Almost at goal- what do I do now?

sjkcwatson Posts: 61 Member
I'm 5'7" and have lost 32.5 lbs (average 1-1.5 per week) since January 7 to put me 1/2 a pound from my goal weight of 125 (which also puts me at a healthy bmi). I've been on a 1200 calorie diet - eating back my exercise calories (mostly lots and lots of fast walking). I absolutely will continue the healthier eating, lots of water, walking, etc .. and plan to continue tracking, but I assume I should start adjusting my calories back up so I quit loosing and maintain. Do I just start adding 100 calories? Do I add more? Thanks!


  • anabita15
    anabita15 Posts: 22 Member
    As far as I know, ensure you're not at a caloric deficit or surplus in order to maintain, and don't stop working out! Maybe incorporate more cardio instead of strength if you don't want to tone/bulk up any further, but by my understanding it's a calorie game. Find out what you're supposed to be eating at the weight you are at now for maintenance, and stick to it! :) That's how my mom has done it for the past 20 years - working out fairly often and eating right. She's been basically the same weight this whole time!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Try adding in 100 cals extra per day for two weeks. If your weight is stable or you continue to lose, add another 100 cals for two weeks. Continue increasing like this until weight stabilises.

    Allow yourself a 5lb 'range' as your weight will naturally fluctuate. As long as your weight is staying within that range then you are at maintenance.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i was almost at my goal in dec. and i have been eating at a 10% deficit from my tdee and i have pretty much maintained it since jan so far. I did go up 2 lbs but whatever,lol.. i am pretty consistent where i am doing what i am doing,s o i know this number works for me :)
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