I want abs this summer!!!

Ok so I've come a relative long way in my weight loss journey. Went from 195ish to 210 and now I have gone down to 170. I don't really care about weight, just a number. I guess 165-170 is ideal but what I really want to have is a great body.

Last semester, (starting in January) I started to focus more on strength training and dropped from 180 to 170 and people noticed. Diet improved a lot.

Now I am on my own this summer and working a 9-5 job. My routine my first week has been drinking a ton of water during the day (easily get 120 oz, most of the time more than that). Co-workers probably think I'm weird since I'm peeing so much haha but it works. I'm finally moving into my own place soon so I'll be able to cook (can't wait to grill chicken and make eggs). For now I've just been living off of subway salads and trying various fast food chains grilled chicken items. Still working out my eating routine, sometimes I just have a good bar (the ones that say give 100% of daily veggies and fruits in one bar), some peanut butter and almonds for breakfast, half subway salad around 12:30, the other half around 4-4:30. Then I workout after work and have a protein shake then grab a couple dollar menu grilled chicken things from McDs (I don't eat the wrap/bread). It'll be nice to have a kitchen to not have to try and find something healthy at a fast food joint haha.

My workout routine so far has been 5 days a week and I like going to the gym so I think I can keep it up.
M/W/Friday or Saturday- Warmup with a little cardio then do arms, shoulders, back.
T/Th- Run 2 miles, do legs and core, try to do at least 300 curlups.

I'm usually at the gym for 1.5 hrs.

Goals: I really don't know other than improving my body. I have stubborn stubborn belly fat that I would like to get rid of before I start to bulk or start lifting intensely.

Any tips to further target the belly fat? I know that you can't completely spot target fat but I am basically reducing carbs from my diet (not completely cutting them out but instead of a sandwich I will just eat the meat and lettuce/tomato etc.. No more bagels either haha). I am trying to work on my core to at least add some muscle there.

I am not even looking for a 6-pack (although it would certainly be nice haha) but just a flat stomach at least haha.
Been thinking about incorporating 30-day shred into my routine somehow but I'll play things by ear probably for another week of so. I also have p90x and Insanity. Throw in some Insanity as some cardio?

Any tips in general? Problems you see with my strategy, be it fitness or diet?

Thanks !!


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    1: You can't control where fat is removed from your body via exercise.
    2: You can control where fat is stored to a small degree by reducing stress, eating late, etc.
    3: Your caloric intake will only support a certain amount of body mass. Whether that's fat or muscle depends on what you do. Lifting heavy will increase your muscles, decrease your body fat, and make you look thinner. It takes an extraordinary amount of work and effort to 'bulk up'. It takes a healthy male about 6 weeks to pack on a pound of muscle. And that ain't anywhere near bulk.
    4: Good looking abs are about 30% gym and 70% diet. You have to get your body fat down way low. Advice here varies a lot, but it's not unusual to here things like no carbs within 3 hours of bed time. Lots of fiber, etc. I know you said all you wanted was a flat tummy, so it may not be as extreme for you.
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Nail your diet. Eat plenty of protein - 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. Keep carbs at less than 100g per day (fewer the better), rest mono and poly fats. Watch your macro ratios (I follow 40% protein/ 40%fat / 20% carb).

    Sounds like you're living off fast food chain salads, chicken and bars - recipe for disaster!

    To get 6 pack abs you need to get to 10% body fat. You can't spot reduce fat and don't waste time doing ab exercises - What you need to do is "5x5 strong lifts" (google it) doing each lift at 80% of your one rep max, 4 times per week, and 20 mins of HIIT cardio 2-3 times per week.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    You are NOT going to get washboard abs or even a flat stomach through exercise alone.

    I would say it's 85-90% diet and 10% exercise. Watch your calories and eat plenty of vegetables. Cutting out carbs is not necessary as long as you come in under your daily intake goal. Avoid fast food and any sugar fruit drinks or soda - they are packed with calories and have low nutritional value.

    Not sure how tall you are, but 165 lbs might be a bit high of a weight goal if you want a flat stomach. I am 5'9" and my abs didn't show up until around 140. Now that I'm under 130, they really pop.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yeah the poster above me has it right.

    Reducing body fat percentage is the be all and end all to getting six pack abs.

    Although, I have about 16% body fat and my abs are very visible - I would argue that you don't need to get as low as 10%, which is very, very difficult if you are female.
  • Thanks for the input guys.

    I'm a male and yeah I'd love to have abs but I'll go step by step and try and get a flat/look decent on the beach stomach. Then go from there haha.

    Yes for now I am living off of fast food salads and chicken because I don't really have my own place, kinda bumming off of friends until I move into my sublease tomorrow. Sometimes I'll stop off the bus at the grocery store and pick up some lunch meat and eat but I don't want to take up too much fridge space. Subway salads can't be that bad can they? I've heard the bread is the only bad thing at subway and I cut that out.

