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm so sorry.

    She's not mean to fat people. She's just mean. She just knows that calling you fat will hurt because you shared that you were trying to lose weight.

    You're doing that right thing. Don't spend time with mean people. Life is too short.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,034 Member
    You can lose weight. She will be a petty b!tch forever.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I am also sorry that you had been called fat... What hurts the most is that at least you are trying to improve your health but, yet someone is stupid enough to call you fat...

    Believe it or not I used to go through the same kind of stuff you had... I think that it is worse for women than it is for men as far as being called fat is concerned...

    I would say that the only thing about being a man that is worse than being a woman is the stupid idea that it is not viewed as acceptable for a man to like to go to Zumba classes much less teach Zumba... At least that is the case where I live... While people are not calling me fat anymore, I get dirty looks from people... They think that I am weird just because I like Zumba... They don't know me and I get that junk...

    I almost wanted to give up teaching Zumba today because of that junk... The only thing that kept me from doing that today had been the fact that I had two students... Not great as far as attendance for my first Zumba class is concerned but, where I live male Zumba instructors are just not very popular at all... I tried my best during that class... The worst thing about it is that I am not a paid instructor... I had done it because I really love Zumba and I wanted to give something back to my community...

    Sorry about venting -- I am trying to say that I understand what it is like to be hated for a really stupid and petty issue...

    I now realize that the best thing to do is for us to continue to do our very best and not worry about petty junk anymore... I know that it is not easy but, I to do what you are doing keep on trying...
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I'm so sorry.

    She's not mean to fat people. She's just mean. She just knows that calling you fat will hurt because you shared that you were trying to lose weight.

    You're doing that right thing. Don't spend time with mean people. Life is too short.

    this! stupid girl will still be stupid and mean after you've lost weight. don't let the loser get you down, you're better than her
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    I'm so sorry.

    She's not mean to fat people. She's just mean. She just knows that calling you fat will hurt because you shared that you were trying to lose weight.

    You're doing that right thing. Don't spend time with mean people. Life is too short.

    this! stupid girl will still be stupid and mean after you've lost weight. don't let the loser get you down, you're better than her

    Agreed. If she makes a comment like this, I would imagine she makes other comments to others to put them down just to make herself feel better. It's probably easier said than done sometimes, but don't let it bother you or get you down. It will only make her feel like she 'won' at making you feel bad. Keep up your hardworking on MFP and good luck!!
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    As my friend said once in a restaurant when a waiter jokingly said "you are so cute and chubby" (it was a compliment in their culture) she quickly came back with "ah...but I can lose weight and you will still be ugly!!" How's that for a quick response....:laugh:
  • amightymanofgod
    amightymanofgod Posts: 8 Member
    I'm sorry ppl are so mean. She doesn't feel good about herself. You can feel good about you. Two lbs is good. You keep up the good work.
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    Let it motivate you! The greatest revenge is to stop talking to her, and reach your goal! (-;
  • Thin1979
    Thin1979 Posts: 48
    I have been heavy since I was a child and know exactly how you fell. The best revenge is success. Go get it girl! In a shorter time than you think you will be rocking a mini skirt and she will still just be a mean petty jealous *****!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    That's really sad. How crap must her life actually be if she feels she has to embarass and insult you that way to make herself look/feel better. Honestly though she's beneath your notice. Ignore her as best you can and when she realizes you aren't going to scurry away and hide or burst into tears she'll move on.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good for you for your weight loss! Keep going.

    As for mean girl - as everyone is saying: she is mean and stupid. She gets her jollies by putting other people down. That is just so low. You will get healthy and strong and she will always be mean and stupid
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    I know how you feel. I live and work in China. People here are honest. There's no stigma about telling someone that they've become fat. Actually, there's no stigma about mentioning any change in a person. None. Zero. Zilch. So if you've put on some pounds, people will tell you.

    I was in a meeting the other day, and a lady from HR said "Wow, I think you need to exercise! I fell like you've really... <holds out arms and puffs out cheeks to indicate I've gotten fat.>" She was the third person in 2 days to mention it.

