How to log breastfeeding?

I am exclusively breast feeding my two month old and wondered how I would go about logging that, anyone know if you are able to do that? Thanks!


  • jodichronister
    I am interested in this...I have a 5 week old and doing the same thing...
  • owtomom
    owtomom Posts: 1
    Not sure, but I have a 6 week old and I'm breastfeeding, too!! I read online that you burn about 500 calories a day breastfeeding so you could maybe add it in yourself as an exercise? Congratulations! :)
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Jodi, I looked up breastfeeding under the search button and some information came up, I probably should have done that before posting a new topic on it!
  • jodichronister
    I guess that I should of done that too. Thank you ecp2698.
    How old is your little one?
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Congratulations on your new baby! :flowerforyou:

    I am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old and I just joined MFP in late April. Before I reached my goal, I went into my exercise folder, put in 141 minutes of breastfeeding (burning 400 cals) in the cardio section. It then gave me those extra 400 cals for my food log. Or, you can also log your BF cals by going into your food log directly. To do that, you just enter "Breastfeeding" in the food search and it'll pop up. You then select the ounces (if I'm remembering correctly) and once you hit enter, it'll show up as a calorie deficit on your food log. I prefer to log mine in the exercise log, though. Either one will work.

    If you're breastfeeding, you burn anywhere from 300 to 600 calories a day (which you probably know already). Every ounce of breastmilk you make/expel burns 20 calories so if you know how much you're producing, you'll know how many cals to add to your diet. Everyone is different so this is just a rough estimate. If I feel hungry, I'll eat more as long as it's a smart choice. I was doing great on around 1600 cals per day & I'm 5' 4.5" and currently 116 lbs. Everyone is different but this should give you some idea. You will probably want to try something like this and see if it works for you. The most important thing is to keep that milk flowing for your little one.

    You'll find this site is TONS of FUN and people give you amazing support! Seriously, it's absolute MAGIC as long as you are honest with yourself, log everything and stay in the correct calorie zone that works for you. Again, you'll probably have to play around to see what works best. Don't get too frustrated if you don't lose every week because there were times with me that I would lose every other week but the weightloss was significant enough to cover both weeks. Be careful to eat enough cals otherwise you'll screw up your metab and stop losing. Please read the following links/threads which have invaluable info. I wish I had read these sooner!

    I hope this helps, Mama! Congrats again! Enjoy that little one!! :heart:
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Jodi- She was 11 weeks yesterday. Congrats to you, too!

    Jen, thanks for the information, very helpful! I am actually freaking out a little bit because I have been way under my calories the past couple days, not even thinking about the extra calories for BF! I felt like my supply has been a bit low, too, might just be a coincidence but I am going to try to eat more and drink more water.
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Jen, thanks for the information, very helpful! I am actually freaking out a little bit because I have been way under my calories the past couple days, not even thinking about the extra calories for BF! I felt like my supply has been a bit low, too, might just be a coincidence but I am going to try to eat more and drink more water.

    I went for about 3 weeks or so at 1200 cals when I joined, not really knowing how to go about things. I didn't lose my milk but I was sure hungry and cranky! I'm sure I would have lost my milk if I had continued down that path. Good luck to you! I have no doubts that you'll lose that baby weight in no time, Mama!
  • jennpv
    jennpv Posts: 33 Member
    When I was breastfeeding I changed my settings to lose just 1/2 lb a week. MFP had me eating about 2000 calories a day. I actually still lost some weight just by doing that.