New members focusing on new challenges..

My name is Keisha and im a new member.
I join this website because I looking for others who know about needing to shed more than a few pounds. Im on a 2 week challenge with my husband To lose as much as i can. The overall goal is to lose 90lbs. Through Jesus Christ I can do anything.


  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Welcome Keisha I wish you much success on your journey!! Feel free to add me so we can support each other through this journey!!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Welcome! This is a great site. When I started in January, I needed to lose over 100 pounds. I've lost 30 so far. I haven't lost much in the last 3 months due to an injury and laziness, but I'm gonna keep working at it! You can do it, and you're right... with Jesus anything is possible!
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Welcome I just started on Tuesday. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can do this weigh loss together. I have about 100 pounds to loose so I know the work you have cut out for you. So far everyone has been great and it looks like you will get a large support system here.
  • Keisha79
    Keisha79 Posts: 63
    Will do!! Very excited!!
  • NancyOb
    NancyOb Posts: 4
    This is an excellent site..........good luck
  • b4sassy
    b4sassy Posts: 1
    Hello, my name is sassy this is my first time on my fitness i'm here looking to lose some weight and meet new friends with great ideals on weight loss and fitness.