    Once I get my own place I'll pretty much be eating turkey, tuna, chicken, peanut butter (though is PB too fatty?) and other decent stuff I can get from the grocery store. Having my own kitchen will allow me freedom and ability to eat much better and no excuses! Like I'm going to google a macro right now haha.

    I am 6'0 tall and I carry 170 pounds fairly decently, if I'm wearing a shirt you can't really tell I have a belly. But I guess I should maybe lower my goal to 160 pounds.But like I said, idgaf how much I weigh as long as I look good so I'm really not setting a weight goal but I guess weight is a pretty easy way to measure fitness and progress.

    I will look into those exercises, thank you!

    Thanks for the input everyone.
  • Bump.

    Tried bumblebee tuna salad in a can for the first time last night (haha poor college student problems!) and it wasn't that bad. Stuff is supposed to be pretty healthy for you, no? I just heard about the mercury content but not too worry too much since I'm not pregnant haha. Might starting eating eating it for 3-4 meals a week.
  • andycet
    andycet Posts: 55 Member
    wrong window...
  • Bump.

    Tried bumblebee tuna salad in a can for the first time last night (haha poor college student problems!) and it wasn't that bad. Stuff is supposed to be pretty healthy for you, no? I just heard about the mercury content but not too worry too much since I'm not pregnant haha. Might starting eating eating it for 3-4 meals a week.

    Tuna salad with mayo? Probs not too healthy. You might wanna try Starkist Tuna Creations, which comes in a pouch and is seasoned, but not with fats.
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
  • AbyXtremE
    AbyXtremE Posts: 3
    see loosing fat is not like , if u go on doing stuff at the gym , you building muscle , and of course wasting fat .. but the quick way of doing it .. or let me tell , the SMART way of doing it is following a diet .. a diet which can drain out excess fat .. I came across something like that , i am posting it in my source .. its a free guide

  • ShannonB06
    ShannonB06 Posts: 9
    You got lot's of good diet advice already, so I'm just gonna add a big Yes to Insanity :) Cardio will help a ton with reducing body fat. I am working on building muscle but leaning out the belly myself so I have realized that I need to add in more cardio to my regular resistance training.
  • Thanks for all the input guys.

    So far my day to day diet has been 2-3 eggs whites mixed with one egg for breakfast. A little hot sauce to go with it. At work a few hours later I'll eat an apple.

    Lunch I'll typically have some chicken that I grilled (well really just done up on the skillet but close enough) the night before and some sliced deli turkey. Throughout the day I snack on natural peanut butter and almonds.

    Eat a small meal around 4, leftovers from lunch. Today I had pouched tuna and it wasn't bad. Also had a "good bar", (the ones that supposedly have 100% of daily fruits and veggies and don't taste like total butt).

    Then I go workout after work and after that eat a little bit of chicken that I prep for the next day. 1.5 scoops of whey protein in a shake after working out as well. /

    Another thing...pickles. Love em. Eat a lot of them. They aren't bad are they? I know they just have some sodium but to my eye they aren't bad nutrition wise.

  • Weighed in yesterday at 162.5 pounds...blows my mind that I am almost in the 150s. Haven't weighed this little since 8th grade!

    Stomach is looking better. I'm sure others would say a lot better since we are our own worst critic. But I have noticed it going down a little bit which is nice and motivating to see.

    I think I tried to lift too much on one of the core twisting machines yesterday though, had a bit of back pain. I don't think it is super serious though. I made a concious effort to sleep on my back. Woke up lying on my right side and couldn't fall back asleep. My right side feels fine today but my left still hurts. So I've been talking ibuprofen and applying bengay still but I'm not that worried, gonna try and get a good night's sleep tonight.

    I'll play tomorrow's exercising by ear, might just do stationary bike or something with like that.

    My routine for the most part has been as follows:

    M: Insanity month 2 workout
    T: Go to gym and lift, focus mostly on arms. Run 1-1.5 miles
    W: Insanity month 2 workout
    Th: Go to gym and lift, focus mostly on arms. Run 1-1.5 miles
    F: Insanity month 2 workout
    Sa: Go to gym and lift, focus mostly on arms. Run 1-1.5 miles
    Su: Rest

    I do a little bit of legs at the gym and I run but I focus mainly on arms and upper body.

    Anything I should tweak?

    A couple of questions on food.

    Peanut butter, the natural kind, alright in some moderation? Love it and it's somewhat filling so I kinda use it to suppress appetite. Same with peanuts, really like them.
    Only problem is PB/peanuts are relatively high in fat.

    I don't really count fat, the only thing I really count are carbs, following what someone said about keeping it to less than 100 carbs a day.

