So tired

hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
I'm doing around 1300 cals a day, occasionally I will have a neutral day with up to 1800. I had a few neutral days last week and my weight has been standing still, so I've realized that I simply won't shift weight unless I actually eat less than 1300.

I am just so tired and borderline depressed. I wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and still feel tired after I've had coffee. I get plenty protein from eggs, turkey and chicken (always go over my protein limit). I've started taking zinc and iron pills.

What else could I be missing? Is there a lack of a specific vitamin/mineral which may cause this? Or is it just a mandatory side effect of dieting?


  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    How much water are you drinking?

    I eat a lot of fruit, blueberries have a lot of good vitamins in it.
    Are you taking a Multi Vitamin?

    I drink 8-9 glasses of water a day.
    I take a multi vitamin each day.

    If this continues, see your physician.
    Good Luck in your weight journey.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Getting enough sun? Vitamin D? Carbs? If i drop below 200g carbs i am not a happy camper. So if you're just starting out on some kind of low carb diet....that could be the cause. Insulin might be really low, if you're resistant, that's probably going to dampen your days.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    What else could I be missing?


    BTW on 'going over protein' you can change your macro settings. I upped my protein and fat and lowered my carbs.
  • laurenpittard
    laurenpittard Posts: 2 Member
    Try munching on cashews or almonds! Or throw an avocado on your salad - these things will help combat that tiredness... Also, down some water - and you should perk up!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm doing around 1300 cals a day, occasionally I will have a neutral day with up to 1800. I had a few neutral days last week and my weight has been standing still, so I've realized that I simply won't shift weight unless I actually eat less than 1300.

    I am just so tired and borderline depressed. I wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and still feel tired after I've had coffee. I get plenty protein from eggs, turkey and chicken (always go over my protein limit). I've started taking zinc and iron pills.

    What else could I be missing? Is there a lack of a specific vitamin/mineral which may cause this? Or is it just a mandatory side effect of dieting?

    I don't think eating less than 1300 calories is the answer to weight loss.
    It's certainly not the answer to your energy levels. If you increase your calories, you will lose weight and you will have energy.

    I think the reason the scale isn't moving is because you aren't consistent. Try 1500 calories a day for 4 weeks. You have to give it time before you change things up again!
  • laurenpittard
    laurenpittard Posts: 2 Member
    Try munching on cashews or almonds! Or throw an avocado on your salad - these things will help combat that tiredness... Also, down some water - and you should perk up!
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    Its hard to know without u opening up your food diary. Try eating beans and pulses more for fibre as well as protien, without fibre i'm always tired. You could start the day with high fiber cereal see how u do.
  • krissynicole787
    krissynicole787 Posts: 121 Member
    VITAMIN D!!!!!!
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    You need to see your doctor and talk to the doctor about how you are feeling. This may be related to how you are handling your food program. When carbs are cut too much it can have the effect you are experiencing. Good luck with your program.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Go to the doctor and get a CBC done. That will show whatever you are missing in your diet. If it is nothing, you might need more calories.
  • lahlstephens
    lahlstephens Posts: 28 Member
    I used to feel like you. I did three things to help my energy level. 1. Cut out caffeine and sugar! I gave up drinking soft drinks and what a major difference without all of that sugar! I don't know if you have a problem with this like I did but I was addicted and had to give it up. Not sure how much coffee you are drinking or if you add sugar... 2. Drink lots of water! 3. I also started taking Women's One a Day "Active Metabolism." Wow is all I can say. I love this vitamin. (It has some caffeine in it) It has made a big difference in my energy level throughout the day. I rarely nap anymore and I can workout any time of the day and know I will have the energy to make it through. You must take it after eating breakfast though because the iron in it can make you queasy. But I love it!
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Have you had your thyroid checked? It could potentially explain your lethargy and lack of weight loss.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm doing around 1300 cals a day, occasionally I will have a neutral day with up to 1800. I had a few neutral days last week and my weight has been standing still, so I've realized that I simply won't shift weight unless I actually eat less than 1300.

    I am just so tired and borderline depressed. I wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and still feel tired after I've had coffee. I get plenty protein from eggs, turkey and chicken (always go over my protein limit). I've started taking zinc and iron pills.

