Looking for new workouts/ activities

Hey guys, I'm looking for suggestions on workouts and hobbies I can add to my daily routine. I'm 23, I work evenings (3 to 10) and I recently lost 44 lbs working out and watching my calorie intake. I've been embracing a healthy lifestyle, and I'm determine to continue living like this once I reach my goals (I have 15 lbs or so to go) and forever. Basically I want to have an arsenal of workout routines to try when I'm bored, and hobbies to keep me active so I can keep going.

Here's what I currently do, and some pros and cons to give you an idea of what I like:

Elliptical: I do the elliptical at level 8 resistance and 19 incline for 30 minutes. I love it, cardio leaves me energized.

Yoga: Every morning I do yoga, and I love that it keeps me stretched out and relaxed. I'm currently at a beginners level, I like that its not too strenuous but there are some difficult moves. I also enjoy doing a short routine at night for a better nights sleep.

C25k: I just started this program. I find it difficult, however I think it would be awesome to become a runner and running a 5k would be a huge achievement.

The row machine: I like this as an additional warmup before some cardio. I like that it works my legs and abs, which are main concerns body-wise.

Weight machines: I like to do the weight machines at the gym. I work my thighs, biceps and abs. I think I could probably do more strength training, but I don't know really where to begin with that.

30 day shred: I thought this workout was difficult and I quit at day 13 because I feel like I can burn more calories at the gym and I just wasn't enjoying all those squats haha. I do the video once a week though as a strength routine.

Based on that, what do you suggest I try? What hobbies and workouts do you do to stay or get fit?


  • cvandenbraak
    cvandenbraak Posts: 7 Member
    Try Zumba!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Bump. Looking for new ideas, myself!
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    I did try Zumba; however I'm terrible at choreography & have like zero rhythm, so I was completely lost.
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    Bump. Looking for new ideas, myself!

    Yeah, can't hurt to try something new
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    biggest question would be what is your goal to actually view your body? Do you have something in mind?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    compound lifts - bench press, deadlift, squats, over head press, chin ups/pull ups...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    See if there's a bodypump class. I love it. Or just lift free weights.
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    biggest question would be what is your goal to actually view your body? Do you have something in mind?

    Well I want to see my body as fit & toned, not skinny, not too muscular. Overall I want to loose about 10-15 more lbs, depending on what looks right on my body. My goal is also to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but its boring when your doing th same things all the time.

    Does that help?
  • 808haoleboy
    808haoleboy Posts: 23 Member
    I'll second compound lifting. Deadlifts, Squats, Bench, Push Press, Power Cleans. Also Olympic lifting like clean and jerks and snatches.

    Gymnastics training is pretty fun also!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    biggest question would be what is your goal to actually view your body? Do you have something in mind?

    Well I want to see my body as fit & toned, not skinny, not too muscular. Overall I want to loose about 10-15 more lbs, depending on what looks right on my body. My goal is also to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but its boring when your doing th same things all the time.

    Does that help?

    if you are eating in a deficit you will not get "muscular" this is one of the biggest fears of woman on MFP and is pretty much unfounded...so learn compound lifts and start doing them three times a week ....
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    See if there's a bodypump class. I love it. Or just lift free weights.

    My gym is very small and the classes are limited. I'm thinking about joining a new gym, so if they have a class I'll definitely try it.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    If you're down to your last 10-15 lbs, I'd say try weightlifting, as others have suggested. You won't get too muscular, and it will change your body composition more efficiently than continuing with the cardio you're doing. This will be especially important when you have no weight to lose but you still want to work on your figure.

    If you want to be a runner, you could check your area for a running club (for people to hang out with), or just look for hiking trails (if you'd rather be alone).
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    summer is here get out side... walk, run ,swim .bike ride, hike canoe, water ski... gardening good for your mind as well as your body if you don't have one find a community garden or help an elderly neighbor... for me changing it up seasonally helps...
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    doing a TON of cardio is not going to help in this situation. weight training with moderate cardio such as interval training would be best.. longer duration of cardio it depletes you glycogen in your muscles and then on to your lean muscle tissue for energy.. compare a marathon runner vs a sprinter..

    you do not need to do more than 30min of interval cardio alot of ppl only do 20min.. get more out of it and retain lean mass sounds like a win win.
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    biggest question would be what is your goal to actually view your body? Do you have something in mind?

    Well I want to see my body as fit & toned, not skinny, not too muscular. Overall I want to loose about 10-15 more lbs, depending on what looks right on my body. My goal is also to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but its boring when your doing th same things all the time.

    Does that help?

    if you are eating in a deficit you will not get "muscular" this is one of the biggest fears of woman on MFP and is pretty much unfounded...so learn compound lifts and start doing them three times a week ....

    I'm not against lifting, I just have no idea where to even start with it. I don't have a trainer, and I'm kinda doing this all on my own. I just go to the gym and try out what doesn't look too intimidating. I'll definitely look into it, since everyone so far said that.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    well if no one is there to help.. start you tubing.. for different parts of your body.. upper, lower, core, arms... you should really do your research and when you find something to do .. make sure to watch correct form.. I see way to many ppl doing crazy crap at the gym.. dont think about pushing the weight think about contracting the muscle.. most important!
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    doing a TON of cardio is not going to help in this situation. weight training with moderate cardio such as interval training would be best.. longer duration of cardio it depletes you glycogen in your muscles and then on to your lean muscle tissue for energy.. compare a marathon runner vs a sprinter..

    you do not need to do more than 30min of interval cardio alot of ppl only do 20min.. get more out of it and retain lean mass sounds like a win win.

    But I love my cardio :(

    You're right though I probably should be taking more rest days, and focus on toning at this point.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    imho if you are doing a C25k program, you don't really need the elipitcal work. I strongly suggest using that time to lift free weights. You can start with push ups, body weight squats, deadlifts with just the bar etc..... then work up to actualy using weights. as far as getting "too musuclar", I haven't head one case here where someone complained about becoming too bulky. But I have read about women's FEAR about being too bulky.
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    well if no one is there to help.. start you tubing.. for different parts of your body.. upper, lower, core, arms... you should really do your research and when you find something to do .. make sure to watch correct form.. I see way to many ppl doing crazy crap at the gym.. dont think about pushing the weight think about contracting the muscle.. most important!

    Okay thanks. :D
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    Oh also.. about the 5k.. I ran my first one with no training only myself no c25k etc. i did interval training and worked upto 7mph jog for say one min and then 9.5mph run for 30 sec 3 sets.. then increased only my run to 45 sec 3 sets and then 1 min 3sets so took my about 25min or so.. sometimes id run at 7mph for a like 5 -10 min after intervals to get 30min 35 min in.. did this 3 days a week and lifted 5 days a week full body and core.

    I ran my first 5k at 24.36.

    oh yea also im 5'5" at 177 so far from being a small guy running like 98% of the ppl there.