5 '7 Ladies 170'ish anyone having trouble loosing weight?

5'7 178 lbs having trouble loosing weight. Sticking to 1,200 calorie intake and exercise daily any pointers? Need HELP.


  • courtneysuttle
    courtneysuttle Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having the same problem! And I even reduced by calorie intake to less than 1000 for a little while. I started exercising, which I never used to do. And only a few pounds are gone. What am I doing wrong?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Me too, but I know that my problem is logging. I do it for only half the day most days, then I kind of guesstimate through the rest of the day.

    I'm obviously really bad at guesstimating.
  • sweetpeas317
    sweetpeas317 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 5'7 I am trying to lose at least 30 I am doing 1200 calories but people are telling me its not enough that may explain why I am at a dead standstill for weight loss. I upped my calories a little I guess its all trial and error.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Nope. I'm also 5'7", came on here in January at 170, set my goal to half a pound a week, and have been losing slowly and steadily since then--now 156.6 as of my last weigh-in. Perhaps your goal is too aggressive, and your metabolism will work more smoothly with a smaller deficit?

    For comparison, my daily target is 1760 + exercise calories.
  • Angel4ever44
    Angel4ever44 Posts: 26 Member
    I was on a 1200 calorie diet at first. My doctor told me to up it to 1700 calories. It has slowly been coming down. :)
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I'm 5'8", currently 176. Been exercising with a trainer since March and have only lost about 10 lbs, HOWEVER, my clothes are looser and I have lost a couple of inches. I was eating about 1280 a day. My trainer told me to shoot for 1300 and add more protein. I'm finding it difficult to find the number for me. Some days I'm very active (I have a physical job) and some days not so much ( can't do my job in the rain). Also I only want to go down to about 160 lbs ( I am big boned so smaller doesn't look good on me). I think that being close to where want to be is making it harder too. I stick with the program. I didn't gain the weight overnight so I simply have to have patience. Good luck!
  • I was having some difficulty before I started fitness pal, but since then, I have added jogging for at least 40 mines 3 or 4 times a week and the weight is coming off
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I started at 167-170 and I'm 5'7! It took months to drop my first pound. Come to find out, medication I was on absolutely murdered my metabolism! Once I came off the medicine, I was able to go back to losing. :) I'd go to a Dr and get bloodwork. They thought I had a thyroid condition, too (thankfully, I don't!). It's worth the money to get a blood panel done :)
  • liinda72
    liinda72 Posts: 1
    I am exactly the same, 5'7" and 177 lbs., though I've only been doing this for five days. I thought it was easier to lose in the first week, but it's not happening.
  • kgibson17
    kgibson17 Posts: 23
    I am 5'6.5" and started at 178lbs. I go up and down so over time I am loosing weight. My biggest issue is that I really enjoy my cocktails or wine after work. When I am disciplined and don't indulge, I loose weight. I think I get hungrier when enjoying alcohol so I avoid it during the week and just take a day on the weekend to enjoy. Hope that helps.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I'm 5'7" and now 173.4 pounds. My calorie limit is 1,450, but I only eat back my calories for exercise if I go under 1,200 (I probably average around 1,350 a day with exercise included). I am losing 4-6 pounds a month.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    I'm 5'7 and started at 172, Now at 161. :) Its taken a very long time to finally see some consistent progress, however what really helped me was lowering my calories.

    Everyone is different. I started off doing the TDEE/BMR calculations which had me around 1600 a day to lose weight. When I wasn't losing on that, I lowered my cals little by little and started seeing a difference. I never go below 1200, however there are days I am around 1500-1600... so essentially it all evens out.

    I do think that you might want to try to up your calories a little. Just little by little.

    Oh, and I only eat when I'm truly hungry... not just because I exercised and MFP tells me I have more calories. :) I've been losing at about 1 lb per week.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    And one other thing... don't try to lose it too fast. That is where I failed miserably in the beginning. Trying the newest and greatest low carb, high protein, etc. fad out there in hopes of 2+ lbs per week... then when it wasn't coming off I'd just fall back into the old habits.

    You have to remember that at 5'7 you're fairly tall, so being 170ish is not far from your ideal weight. As you get closer to that weight it will slow down.

    Anyhow, you didn't mention you were in a hurry but just thought I'd let you know the best way to do it is little... by little.

    .5 lbs here, 1 lb there, .2 lbs here... etc. It all adds up!!!!!!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I'm also 5'7" and find 1200 is very difficult to maintain without feeling deprived which then ends in veering off track. I'd say 1400 plus exercise cals (so maybe 1600) is comfortable to me and sees me losing weight.

    The other tip is if you've been doing this for a while it's so easy to get complacent with weighing and measuring. You think you know exactly how much 30g is for example but it's surprising how being a bit out here and there can throw your results. Even things like remembering to add the milk you use in your tea and coffee can add up. Be stricter with yourself, log absolutely everything accurately and it will help.

    You can do this!