If today was your last day what would you eat?

TheNavet Posts: 162 Member


  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    big magnum classic ice cream. but since i had a mini version yesterday evening, i don't feel so deprived :)
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    Pasta bolognese and TONS of it. Oh and don't forget the heaping pile of parmesan cheese on top of it. What can I say, I am Italian lol!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    12 layer German chocolate cake with real sugar chocolate icing.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    oh wait, I forgot; I'd also have a bunch of belgian dark chocolate cerisettes. mmmmmm.... heaven
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    My home-made patty melt with tons of swiss cheese and fried onions, sweet potato fries (NOT home-made), and a jar of Nutella for desert.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Everything. I would eat everything.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    iced coffee would have to be involved, no compromising there

    bread bread bread

    pasta pasta pasta

    and cheesecake
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    I would go to the gym and eat pizza, ice cream, and cheese cake while on a treadmill...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn't be thinking about food.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Everything. I would eat everything.

  • SaBh93
    SaBh93 Posts: 114 Member
    Blue cheese and rough oatcakes, ripe watermelon and milk chocolate. Had a fair amount of chocolate today though.
  • PamShebamm
    PamShebamm Posts: 54
    12 layer German chocolate cake with real sugar chocolate icing.

  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I would start with pizza , and then i would have pizza lol and probably finish with pizza. Throw in a piece of birthday cake with butter cream frosting and i will be happy and glad its my last day because the stomach ache it would give me would kill me otherwise lol
  • Cathmathilde
    Cathmathilde Posts: 1 Member
    Talk about a loaded subject!!! If today was going to be my last day and it no longer mattered about clogged arteries, tight jeans, etcetera, I would start by going to a breakfast buffet somewhere. I mean, come on, having someone else prepare breakfast is always a good thing. I would definitely gorge myself! Then, when lunch rolled around, I would have Mexican food...lots of chips, salsa, queso, and more. That evening, I would go with what I used to say was going to be my celebratory meal ( I have rethought that though now.), and I would have chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and cream gravy, fried okra, soft warm yeast rolls, and southern sweet tea. Before they took me away, I would enjoy peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream..............there you have it. (Question is: who just gained thirty pounds reading this? Lol)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn't be thinking about food.

    Same here.
  • nschweiker
    nschweiker Posts: 19
    Everything. I would eat everything.

    Hahaha, me too. But definitely my mom's chicken parm (YUM!!!), Nerds, WaWa (the best hoagie /sub place in my area), White Pizza and Taco Bell!!
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    I think maybe orange tofu from Pick Up Stix.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn't be thinking about food.


    I'd be doing so much other stuff I wouldn't have time to eat.
  • linnaeus
    linnaeus Posts: 36 Member
    If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn't be thinking about food.

    Yup. Thanks for reminding me that there are more important things to think about than the food I don't let myself eat!
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    If today was the last day of my life, I wouldn't be thinking about food.

    What would you be thinking about? Loved ones? Pfft!