Calorie intake and gaining weight

usairman8806 Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am looking to gain about 30 lbs and my calorie intake for the day is about 2700. I noticed that I usually go over by about 400 or so calories. Not sure if I should just continue the way I am eating or strictly stick to the 2700 calories recommended. At that pace I am looking to gain 1 lb a week. I started last week and weighed in at 156 and in a few days I weigh in about 159. Am I eating too much? ( In addition to my calorie intake I try to eat every recommended serving on the food pyramid)


  • Are you working out at all? What's your exercise routine like? I'm on a 3200 cal/day diet and haven't gained much weight at all. I'm gaining inches but no weight.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I would think if you are woking out and gaining weight right it should be OK. You don't want to gain weight and have it be fat.
  • Nothing intense since I am still recovering from a foot injury that happened in the military (I like to jog a lot). I do push-ups, crunches and some walking, but no gym. I put sedentary as my activity since I just walk around and do house work. Thats how I got the 2700 cal/day. I dont want to get fat, just big enough to look good in a police uniform in the future.
  • ooh okay gotcha. I'm actually going to school right now for a degree in Law Enforcement then I plan on applying for Sheriff's Academy. I'm 6'2" and weigh 160. I'm not so much concerned about my weight as I am with my measurements. I'm just finishing up my second round of p90x and so far it's helped me put on 6 inches in my chest, 2 in my biceps, and lose an inch off my waist. I'm still really thin though. I have a hell of a time putting on mass.
  • NIce thats what im doing now as well. I'm working on a bachelors in criminal justice. I had was in the process for the DE State Police and decided school should be done first. I was doing the insanity workouts and a week later I injured my foot. I might be getting back on a workout plan soon. How is that P90x?
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