Looking for support :)

Hi my name is Shianne and I am a 23 year old, married mother to 2 lovely girls who will soon be 3 and 1. I am looking to lose a significant amount of weight in order to be healthy and more energetic for my girls. I also need to lose weight to help with my knees, ankles and back pains. I would really love to find fellow mommies or daddies with similar goals who will help support me. I really need this more than ever.



  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Feel free to add me :-) I have been on MFP since 11/12 but I started using this site regularly 86 days ago (not that I am counting) lol. I have lost 27 pounds and counting. Blessings on your journey.
  • Bmjnash
    Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
    feel free to add me.I'm the mother of a 3 year old and a 1 year old. And I am 23 as well.
  • Myradvs1
    Myradvs1 Posts: 2
    Hi....research a product called Almased, it really does work! My sister is on it, I'm on it too...all natural! Revs up your metabolism without feeling jittery. I add stevia, & cocoa powder to it...taste pretty good ( some complain about the taste) but I lost 7 pounds the 1st week I tried it...it was not water weight either because I had been on weight watchers & reached a plateau. I was getting discouraged til my sis tolld me about it, her doctor ok'd it & it works!!! I'm kinda new to this site too, it's very helpful! 27 pounds down! :)
  • Myradvs1
    Myradvs1 Posts: 2
    Let me add, I joined this site a while ago, just never used it...lol! :)