Looking for some Exercise Advice

It looks like after seven hours of heavy walking (during events at the Botanical Gardens, Zoo, Park, Institute of Texan Culture and Museums) this past weekend, I've twinged the back of my left knee, again.

I have bad joints (actual several documented cases of tendonitis, rather than anything like being out of shape), so aside from when I'm good to be throwing myself at biking, hiking, scuba diving, etc, I have to take it easy when there's the threat of a flare up. (Since if I don't take a flare up easy, I'll end up on doctor's orders for steroids and walking less than an hour every day for six weeks again until it works itself out again.)

I'm looking for some helpful advice and a work around. Because I don't want to be entirely sedentary while I'm waiting. What exercises or cardio or lifting can I swap around doing during this time while I can't put much pressure or weight on my left knee?


  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    I have issues with the it bands in both of my knees when I run. I was terrified that I wasn't going to be able to do anything but my doctor told me that as long as it didn't particularly cause any pain that I could do any type of elliptical or bike. Basically he said to avoid anything that was up and down in movement because of the strain it would cause. He also said that strengthening the quad muscles would help because it would take the strain off of the lower parts of the leg.

    we may have slightly different issues but just thought i'd share :)
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    Swimming will give you the most bang for your buck, and it's low impact cardiovascular, so it's very easy on the joints.
  • wanderlustlover
    wanderlustlover Posts: 84 Member
    Oh! That's awesome! I even know where there's a pool nearby I could start using as soon as tomorrow morning!
  • Swimming is really easy on your joints, so if you could get to a pool to do some laps that would be great. Or, you could focus on building your upper body with strength workouts while you recover. Whatever works for you. But do give yourself enough time to rest, you wouldn't want to cause further injury!
  • wanderlustlover
    wanderlustlover Posts: 84 Member
    Any suggestions for what I could focus on for upper body things? Or where I could find examples of workouts/good exercises for this? I'm not against this idea at all. I'd love to work more on my upper body, my arms, my back, my abs.

    Anything and everything I can without exacerbating anything already having problems.