Starting over again...

Hi guys, I've decided I'm going to post here more to keep track of myself. I'm Becca and at the moment I weigh 206.6lbs. I had got down to 193.3 earlier this year but my finals were last month and I stopped exercising and was eating rubbish up to them and I've just spent the last month celebrating. Unfortunately that's lead to nearly 14 lbs going back on. Today is the day I'm back to tracking and once I log off here I'm going to go out for a run and build up my c25k again. I'm annoyed with myself for putting weight back on as I seem to constantly do this. So I hope you don't mind me hanging about here and posting. I'm going to NY at the beginning to November and I'd love to lose a significant amount of weight by then.


  • Hi, I know the feeling! I graduated last May and decided to get on the wagon and get the weight off I had gained in college. I lost 18 pounds, I was feeling great and was happy with the results. Unfortunately after starting my new career, my health took the back seat and I have gained it all back. I am back now and ready to get this weight off no matter how hard I have to work at it. will be logging on daily with my exercise and food diary, feel free to add me and I will be happy to send encouragement your way! :)
  • kmruse
    kmruse Posts: 19
    KatieJones77 and skinnyby31

    It is so heartening to realise that I am not the only one who took a break (due to changing jobs) and have put on about 15 pounds -NOT good.

    Please feel free to add me and we can help each other lose what we have gained back as well as everything else we want to lose.

    Keep smiling

    Kari x
  • clare0978
    clare0978 Posts: 1
    I'm starting over again today....I also go to NYC in 13.5 weeks and I want to lose at least 15 lbs by then...tipped the scales at my heaviest this morning got depressed but hoping I can do this! I lost 2 stone over 6 months nearly 2 years ago.

    Wine is my downfall....I'll be good allday with food and then I get home from work and a glass of wine turns into a bottle :-(

    Good luck to you all xx
  • wendi105
    wendi105 Posts: 27 Member
    Same here. Started a new job 6 months ago and have gained 12 lbs - and I was 1 lb away from my goal too. Ugh.

    Need to take off 13 lbs!
  • You can do I jus stay focused!
  • _Moose51_
    _Moose51_ Posts: 86
    I did the same thing, celebrated a bit and lost focus after losing 93lbs so I reset and am trying again. Hoping to regain my focus and discipline.
  • desika8787
    desika8787 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there :) I'm starting again as well... Gained about 20lbs back due to graduating-stress, not workout as often as I did before and eat lots of rubbish :-/ hope to get rid of these 20lbs again and stay in shape this time :) good luck to all of you and feel free to add me :)
  • I thought I was going to start this post with Starting over AGAIN! but I see that someone else beat me to it. Seems that I keep starting over again and again. Over the past 2 years I've lost about 60 lbs. I've put 10-12 back on and want to get it OFF plus LOTS more but one LB at a time. I hope we can encourage one another. Here's too a GREAT day!
  • alethea88
    alethea88 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there, I'm having the same issue here. I lost 6 pounds last month and I gained 9 pounds 2 weeks ago. I stop working out completely when I had knee pain 2 weeks ago (and I eat a lot because I attend a lot of weddings and birthday parties) and now I just started working out again. I'm lucky that my knee pain disappear after 2 weeks or I will gain more than 9 pounds. LOL.
  • skinnyby31
    skinnyby31 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. I thought I'd be the only one doing this again. I started back on the c25k this morning. So frustrating as I had finished the programme before my finals and now I had to go back to week 5 as I couldn't run for 25 mins any more. Well done everyone on getting back into it.