Should I get a fitbit

Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
I have an option until the end of the month. To get a fitbit for 40% through my job. I am thinking of getting the zip one. It would cost me a little over 30.00.

I don't know much about them. So I thought I would ask here? How do you like it?


  • crissyniko
    crissyniko Posts: 47 Member
    Will you get me one at that price!?!? Don't pass it up, grab it today!
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I have a Zip, and while it doesn't have all the bells and whistles, it suits me just fine. It gets me moving more (even though I'm having some knee issues at the moment and having to work those out), and it gives me a decent idea of what kind of calories I burn through my regular daily activity (walking around the office, etc.) Of course, calories burned is an estimation of sorts, but it's done me a lot of good and it's a great motivator.
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Ive got the fitbit one and would be lost without it. Go for it. x
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    Essentially a Fitbit is just a pedometer. It counts your steps. That's pretty much it.

    That being said, I love mine. I wear it everyday. Seeing how many steps I've walked (or rather, haven't walked!) encourages me to walk more. I also have it linked to my MFP account, so I end up earning some exercise calories when I walk a lot. I like that option as well, because I think the mind set of "if i exercise, I can eat a little more food" is a healthy one, for me, because it keeps me thinking about calories in vs. calories out, which is what weightloss is all about.

    Personally, I don't wear mine for actual workouts/at the gym. I log those separately. I just wear the Fitbit for daily walking.
  • Fisherdh13
    Fisherdh13 Posts: 37 Member
    Yes, do it. I have a One and love it. Wear it all the time. Its mindless recording with its sync to MFP.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have the Zip and I really like it. I have it connected to MFP and it automatically adjusts my net calories.

    The one thing that really keeps me motivated are the friends I have on there. It puts them in order of how many steps that have been taken and shows what place I am in. Sometimes that's all I need to see to motivate me to get out there and get some more steps in.
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    I have read really good reviews about them and have seriously considered paying full price, so I would definitely grab one at that much of a discount! My concern is that it in terms of exercise tracking, it is basically a super glorified pedometer. This is a great feature for most activities, about half of my exercise though comes from yoga, which likely wouldn't be tracked well in that way. I wish it had a heart rate monitor. Anyways, I am rambling. With all of that said, yes, I would still get one for that much of a discount!
  • owenjulesmommy
    owenjulesmommy Posts: 1 Member
    I have the new FitBit Flex and I love it - when it works properly! It is a great motivation to keep me moving through the day - if I haven't make my goal by dinner time, hubby and I go for a walk after dinner. It's comfortable to wear and now I feel naked without it! The website is great and super easy to use and add activity to (like Zumba class and gym workouts which I track with my HRM). And I love that it tracks my sleep!

    The only draw backs is that sometimes it won't charge properly (or I'm doing something wrong) and it no longer buzzes (again, I might have turned something off) so I can't use it as an alarm.

    All in all, it was worth every penny!
  • I love my Fitbit One. I have had mine for about 3 weeks. It helps me stay on track. I have never been good at walking, but I sure like seeing the number of steps going up during the day!! I chose the One because it also keeps track of my sleep, which was been an issue!! And I like that Fitbit synchs with My Fitness Pal!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Q: Should I get a fitbit?
    A: Do you need a fitbit?
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Love my little green zip
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    Essentially a Fitbit is just a pedometer. It counts your steps. That's pretty much it.

    That being said, I love mine. I wear it everyday. Seeing how many steps I've walked (or rather, haven't walked!) encourages me to walk more. I also have it linked to my MFP account, so I end up earning some exercise calories when I walk a lot. I like that option as well, because I think the mind set of "if i exercise, I can eat a little more food" is a healthy one, for me, because it keeps me thinking about calories in vs. calories out, which is what weightloss is all about.

    Personally, I don't wear mine for actual workouts/at the gym. I log those separately. I just wear the Fitbit for daily walking.

    I responded before yours popped up. Do you notice that it doesn't track things acurately other than walking/running? That is my concern as I am pretty good at getting myself moving in that way already. (Ok, I can't take credit, my large active dogs are good at getting me moving!)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member

    That being said, I love mine. I wear it everyday. Seeing how many steps I've walked (or rather, haven't walked!) encourages me to walk more. I also have it linked to my MFP account, so I end up earning some exercise calories when I walk a lot. I like that option as well, because I think the mind set of "if i exercise, I can eat a little more food" is a healthy one, for me, because it keeps me thinking about calories in vs. calories out, which is what weightloss is all about.

    I don't have one but I also have the "if I exercise I can eat more" mindset - because otherwise its so easy to skip a walk or workout. So if it would help you then get one. But not if you're going to leave it in the back of a drawer til the batteries run down (like my mum did with her Special K one).
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    About a month ago, I just got the fitbit zip... LOVE IT! <3
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    I have the new FitBit Flex and I love it - when it works properly! It is a great motivation to keep me moving through the day - if I haven't make my goal by dinner time, hubby and I go for a walk after dinner. It's comfortable to wear and now I feel naked without it! The website is great and super easy to use and add activity to (like Zumba class and gym workouts which I track with my HRM). And I love that it tracks my sleep!

    The only draw backs is that sometimes it won't charge properly (or I'm doing something wrong) and it no longer buzzes (again, I might have turned something off) so I can't use it as an alarm.

    All in all, it was worth every penny!

    So, are you saying you use the FitBit for walking/daily activitiy stuff AND use a HRM separately for exericse?

    Original poster ~ Sorry, I feel like I am using this as my own personal thread now.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I love my fitbit!! I do wear mine for cardio workouts and have it linked to MFP, so it adds those exercise calories automatically for me. It does not track well for exercise outside of cardio, but we can just log those separately. I love mine because I can set daily and weekly goals for walking and change them as needed. It really helps me get those steps in, and I LOVE that it tracks how many stairs that I climb per day. I work in a building with A LOT of stairs, so it's fun to see how many floors I can get per day.

    That is a GREAT price for one... go for it and see if you like it! It's all about what will work best for you!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Totally worth $30!!! If you don't like it- you can always resell it & turn a profit. (I have an Ultra & love it!)
  • amsibert
    amsibert Posts: 7
    I just got the one, because I have a fourth floor office, and wanted the extra credit for stairs (:

    It does help me remember to skip the elevator. At least so far.

    I like that it automatically updates to my computer, and syncs to MFP, so I can immediately see how my activity is affecting my food options for the day.

    Truth is, though, that it is a glorified counter. I've been comparing it to my Omron, and am getting about the same calorie adjustment through the fitbit, as I got calories burned at the end of the day on my Omron. I wouldn't compare it to most pedometers, but the Omron filters out onesie twosie steps, so it only counts steps that really add up to something, if that makes sense.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    For 30 bucks, why not?
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I am thinking of the zip one.