Don't really care for PB, are other nut butters better?



  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    While I LOVE peanut butter I'm also a fan of Justin's almond butters. The chocolate one is delicious on a banana.

    THIS!! The honey and maple ones are awesome too.
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    We don't really 'do' a lot of nut butters in England, they're something of a gourmet item and not stocked in every supermarket.
    When we went to Germany & Austria, we brought PB because we were afraid we couldn't buy it there (we were wrong). Good to know we'll need to pack some if we ever go to the UK.

    Oh we do do peanut butter, crunchy and smooth! But that's about it! (Unless you go to a health food store like holland and barretts where they've started to stock a few more nut butters - rather pricey though!)
  • emmamurphy82
    emmamurphy82 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah, I'm in Australia. We have sugar free one made with stevia at my corner shop!