    What do you say to that? Umm... Thanks?

    Yeah, it hurts. But use it as fuel to keep you going. In my case, I used it as fuel to get started again. I'm down 11 pounds since she said something. I won't ever tell her why, though. Because in this culture, she'd take it as a compliment! "Oh, look what I did by telling you how fat you were!"

    Bottom line: **** other people and what they think. This is for me.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    People get scared of awesomeness. 2lbs is a great start. Keep going so u can truly p*ss her off. You'll enjoy it, I promise ;)
  • Lowaann
    Lowaann Posts: 8 Member
    As my friend said once in a restaurant when a waiter jokingly said "you are so cute and chubby" (it was a compliment in their culture) she quickly came back with "ah...but I can lose weight and you will still be ugly!!" How's that for a quick response....:laugh:

    I was tease alot about my weight when I was in elementary school. I have lost 50 lbs about twice and then gained it back (due to having children!) and it still hurts to this day and I am 46!

    This girl may be pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside......let your inner light shine through and just be the best you that you can be.

    p.s Best thing was going to my high school reunion and being voted most changed....and getting hit on by guys who never gave me the time of day in school!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    People suck. The more you try to change yourself for the better, the more they'll b!tch. You trying to change makes their apathy more noticeable, and they're just trying to bring you down. LIke everyone else has said, don't let them get you down. My dad called me fat the other day, and it REALLY hurt. Here's the kicker, he's grossly overweight and when I called him out on it he said he's a "healthy" weight, so yeah, I just laughed. My dad also told me last year in January that I shouldnt even try to run..I'm not a runner (I was SO slow in high school softball my runs consisted of running to 1st base. maybe.) and I would never be because "Everyone knows you're not a runner". People SUCK. I said eff it and used it as motivation...I've since ran 10 5ks, 2 4 mile races and today ran my first 10K. I hate myself and call myself fat all the time, but you know what? We're trying to change, they're not. It may not be perfect but my fat, lumpy, overweight body took me 6 miles today, so I can't really hate it, right?

    Long story short Ignore her. IT SUCKS. I know it. I think most people around here do too. But you'll hve the last laugh when you lose weight and she has to eat her words.
  • danadiaceasar
    danadiaceasar Posts: 1 Member
    DON'T LET NO ONE STEAL YOUR JOY! Weight can always be lost but her being a b*#$% will always be the same. It's obvious she has some insecurities and is threatened by you in some kind of way. Keep up the good work and don't worry about any negativity from her or anyone else. Focus on you and your goals. Remember... hard work, determination, and dedication will definitely pay off.
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    I know how you feel. I live and work in China. People here are honest. There's no stigma about telling someone that they've become fat. Actually, there's no stigma about mentioning any change in a person. None. Zero. Zilch. So if you've put on some pounds, people will tell you.

    I was in a meeting the other day, and a lady from HR said "Wow, I think you need to exercise! I fell like you've really... <holds out arms and puffs out cheeks to indicate I've gotten fat.>" She was the third person in 2 days to mention it.

    What do you say to that? Umm... Thanks?

    Yeah, it hurts. But use it as fuel to keep you going. In my case, I used it as fuel to get started again. I'm down 11 pounds since she said something. I won't ever tell her why, though. Because in this culture, she'd take it as a compliment! "Oh, look what I did by telling you how fat you were!"

    Bottom line: **** other people and what they think. This is for me.

    Haha... sounds like my mom. She thinks people in this culture are overly-sensitive.
  • being called fat only hurts because you let it. you see being fat as something negative, as something bad. that's why it hurts. fat is just a word, just a simple descriptor. i'd rather be fat than a bevy of other things (selfish, rude, arrogant, mean, etc. etc. etc.)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I would make her cry. Failing that I would make her regret it. Seriously.
  • genchan
    genchan Posts: 28
    Its ok! You're losing the weight unlike me, I'm always fat. I keep on fluctuating between 230-250 lbs. LOL Hey, as long I can get the pant size down, that's all it matters to me.