    One thing I need to work on is self-control when I go home or on trips. I just go hog wild eating. I am a college aged male mind you haha so I could probably eat you out of house and home haha. Which why when I am on my own I try to only have healthy snacks and not a whole lot of them.
    I live on watermelon haha.

    I guess I'll just have to discipline myself, I've have good results so far, don't want to ruin them.

    Any tips/suggestions?


    Edit: Goal weight...like I said earlier, I really don't care as long as I look good haha.

    I am 6'0 tall (72 inches) weighing in at 162.5 pounds. Still have a little bit of a belly. I put 150 at the ticker just because it seemed like a nice goal weight but I honestly don't want to get TOO skinny, I kinda like being a size 32 waist...anything smaller is kind of a pain haha. At what weight do you think I'll start to see a flat stomach?

    Why I'm partially scared of cardio and this weight I'm losing, I don't want it to be muscle. So I lift 3x week and have a protein shake after every workout, lifting or not.
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    You are wasting your gym time training arms - they are the smallest muscle groups in your body. Train your largest muscles - legs and your core!

    If you do stronglifts 5x5 the arms will some along with it without need to do arm isolation exercises.

    Also if you are injuring yourself, that's down to bad form - watch some you tube vids for correct form.

    Stay off the peanuts and eat almonds

    Also 162lbs sounds a bit low for someone who is 6 foot, might be time to start bulking ?
  • The injury I think happened on a core machine (in the summer most of my friends are gone so I typically just stick to machines b/c no spotters) and I had not used the machine in about a month and tried a pretty big weight jump.
    I was try to get my max on a couple different machines, might have done something there.
    Not too worried about but something to note for future...quality form over quantity.

    Stronglifts 5x5 look intriguing, I'll have too look into that.

    I just bought some peanuts dammit lol

    I want to bulk, believe me, but I told myself I was gonna bulk when I had a flat stomach (priority #1). I might need to modify my calories, might need to eat more.

    I just want a flat stomach and some arms haha.

    Thank you for the input!!!
  • Danielle_Stg11109
    Danielle_Stg11109 Posts: 13 Member
    Abs are crazy to get. You always hear "Abs are made in the kitchen. You can do 100 sit ups and never get abs."

    Diet is key. Here, you literally cannot cheat. I always tell people to feed your soul and not just your body, and try to acheive an 85/15 diet. 85% clean and 15% what you really want. But for abs, honestly is 100% clean, NO fast food, NO sweats that don't have natural sugar like you'd find in honey and fruit, and LOTS of protein like chicken.

    If you want abs, just focus more on cleaning up dinner. Pre-prep your lunches on, say a Sunday, for the entire week so you'll always have something healthy near by to grab and won't need to rely on hoping a fast food giant has something to feed your upcoming abs.

    You can do it! :)
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107

    I am 6'0 tall (72 inches) weighing in at 162.5 pounds. Still have a little bit of a belly. I put 150 at the ticker just because it seemed like a nice goal weight but I honestly don't want to get TOO skinny, I kinda like being a size 32 waist...anything smaller is kind of a pain haha. At what weight do you think I'll start to see a flat stomach?

    You're 6'0" and weigh 162.5lbs? You're tiny! I don't know any guy that weighs that little at that height (my husband, who is 6'5", weighs about 260). I would think you should start to see a flat stomach within the next 5 lbs or so, but I don't really know what I'm talking about. I'm 5'8" and don't see a flat stomach/abs until about 140, but I'm female so I am sure it's different for guys.

    From a girl's perspective, don't go smaller than a size 32 waist. We don't like our men too skinny (unless you're like my sister, who prefers men that look like women). Keep watching what you're eating and exercising, and you should get there eventually. If you don't, examine your diet and tweak it. Your diet will probably be where you have issues, should you have any. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    Shorten your gym time by less rest (20-30 seconds between sets) and run a faster 2 miler.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Getting a flat stomach is all about what you eat. Eating clean foods and training with intensity will help to shred body fat.
    Do you eat much carbs?
    Cutting out carbs and only getting your carbs from vegetables will also help.

    I recently write a blog post about this you can check out :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Abs are crazy to get. You always hear "Abs are made in the kitchen. You can do 100 sit ups and never get abs."

    Diet is key. Here, you literally cannot cheat. I always tell people to feed your soul and not just your body, and try to acheive an 85/15 diet. 85% clean and 15% what you really want. But for abs, honestly is 100% clean, NO fast food, NO sweats that don't have natural sugar like you'd find in honey and fruit, and LOTS of protein like chicken.

    If you want abs, just focus more on cleaning up dinner. Pre-prep your lunches on, say a Sunday, for the entire week so you'll always have something healthy near by to grab and won't need to rely on hoping a fast food giant has something to feed your upcoming abs.

    You can do it! :)

    Everyone is different and many have acheived abs without those rules.