weight loss plateau or simple water retention??

Ok, I've been using myfitnesspal since march and so far have lost 37 pounds. I've had a couple stalls in weight loss, but nothing thatlasted more than 2 weeks and then I'd lose like 4 pounds in a week. Well, three weeks ago I was 271 pounds. At the same time, I got sick and lost 6 pounds in 4 days, probably due to loss of fluids. So once the cold was over, I gained 3 or so of the pounds back, and ever since then, for about 2.5 weeks, my weight has stayed between 265-267. And nothing I DO is making a difference!! I jog 20-30 minutes at least 3 times a week, my calorie intake is 1470(myfitnessapp suggestion). I don't know if its water retention or a plateau, and either way, what do I do to overcome this?


  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Could be either of those, there's really no way to tell without a body composition analysis.

    I'd try eating a little bit MORE first actually (it sounds counter-productive, I know). The body produces hormones that stop weight loss if it's kept in a constant state of deprivation - which is unique to the individual (for you, it could be the 1400 - for others, it might be 1000). I'd try that for 2 weeks and see what happens. If the scale goes up then try decreasing calories instead.

    The body also becomes more efficient at conserving energy when it's hit with the same activities repeatedly - so you could try a different type of exercise like zumba or kettle bell swinging or something. Changing the terrain or the incline when you run could help. Your body is probably not burning as many of those calories when you run now as opposed to when you started because it's adapted to this routine.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Keep going. I hit 2-3 weeks plateaus every month. I'm female though, I'm not sure what your gender is.

    Hard to say either way, as we don't know how much you exercise, how much you're eating etc.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! 37 pounds since March is impressive. If you haven't changed anything--same calorie intake, same amount of activity--I would just keep doing what you're doing for another week or so. The basic equation is that if calories out > calories in, you'll lose weight.

    You might have become slightly more efficient at running, but there's not much efficiency gain in the long term. A beginner and a world-class runner of the same weight use about the same amount of energy if they run at the same speed; the difference between them isn't efficiency, but rather, power: the world-class runner puts out more power, runs faster, and burns more calories. There's a good discussion of the physiology of exercise in Dr. Tim Noakes's book _Lore of Running_.

    One thing to keep in mind is that MFP won't automatically reset your calorie goal as you lose weight; until you go to settings and update the diet/fitness profile, it will continue to use the calorie goal with which you started. Since the lighter you are, the fewer calories you need, it's a good idea to update that setting every 3-4 weeks. I had been using MFP for a month before I cottoned on to that; after adjusting it, my new daily goal was 80 calories less than it had been. That equals 560 calories a week, or 2.5 ounces--and that was only a month into my weight loss. Since you're losing faster than I am, the difference for you is probably greater.
  • kellabella61
    kellabella61 Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you! I have lost 52 lbs and am STUCK at 188.0-188.9 for almost 3 weeks. It is driving me crazy. I did a 5K this weekend, (walking), and it did nothing to move the needle. I am at the 1200 calorie level and everything I read outside of MFP, said to get past the plateau, one of the choices was to reduce your calories as long as you don't go below 1200 calories! Well, alrighty then, that's not gonna work. I walk when I can, but not everyday. Maybe I need more exercise. Then I read something about it being WHAT you are eating, not how much. I suppose that could be part of it as well. It is all somewhat confusing and frustrating. I wish you well, but can't offer much since I am in the same bucket.
  • shayleac
    shayleac Posts: 76 Member
    Drink more water, try to stay under 2000mg of sodium and workout extra hard for the next week.
    Within a week, you should start to see things moving again.