INSANITY - August 2, 2010



  • danielleca
    danielleca Posts: 36 Member
    If you stick with it, you'll definitely see results! I finished my first round awhile back and lost 15lbs! The biggest thing I can tell you is to do your best but DO NOT try and keep up with those in the videos. Nutrition was essential as well so eat clean and drink your water!

    I just started a round of P90X yesterday or I would have joined you! Good luck to everyone starting! I'm also a Beachbody coach, so if you have any questions, let me know!
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    This is week 2 day 2 for me, it has been great!!!
    The warm up all by itself is killer. Good luck this week, keep us updated!
  • cheemom
    cheemom Posts: 1
    I am on Week 2, Day 4. I absolutely love this workout. I wake up at 4:45 a.m. and get this is before I start my day. I can see progress already. I can get through the first two warm-ups now with no problem....with the third round comes around - well that's a different story!!!! Cardio Recovery is an awesome break!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Just finished Plyo Circuit. The first workout. I'm so excited to see my progress cause I def took a lot of breaks and didn't finish all the way thru. Did make sure to complete the stretching at the end. I really like the moves though, they are soo easy and you feel your whole body working!!!!

    Luv this workout. Its going to be intense for sure.

    Lets keep it up.
  • leigh8210
    leigh8210 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I have already been through Insanity and started it again this week!! The first time through, I lost 20 pounds and went from a size 12 to a size 9!! I was soo happy how my body changed! Now, I have slacked off quite a bit due to a move and also just being the summer, I was super duper busy! But we have started it again and I am so pumped about it! I did the Cardio Power and Resistance this morning! Its an easier one but still tough as heck!! Well, I hope that yall do good and see some amazing results =)

  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    Im doing Insanity as well...was supposed to start Aug 2.. but am putting it off for 2 weeks ( when kids go back to school) so I can exercise in peace.... hard to keep motivated when I get getting interrupted with " Mom, he hit me!!"
  • iflynn
    iflynn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, Iam glad to see other people doing the insane Insanity videos. Well My husband son, and I started 08/01/2010 did the fit test and almost died lol. That just shows how out of shape Iam. All night my husband and I contemplated not continuing it and doing something easier. Iam not a quiter I feel good today and want to continue, I have done P90x before and was able to hack it, eventhough I was in better shape then I went to the gym every day. Please tell me it gets easier..... I need the push
  • I hope it's not to late to join this thread!!! I did my fitness test last night and barely (not even) made it through!!!! I went ahead and did a little of the next day workout jus to see if I was gonna be able to hang...IT'S SO HARD!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had to take frequent legs are SO SORE today....but I don't want to give up!!! I told my hubby it may take me 6 months instead of 60 days but I'm gonna finish a whole workout!!! Good luck to you all!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hows eveyone doing on their INSANTIY journey?!?!?!

    Cardio Power Resistance was intense yesterday. My calves are super sore today. I've also been wearing my reebok easytones with my workout so I'm feeling the burn. I'm having problems with my wrist but that's an old injury. But def challenging to get all the pushups done. I actually made an Dr. apt for Monday to have him take a look and I'm going to the Chiro twice a week... we'll see.

    Totally looking forward to Cardio Recovery today. Should be a nice change of pase.

    In this week only, already an inch lost in my wait and two on my hips.

    Keep pushing!!!
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    Looking for Sanity on Insanity

    I am on my second week and it has been great!
    Just wondering..what kind of calorie burn are you getting out of each 40 minute workout? It just seems too good to be true what my HRM tells me after each session.
    If you're willing, i would luv to know what your average burn is...300-400 / 400-500/ 600+

    Cardio we go!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Tony - I'm actually keeping a log each eady (only on day 4) with my average HR, max HR and cals burn. I've burned 600 + calories on day 2 and 3 and for recovery it was 400. I'm adding it as a new exercise each day.

    I'm loving the calories burned!!!
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    That's great, thanks! It is a great calorie burn!
  • Hey everyone! I took a couple of days off to rest my ankles, and in addition to my cross-trainers, I'm wearing ankle braces now. My performance has really improved with the days off and my ankles are definitely feeling stronger. Last night, we did Power Cardio & Resistance and my endurance was the best it has ever been! Yay!!!!! I'm so proud of me! haha:happy:
  • Hi everyone! Today is my rest day. Tomorrow, we will begin the Recovery Week before starting month 2! Woop-woop! I'm gonna try to measure today or tomorrow and post my progress. Keep up the good work, everyone!! I feel so good after doing the workouts!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,
    I finally feel like my wrist is better and have convinced my fiance to get on the INSANITY train with me. We will be doing our fit test tonight. I haven't gain or loss any weight, so the pics and measurements I did before will be okay to get started. I just want to get back to my normal workouts, I feel weird not working out. Even if its a little workout to get my heartrate up. So I'm excited to finally be doing INSANITY starting tonight.
  • I was doing insanity about 4 months ago but didn't have my whole heart into it.Started again today this time I am using this web site to track my food and exercise.I LOVE these workouts but really struggle to get through them.Does anyone else really have a hard time getting through them?
  • Ive done insanity and i really recommend you to buy gym mats,like those(, because as you may noticed the training is really intense, keep going with INSANITY!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    sargent - I def have to admit I take more breaks than the recommended. I'm hoping after a few weeks to be able to push harder and to the whole thing. But its def an improvement from day to day.

    We completed our fit test last night. I'm proud to say that in pretty much everything but the push-ups I did better than my fiance. But I was soo proud of him for doing the whole thing (as much as I'm sure he wanted to kill me). We are scheduled for day 2 today with Plyo Circuit. I like this one.

    Hope you are all doing great.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We're on day 51 of Insanity. All I can say is that I'm glad that it's not a 90 day program. After we finish up Insanity we will be doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I lost 24 lbs in my first round of P90X and only 4 lbs. on Insanity so far...
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Edorice - awesome job. I'm hoping to drop.... I hate to put numbers on it, but I'm hoping to drop 15 to 20 lbs doing INSANITY. We'll see, I would be happy with 10 :) I'm probably going to be adding Brazil Butt Lift next week b/c I do really late workouts with my fiance at 8pm. So I have time after work to throw in an additional workout. Not sure what I will be doing next. Either TurboFire and dive in to P90X :)
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