Looking for Friends!

Hey everyone! I'm somewhat new here. Made this account a while ago but just started being more active on here and I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated and vice versa! I am 18 years old and just graduated! Add me!


  • EveGho
    EveGho Posts: 1
    Hey! I'm 18 too and pretty new here as well. :) I'll add you!
  • paigemulroe
    paigemulroe Posts: 144 Member
    I too just joined and am 18, and I am going to add you guys!! Anyone else can feel free to add me, I can always use more friends!!
  • monroe198722
    monroe198722 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone im new just wanted to see what this was all about
  • Hey guys! Id love more friends. PLease feel free to add me :) Goodluck to everyone on their journeys!
  • optimisticShark
    optimisticShark Posts: 136 Member
    Even I am looking forward to make more friends. Feel free to add me. Good luck!!
  • Happy for the add for inspiration/motivation etc
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    Anyone can add me as well. I love having lots of friends here, the motivation really helps :)
  • lori062865
    lori062865 Posts: 1 Member
    Have started (and stopped) trying to lose weight so many times before I lost count too long ago to even remember when I lost count...is that sad or what?

    Well those days are over!!! Today's a new day...the past is in the past...and I'm moving on ahead full throttle! Till this becomes second nature to me, I'm gonna need a lot of support and a lot of encouragement...and I'm not afraid or too proud to ask for it!!! I gotta do this...once and for all. So I'm looking for some new friends who want the same things I want so we can get this done together! Are you in?

  • Hey! Welcome to this wonderful site! :) Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me :)