    What else could I be missing? Is there a lack of a specific vitamin/mineral which may cause this? Or is it just a mandatory side effect of dieting?

    I don't think eating less than 1300 calories is the answer to weight loss.
    It's certainly not the answer to your energy levels. If you increase your calories, you will lose weight and you will have energy.

    I think the reason the scale isn't moving is because you aren't consistent. Try 1500 calories a day for 4 weeks. You have to give it time before you change things up again!

    I agree with this!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? It could potentially explain your lethargy and lack of weight loss.

    This for sure. I just thought I was depressed until the doctor ran my regular blood work and said I was hypo and had been for awhile.

    And if that isn't the problem, make sure you're getting enough fat and carbs.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Try munching on cashews or almonds! Or throw an avocado on your salad - these things will help combat that tiredness... Also, down some water - and you should perk up!

    I often add avocado to my salads. Nuts have serious calories though - I don't think I could fit that in.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm doing around 1300 cals a day, occasionally I will have a neutral day with up to 1800. I had a few neutral days last week and my weight has been standing still, so I've realized that I simply won't shift weight unless I actually eat less than 1300.
    This seems an illogical conclusion. It seems you just need less than a few "neutral days", or even it out and eat a consistent 1400 per day. If you like the occasional higher day then stick with that method.
    I am just so tired and borderline depressed. I wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and still feel tired after I've had coffee. I get plenty protein from eggs, turkey and chicken (always go over my protein limit). I've started taking zinc and iron pills.

    What else could I be missing? Is there a lack of a specific vitamin/mineral which may cause this? Or is it just a mandatory side effect of dieting?

    I would suggest talking to your doctor before adding an iron supplement. You should try eating more iron rich foods or just taking a daily multivitamin. Vitamin D can cause fatigue. If your skin is not exposed to sunlight much, you might consider a vitamin D supplement. D is a fat soluable vitamin so be sure to take it with food, or you can buy vitamin D / fish oil combo supplements. B vitamin supplements can also increase engery. But your best bet may be to simply begin taking a daily multivitamin, especially if you are cutting calories as you may also be cutting nutrients.

    If you have recently started exercising your body may simply need more sleep than normal as it adjusts to the new activity level.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I used to feel like you. I did three things to help my energy level. 1. Cut out caffeine and sugar! I gave up drinking soft drinks and what a major difference without all of that sugar! I don't know if you have a problem with this like I did but I was addicted and had to give it up. Not sure how much coffee you are drinking or if you add sugar... 2. Drink lots of water! 3. I also started taking Women's One a Day "Active Metabolism." Wow is all I can say. I love this vitamin. (It has some caffeine in it) It has made a big difference in my energy level throughout the day. I rarely nap anymore and I can workout any time of the day and know I will have the energy to make it through. You must take it after eating breakfast though because the iron in it can make you queasy. But I love it!

    I've cut sugar out completely, at least the 'extra' ones (there is some sugar in a lot of things). But I never ever have chocolate or candies, and I don't add anything to my coffee.
    I might get some of those fish oil supplements and see if that helps.
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    I have a friend who cannot process iron from foods, and needs to get an injection every so often. This might be your case, but only your doctor can tell you for sure.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Are you exercising? Working out will do wonders for your energy level and allow you to eat more. I eat 1700-1800 calories a day and work out 5 days a week. I sleep 5 - 5.5 hours a night and I feel great. I'm losing about a pound a week.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I'm doing around 1300 cals a day, occasionally I will have a neutral day with up to 1800. I had a few neutral days last week and my weight has been standing still, so I've realized that I simply won't shift weight unless I actually eat less than 1300.

    I am just so tired and borderline depressed. I wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and still feel tired after I've had coffee. I get plenty protein from eggs, turkey and chicken (always go over my protein limit). I've started taking zinc and iron pills.

    What else could I be missing? Is there a lack of a specific vitamin/mineral which may cause this? Or is it just a mandatory side effect of dieting?

    I don't think eating less than 1300 calories is the answer to weight loss.
    It's certainly not the answer to your energy levels. If you increase your calories, you will lose weight and you will have energy.

    I think the reason the scale isn't moving is because you aren't consistent. Try 1500 calories a day for 4 weeks. You have to give it time before you change things up again!

    All of this!!