Decided to try something new today

I have been doing WW, for years I did lose weight but I would get frustrated and basically was staying the same. Hoping trying something new will motivate me to succeed.


  • junco1971
    junco1971 Posts: 26 Member
    I've been doing weight watchers for the last 2 months and although I lost 16 lbs on it I don't do it anymore. I got tired of tracking my points every day. It was just so hard to figure out how many points everything is and there database is so small. I came on here and it was so different. It seems like whatever I type in here it has it or something close to it that i will work. I'm not knocking ww it is a good program but it just wasn't for me. This site is much better and free. I don't have $40.00\ a month to spend on something I can do myself.
  • linda45lee
    Junco, that is another reason I am trying to also lose some debt along with the weight and the 40.00 a month was not going to work for me anymore. WW is a good program I know a lot of people who have had success. I am hoping with a new outlook on this weight loss journey I will be a success story.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    WW is a good program, at least I *think* it still is. Lost 50 pounds in 3 months back in 1984 when it had so many exchanges of starch, protein, etc. Went from sedentary to jogging 4+ miles most every day. Then my sister's wedding came and went, I stopped going, and put all the weight back on PLUS! That's what I get for not losing the other 50# and learning how to do maintenance.....

    When I came to MFP 2 weeks ago, I needed to lose around 250# total instead of only the 100# I needed to lose back then. *sigh*

    But the mere fact that I'm logging my food, and that other people (those that friend me on here) can SEE what I ate, causes me to make better food choices. a 6" from Subway's "Healthy Choice" menu instead of a salt-ladded 12", or even worse, McD's.

    In the same vein, I'm getting a Fitbit Flex which will make me more conscious of how much/little I move during the day and which should cause me to work harder at getting a bit of exercise.

    So welcome. Keep working, eat healthy, and get moving. The weight WILL come off!