
Zraigy7 Posts: 12
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone, i have a few questions. I am at my ideal weight and now want to start getting cut. IS going on a low carb diet my best route? If i keep going low carb, i will do it for about 2 months until i am at the level i wish to be and then i will slowly introduce more carbs into my diet. Is this the best possible way to get cut without sacrificing strength gains?


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I can't address your specific questions, but I want to refer you to a thread where you are likely to get some good answers. Since you are a guy, and joined last month, you have probably noticed it may seem you are surrounded by women. Not a bad thing for a young man to be sure,:wink: but there ARE guys on this site, and they have a wonderful thread just for them.

    Here is a link to it. I suggest posting your inquiry there, and I am sure they will be glad to offer some suggestions.

    Good luck!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    That's more of a bodybuilder question, as they go through cycles of "building" and "cutting" But I don't know the specifics of what you are asking.

    Cutting is the same as fat loss, so I would assume you have to be in a calorie deficit, with few carbs.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    This is only a small portion of what my son uses to help get cut before competition, but it will be valuable to try for fuller muscles and even more cuts. The only factor is you already have to be pretty lean to get the full effect: Don't know if this is what you're looking for, hope it helps

    High Protein Phase:

    Start by taking Taraxatone or dandelion root. Try dropping your carbohydrates down to about 25-30 grams (let those be fibrous vegetables). Intake carbs first thing in the morning after a walk.
    Now up your protein to 1.5 grams to 2 grams for each pound of your bodyweight (low to no sodium protein). Now divide your protein into seven meals, spaced 2.5 hours apart. Drink between one to two gallons of water a day while depleted of carbs.
    Try going out for two to three 30 minute brisk walks a day, nothing more strenuous because your body will eat your muscle tissue. Do all of these combined for two to three days, the longer you do it the better the effect but do not do this longer than 3 days. Also during this high protein time, if you are having cravings take a tablespoon of low sodium peanut butter.

    Carbohydrate Phase:

    The day before the event he starts eating carbohydrates moderately about 33 grams every 2.5 to 3 hours.
    Cut your water back to only sipping with meals.Make these carbohydrates low glycemic, for example sweet potatoes, oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta, etc. Eating these carbs will make a huge difference.

    If you start to lose all definition and your muscles start to become flat begin carbohydrate phase early.
  • BrockDoe
    BrockDoe Posts: 25
    In a nutshell.

    Cutting = High protein Day and Night whether it be in the form of Powder, Eggs and Lean Meats
    Low GI Carbs(morning only), Natural carbs throughout the day (Fruit n Veg), Low
  • BrockDoe
    BrockDoe Posts: 25
    Aghhh! Stupid keyboard... haha

    Starting again.

    In a nutshell.
    Bodyfat management at its most basic level is about calories in versus calories burned, but more factors than that must be considered when it comes to the specific needs of dieting bodybuilders. Calorie reduction is only step one. Next, you must increase protein and low-glycemic-carb (LOW GI) consumption while reducing dietary fat intake.
    In addition, eat more frequent meals (especially earlier in the day) to create the hormonal environment that’s most effective at burning bodyfat while allowing you to maintain muscle mass.

    Cutting =
    High protein Day and Night whether it be in the form of Powder, Eggs, green leafy veg and Lean Meats
    Low GI Carbs(morning only), Natural carbs throughout the day (Fruit n Veg). I cannot stress enough that carbs are needed. Your muscles require a certain amount for energy. A low GI carb in the morning (i.e WHOLE Wheat breads, Unsweetened Oatmeals etc) takes longer to digest which prevents insulin spikes. Which in turn stop the body from burning fat cells.

    Mixing your weight training with high intensity cardio also will help "cut" up.

    I highly reccomend the website hit up the articles in nutrition specifically for "Cutting" and you will be in heaven. The biggest thing I can stress though is its not just about what you eat, its about when you eat it!

    Good luck in your quest of getting Cut.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    bumping for later
  • Zraigy7
    Zraigy7 Posts: 12
    Thanks everyone! I dont know if cutting is the right word or not. I just want my abs and muscles to be more defined than they are. would cutting be the right word/right thing to do to achieve this?
  • BrockDoe
    BrockDoe Posts: 25
    If the muscles there, yeah. Lower your Body Fat Percentage and show them off!!!
  • Zraigy7
    Zraigy7 Posts: 12
    BrockDoe, They are definitely there! So would a low carb diet and HITT training be my best bet to lower my body fat percentage?
  • BrockDoe
    BrockDoe Posts: 25
    Not so much low carb. Just early carbs and Low GI ones. Load up on your carbs in the mornings. But make sure they come from a Low GI Food. This will offer a constant energy level throughout the day. If you need carbs in the afternoon eat fruits again, Low GI fruits.

    Basically, Low GI Carbs in the morning + High Protein All day - Unnecessary Dietry Fats = Cutting!

    Use this website to know what is and isnt Low GI

    And as mentioned before have a read through these articles for cutting, theyre gold!!
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