I'm working on my first pull up/push up

I went to the playground I used to go to as a kid and realized I could not climb the monkey bars. I couldn't even hoist my self up :sad: So I decided I would do push ups to build upper body strength. BUT GUESS WHAT? I can't even do a freaking push up. So I have been doing modified push ups

anyone with me?


  • Heather21222
    When I started exercising I couldn't even do a modified pushup. I started with wall pushups and worked my way up from there :)
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    nothing wrong with modified push ups. When I started I could ONLY do modified push ups. Now I can do several full on military style push ups. But today, with my trainer, we did stacking push ups. Started out with 1 with a 1 sec hold, the 2 with a 2 sec hold up to 10 with a 10 sec hold. When we hit 7 push ups with 7 sec hold, I had to drop to my knees because there was no way I was going to hold in the down position for 7 seconds and do the requisite push ups.

    Any push up you do is a great push up so long as for the style you are doing, your form is spot on.

    Keep it up and you will have no problems doing any exercise you want.
  • justneedmotivation
    That is so impressive, you have to give me your training technique, how did you start?
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Honestly, my trainer tells me what to do and I do it.

    But key exercises have been upper body stuff. Chest press, shoulder press, lateral raises, bicep curl, tricep pulldowns etc. And lots of pushups.

    Make sure push ups are part of your routine. Start with 10 pushups on the wall. The next time you work out, do 15; the next time do 20. The next time, do 10 pushups off a chair. Next time do 15; next time do 20. Next time go to the floor and do the same thing but on your knees. By two weeks, you should be able to do at least one on the floor on your toes. Eventually you will be able to do a full set of regular push ups.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I can finally do full push ups... but for the life of me cannot pull my own bodyweight. I never even used to be able to hang there but I can now without feeling like my arms are going to rip off!!!
    I don't know the answer but when you find it, for gods sake, tell me please!!!!
  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    In the last couple of days I've decided I want to try get myself to a point where I can do a few push ups....or even just 1 push up would be a start :p

    Time to do some research into what arm/upper body work I can do without weights!! (I have an ongoing wrist issue at the moment so am unable to hold weight in my right hand)
  • StevenjHaley
    www.hundredpushups.com is pretty decent. You need to be able to do at least a few to start with but when you're ready, this site is quite good.

    I cannot do a single pull up and have no idea how to start unless I am lighter.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    pull ups use a different set of muscles to push ups.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Never in my life have I been able to do a pull up, I remember high school during fitness tests just hanging on the bar while everyone watched and waited for me to pull myself up, but yet my coach signed my yearbook to the only girl he knew that could do a push up right. I lifted weights regularly then and could bench my weight but a pull up is just impossible for me. If I were hanging from a cliff I would be so doomed
  • traumaticthrash
    Never in my life have I been able to do a pull up, I remember high school during fitness tests just hanging on the bar while everyone watched and waited for me to pull myself up, but yet my coach signed my yearbook to the only girl he knew that could do a push up right. I lifted weights regularly then and could bench my weight but a pull up is just impossible for me. If I were hanging from a cliff I would be so doomed

    HAHAHAHA! I cracked up so badly from that last sentence of yours. ahh good one.

    Anyway! the key to any strength training is development.. for me - when i first started training i could only do about 3-5 push ups. but from there I just kept working to improve. I made it into a game where i challenged my "best score" every time.. until i could do over 50. so.. you just have to keep challenging yourself.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Never in my life have I been able to do a pull up, I remember high school during fitness tests just hanging on the bar while everyone watched and waited for me to pull myself up, but yet my coach signed my yearbook to the only girl he knew that could do a push up right. I lifted weights regularly then and could bench my weight but a pull up is just impossible for me. If I were hanging from a cliff I would be so doomed

    HAHAHAHA! I cracked up so badly from that last sentence of yours. ahh good one.

    Anyway! the key to any strength training is development.. for me - when i first started training i could only do about 3-5 push ups. but from there I just kept working to improve. I made it into a game where i challenged my "best score" every time.. until i could do over 50. so.. you just have to keep challenging yourself.

    Glad I made u smile, I am a challenge myself type of person. When I would go to the gym I would get on a machine and not get off until the person next to me would. I like to have those imaginary competitions in my little head to push myself. Now at home working out I make up other ways to challenge myself. I am gonna hang up my pullup bar and hang there everyday for a bit until I can do one or someone has to go through the doorway I am hanging from, whichever comes first
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I can do the monkey bars since I started doing deadlifts. It's mostly about grip strength, I think.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    About a month ago I couldn't pull myself up even a millimeter. Saturday I could pull myself up just over an inch. To some that may not be a lot, but to me I was doing my happy dance!! I remember high school tests too. I could get to where my nose was just above the bar and then I when kick and run in the air trying to get the rest of the way...my entire class was VERY entertained.

    When I started push ups I was lucky to do 10 on my knees. Now I can do 10 military style before I drop to my knees.

    Just keep at it and don't give up!!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I can do the monkey bars since I started doing deadlifts. It's mostly about grip strength, I think.

    I can't find a park or school with monkey bars anymore!! :sad:
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    When I started my journey, I couldn't do a push up...but now I can do like, 15 in 60 seconds! Huge stride for me...still can't do a pull-up though! Haha
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    When I started my journey, I couldn't do a push up...but now I can do like, 15 in 60 seconds! Huge stride for me...still can't do a pull-up though! Haha

    They use different muscles. Pullups are lats, pushups are biceps. Try working on lats more.