Hello 50+ Aged members

Hello 50 and up! Great to meet you! I am 52 and have a lot of weight to go! Anyone is welcome to friend me, but I'm beginning to wonder if there are more of us over 50's. I am always happy to have new friends, so please add me if you're so inclined!


  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Hello. I'm 64, live on a farm ( horses, hay, produce, ducks).
    I don't even bother with TDEE, BMR, macros, micros, whatever. Who has time to wade through all that? I log everything I eat so I know what my calorie intake is, I don't restrict myself ( nor do I eat a half a cake or a whole bag of candy, for example), the site keeps track of my calories ( set at 1700), and the exercise, mostly gardening and farm work. I do some lifting, beginner level, and a fair amount of elliptical cardio. That's it, and I'm losing weight and feeling good.
  • Wonder no longer! I'm 50 - yes, it seems as though there are a dwindling number of us out here! Will send you a friend request.:flowerforyou:
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    66 here. sedentary and have to watch every calorie. :(
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    58 here! We may be small in number but we're making it happen!
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm almost at my goal but still get on daily and will be glad to support your journey. One can never hae too many friends.:wink:
  • Hi there! I'm 57 and I sent you a friend request. I'm also looking for other baby boomers to friend here. :-)
  • BettyJaneBoop
    BettyJaneBoop Posts: 3 Member
    Hey out there. Just turned 50 in March. Have a ways to go but it's all been good so far. I love reading others success stories!
  • OrionG
    OrionG Posts: 32 Member
    Great to see the Wise and Mature! I'm 57 and living in Denver.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Another Boomer here. I'm on everyday and interested in healthy eating to feel better and lose weight. :flowerforyou: Success to us all!
  • Dan4495
    Dan4495 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 54, turning 55 in July. Work in Houston, live in Baton Rouge.
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this! I was wondering if I was the oldest one on here LOL! I love the youngins' but we all need support from our own age group as well. I live in Southern California (love it) and have 3 gorgeous daughters, and a new granddaughter that is the light of my life! Feel free to add me as a friend! Let's get healthy, none of this "down slope" stuff just because we are "middle-aged"!! :wink:
    Jean ♡❣♡
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Welcome! Not quite there yet, but I'll be there in less than a year and a half. One of my primary reasons for being here is to get fit by 50 and beyond. Feel free to friend me!
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    Hi. I'm 54. Anyone can add me if you want. I'm about 15 pounds from my goal and I lift weights several times per week.
  • JuiceBars
    JuiceBars Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I turned 50 this past March. Feel free to friend me as well. I am a mom of 3 teenage children, live in New Hampshire and log in every day. I only ask that you make your diary public to your friends.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Great to see some other guys here too. Sometimes it seems like the guys 50+ are an even rarer breed.

    There is little I enjoy more than hitting the gym, knowing I'm in better shape now the the vast majority of the young pups who are there, and knowing that I will outwork them when I'm there and will kick their butts to get even better.

    As a wise man once said "Old and sneeky beats young and fast every day".

    I've hit my iinitial goal weight, and reset it even lower to get my body fat down further (shooting for 10-12% or lower) before I start a round of adding muscle. At 57, I'm already in better shape than I have ever been. But I know I'm in no where near as good a shape as I'm going to be in a few months from now. Logging everything, from food to exercise, makes it all so much easier. So thanks MFP.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm an old fart :smile:

    53 and refusing to act my age.
  • ctharp59
    ctharp59 Posts: 2 Member
    53 here, obese most of my life - last year have worked to steadily improve my health...always had trouble committing to a specific diet . So have just worked with a mindset to drink more water, control portions, get my veg & fruit in....this has been the right combination for me, though slow it is steady and staying off. I've added juicing into the routine and gotten back into WII fit, i'll take it.

    We are a work in progress, with infinite possibilities...no matter our age.
  • HeartIcare
    HeartIcare Posts: 52 Member
    The New 50's :-) just turned this month, I'm happy to find new fitness buddy's to support, motivate keeping on track and reach our goals. Add me if your routine is work in progress too, age is just a mindless number right?!
  • 4d9r
    4d9r Posts: 111 Member
    I turned 50 in February and could always use more friends on here! Request sent! :flowerforyou:
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I haven't been obese all my life, but in my 40s I let professional responsibilities crowd out most everything else in my life, too many hours and too much travel. I realized that unless I made some room for myself that I wouldn't be able to keep up with professional responsibilities or even be healthy enough to enjoy my kids. At a low point I was 300 pounds and suffered from a bunch of obesity related health issues. I could see the worry in my children's eyes, and one day as I saw the big 5-oh approaching I just decided I was gonna have a score with turning 50.

    I made some changes, starting with getting rid of that workaholic job and made more time for my family. And for myself. (Best decision I've ever made.) At this point I'm pleased to report I'm making good progress on three fronts: weight loss, aerobic fitness, and strength. I should be completing my weight loss goals around October, and I'm already feeling better than I have in years. As it turns out I have a lot left in me. I did some cool athletic stuff in my teens and 20s and 30s that I'm now dusting off and am enjoying giving a hard time to young guys that used to write me off.

    I do have some questions about how to re-balance your diet based on a new activity level, and any advice would be appreciated.