Being Called fat hurts



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    This whole post sounds pretty childish. You were fighting with this girl and then you are surprised when she says something to hurt you? That's life dear. I highly doubt you are old enough to be here.

    When I was fat and was called fat, it was the truth. I didn't see any reason to get upset because someone told me the truth.

    You sound terribly naive about how bullying works. Telling the truth to hurt someone is the most effective way.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,717 Member
    I only value opinions from people I care about.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I am also sorry that you had been called fat... What hurts the most is that at least you are trying to improve your health but, yet someone is stupid enough to call you fat...

    Believe it or not I used to go through the same kind of stuff you had... I think that it is worse for women than it is for men as far as being called fat is concerned...

    I would say that the only thing about being a man that is worse than being a woman is the stupid idea that it is not viewed as acceptable for a man to like to go to Zumba classes much less teach Zumba... At least that is the case where I live... While people are not calling me fat anymore, I get dirty looks from people... They think that I am weird just because I like Zumba... They don't know me and I get that junk...

    I almost wanted to give up teaching Zumba today because of that junk... The only thing that kept me from doing that today had been the fact that I had two students... Not great as far as attendance for my first Zumba class is concerned but, where I live male Zumba instructors are just not very popular at all... I tried my best during that class... The worst thing about it is that I am not a paid instructor... I had done it because I really love Zumba and I wanted to give something back to my community...

    Sorry about venting -- I am trying to say that I understand what it is like to be hated for a really stupid and petty issue...

    I now realize that the best thing to do is for us to continue to do our very best and not worry about petty junk anymore... I know that it is not easy but, I to do what you are doing keep on trying...

    You sound like a wonderful person. You're doing something good in life for yourself and other people. Never stop! People who would criticize you are just ignorant and live in a narrow world.
  • Itbeginswithyourself
    Itbeginswithyourself Posts: 287 Member
    wow thsts rude..
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    Just use that criticism as motivation!
  • NatureChik1985
    This whole post sounds pretty childish. You were fighting with this girl and then you are surprised when she says something to hurt you? That's life dear. I highly doubt you are old enough to be here.

    When I was fat and was called fat, it was the truth. I didn't see any reason to get upset because someone told me the truth.

    You sound terribly naive about how bullying works. Telling the truth to hurt someone is the most effective way.

    I have been bullied all my life actually. I also know that words only hurt if people let them.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You have to learn to brush it off. People are going to call you all sorts of dirty names in your lifetime and will look for the most obvious thing to attack you with. Who you are isn't fat and it IS something that you can change.


    I'd be more upset about her lack of creativity than anything else.

    I agree completely.

    No one can hurt you or make you feel anything (minus physical pain of course). Up to you to allow how something effects you.
  • NatureChik1985
    Double post
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    Next time say, yes, but I can lose weight and you will always be ugly. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    Next time say, yes, but I can lose weight and you will always be ugly. :)

    Why? That's just a waste of energy and air. Ignoring works best. No point in creating drama.
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    You can lose weight. She will be a petty b!tch forever.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    Next time say, yes, but I can lose weight and you will always be ugly. :)

    Why? That's just a waste of energy and air. Ignoring works best. No point in creating drama.

    Pretty much this. It isn't worth my wasted emotions.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I feel your pain. Take all that pain and use it as fuel for your workouts. I have been called fat, and while it hurts I know it's true. I don't want to be fat anymore. When something crappy happens in my life, I remember that when I am running or lifting weights. I think it helps me go just a little bit further and lift just a little bit heavier.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    Next time say, yes, but I can lose weight and you will always be ugly. :)

    Why? That's just a waste of energy and air. Ignoring works best. No point in creating drama.

    If they are already fighting about something else I'm guessing that there is already a bit of drama in the situation. While what she said isn't right, I question if the OP is completely innocent in this situation and there is no telling if she hasn't thrown a few jabs herself before the fat comments were made.

    OP, It might be a good idea to delete her emails before reading them and not hang out with her for awhile and let things cool off. I'm not sure why you would be hanging out with someone you say you are fighting with. After that you can either resolve what you two are fighting over or just move on.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    People get scared of awesomeness. 2lbs is a great start. Keep going so u can truly p*ss her off. You'll enjoy it, I promise ;)


    Be a ***** right back by kicking some *kitten*. Show her you're awesomesauce.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'd fire back. She won't stop until you start firing back. It's not stooping to her level or anything like that. It's called defending yourself. Show her you have a backbone and she'll leave you alone.
  • micrahot
    micrahot Posts: 1 Member
    Being called fat by mean people deserves a retort! Try "I can change the state of my body but you are stuck with the face that you've got" That usually shuts them up.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    People can be mean, regardless of your weight. If you had been thin, that girl would have said something else. She wanted to hurt you and she would have used any sore spot to do it. For you, it just happened to be your weight.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have only lost 2 pounds. I see that as a accomplishment. I shared that over lunch. Then I get an email from a girl I was fighting with. It hurt bad she called me fat and laughed in my face. Then she told m e in front of my crush that I needed to go to the gym. Why are people so mean to fat people?

    Next time say, yes, but I can lose weight and you will always be ugly. :)

    Why? That's just a waste of energy and air. Ignoring works best. No point in creating drama.

    And no point in butchering Churchill.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    At least if you lose it, it won't happen anymore. Sad but true.

    Totally disagree.

    If someone's goal is to hurt you, it doesn't matter what you look like, they'll say hurtful things. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Hell, I remember an interview with the Olson twins, where they said, "In the tabloids, one of us is called the skinny one, and the other the fat one. We don't know which is which." :laugh: