50 lbs to loose and REALLY need some friends to help!

Hi, Im Demelza, 37, and 4 stone too heavy. Ive been on and off fitness pal for ages, but I woke up this morning on day 5 of my restart and realised I need some sort of support network to keep me going. I always do a few days, loose a few lbs then just fall off the dietary wagon with a spectacular thud...
So..... I would like lots of new diet friends to keep me motivated and give me any advice on HOW TO STICK WITH IT!:flowerforyou:


  • misuzu437
    misuzu437 Posts: 15 Member
    I'd love to be your friend. As to stay motivated, a few years ago i decided that my health was of the utmost importance and I mainly stopped buying any junk food during grocery trips. I made goals and when doing exercise have 1-2 off days. Once you start counting calories for a couple weeks it becomes much easier to count and have a general understanding for it and to realize just how much more filling good food is compared to junk food.

    I really think it's about instilling new habits and breaking old ones. They're much easier to keep once you've fully adjusted a new lifestyle. But really most of all, remember why it is important to you: how you feel now, and how you'll feel once you've won you're own personal battle. It's an amazing feeling to know that you can do anything you set your mind to and that you do have control over how you look and feel.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    you can do it! I have to say that losing this 50lb for me has been the easiest ever (and thats after 30+ years of weight watchers, slimming world, faddy diets etc etc etc). Using the calorie counter here and actually weighing my food (shocks on the amounts of pasta, rice and breakfast cereal I was eating!) has made me change the eating habits of my adult life and now 10 mths after I woke up and decided enough was enough, I am 55 lbs lighter than then. I lost 5lb before I started on MFP - was losing the willpower and found the site and thought - why not - what have I got to lose? (apart from 50+ lb :D).

    It really is as simple as making sure what goes in is less than what you expend! Whether that includes eating back calories you use at a gym, or like me, setting your profile as sedentary, aiming to lose a lb a week, and then sticking to the calories calculated. I started on 1700, and now down to 1450, and most days eat to within 30 of that.

    You can do it - if you have had that epiphany moment when you realise that you are only making your life shorter, harder and less enjoyable by not trying to lose that excess, then you can do it!
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    Hi Demelza! I understand how frustrating it feels to start over and over again especially while watching your goal get further and further away each time, but you can do this.

    Like you, I have a history of many years of dieting with only a couple of successes worth mentioning. I had so many lbs to lose, not to mention those I had to re-lose, that the thought of tackling it one more time simply got on my last nerve.

    One thing that has helped me this time was deciding to get off the roller coaster. I accepted that I may not have the fortitude to lose the whole thing (or should I say extra person in my case) all at once, but surely I was stubborn enough lol not to re-gain any along the way. So when I took what appeared to be inevitable breaks, I just trod water until I was ready to push off again.

    The next thing that helped was allowing myself to be vulnerable enough to accept the support of others so that being said, friends request sent! :smile:
  • demelzanoo
    demelzanoo Posts: 14 Member
    Awwwww fax guys!

    I already feel more motivated! You all seem to be doing so well. I think i might be able to to it this time!
  • ntbfit
    ntbfit Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I am also a yo-yo dieter, every morning I wake up with the excitement and determination to eat healthy and then about 3pm it all goes down hill. I hear so many great things about mfp, I struggle with what to eat, do I only eat egg whites or is it ok to eat a whole egg. Because I make "what to eat" too difficult I fall off the wagon. I am 39 years old and need to lose about 35 lbs. I also need motivation and encouragement. Please help motivate me and be my friend too :blushing:
  • demelzanoo
    demelzanoo Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ntbfit ! You sound like me! every morning with a fresh resolve, but this time i reckon we can do it. I kept failing because i didnt plan properly. So i spent a couple of hours working out what food i loved and what calories were in what and made a weeks worth of menu .... there is no getting around it and it sucks, but you HAVE to weigh your food and plan everything to make sure you dont exceed your calorie goal. The difference between 100gm of chicken and a chicken breast is over double the calories!! so far i havent been hungry and i have eaten food i like. The portions are obviously smaller, but I think we've all lost sight of what a normal food portion is!