Help! Mentally addicted to food.

I have just discovered that I am mentally addicted to food.. I think that's what you would call it.

I can be completely full and even happy, not stressed or anything. And the fact that I know that I can't have something drives me absolutely insane until I finally give in and eat it. I remember when I smoked cigarettes. If I was out of them and couldn't get to the store, I would go crazy wanting one. But then when I had a pack, I honestly didn't even smoke so much because I knew I could have one if I wanted. But with food.. it's there, I have it, but I know I can't have it and it drives me crazy until I binge.

At first I thought it was what others go through like "stress eating" or "boredom eating" No. I had a wonderful day yesterday. I stayed full all day and night while staying within my calorie goal. Once I got home and wasn't distracted as much, I started thinking about how I wish I could just eat something. I was not hungry. At all. My dinner was very filling, even had 23g of protein in it! So what did I do? I went in the kitchen and cooked 2 sausage biscuits and ate them. I then grabbed a box of Cheez-Its and ate a handful. Then some pretzels and then an ice cream cone. Yes, all of that within a half an hour.

I've been doing this for 3 days now. I started over yet again 3 days ago. Incorporating the Slim In 6 dvd and feeling great about doing it but then feeling like a failure for binging after doing so well with my calories throughout the day.

So, I'm telling you this because I want HELP! Like anything, please? I can't do Overeaters Anonymous so anything other than that would be great. I'd love to hear from anybody. I've googled and I can only find things like "Stress eating."


  • filledwithJoy
    Wow, I was about to shut this down and happened upon your post. This is the same thing for me! I'm not bored or stressed but if I don't eat I feel like I'm going to "explode" or go crazy or something. I don't have the answers but you are definitely not alone.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    The secret is to not have the ice cream, cheez-its, pretzels, or sausage biscuits in the house. Just don't buy them.

    I eat well enough, most of the time. But if triggers get brought into the house (via gifts, usually!), all of a sudden I have to think about my willpower. Which is not even an issue otherwise. I don't think about chocolate if it's not in the house, I don't go out driving for chocolate in the middle of the night.

    I do sometimes make poor choices when I'm out, if I haven't planned/gone grocery shopping/packed a lunch.

    It's all about planning the good foods IN and the bad foods OUT.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I can't have snack crackers, ice cream, etc. in the house. I keep apples and boiled eggs for snacks and that's it. I also bought a 32 oz sport bottle and keep it full of water and lemon slices, which seems like a treat and curbs my hunger.

    Instead of eating you could exercise: go for a walk or watch one of the hundreds of free exercise videos on youtube. Get up and do Zumba for 15 minutes instead of eating. Buy a pair of jeans you want to fit into or a beautiful dress and keep them out where you can see them everyday.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    not that any food is bad per se in moderation, but if you know it's a trigger for you - and most packaged foods are made to be triggers - don't make it hard for yourself.

    also, i doubt you're 'addicted', i bet you are probably not eating enough during the day
  • beautifuldiskize
    Unfortunately, I live with my mom and brother right now. I've begged her to hide things or keep them in her room but she's not very helpful.

    I don't personally buy these things, I buy tons of veggies and my mom will say "you're taking up all the space in the fridge." And I'm like "yeah, with GOOD food." But nothing works. She still buys it.

    I AM eating enough through the day. I eat every 3 hours.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    There are those who believe that snack foods are purposefully laden with ingredients designed to make us want more & more & more. Do some reading, you'll be shocked. It's tough when you don't have control of the pantry but you've got to find a way if you truly want to get healthy & fit. What a challenge - you could write a book about it when you meet your goal :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I know it's not a health food exactly but it does have a lot of protein at least.. .diet jelly. You can eat a couple of servings a day for almost zero calories when you are bored with veggies and feel like something a little more like a dessert.
  • AlteredSkates
    AlteredSkates Posts: 123 Member
    There may be some self discipline techniques on the net or something like that. Maybe try meditation. Through meditation people have taught themselves to be mentally stronger in all kinds of ways.
  • threedeek
    threedeek Posts: 9 Member
    When I'm faced with temptation (chips, fast food, donuts etc) I am TRYING to train myself by saying to myself "This is not the last day they will ever make donuts, i can have donuts all i want, I'm allowed, however today I'm going to pass on them, I can have them another day when i am REALLY hungry." Because lets face it...I AM allowed to chose the junk, so its not "not allowed" its just my way of showing "junk food" that "Hey i can be strong and CHOOSE not to eat you." I'm not denying myself of junk food, im just taking charge & making a better choice for myself & my health this time..." take away the NOT ALLOWED phrase is making me feel empowered over my urges....also, i don't keep it in the house as much, & if the urge is too much i just adjust my exercise to counter act the calories...crazy? lol maybe!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Pay attention to the contexts in which you binge eat and change them. For example, always eat in front of the TV? Quit watching TV. Always stop at that one convenience store for a snack on your way home? Take a different route home. Things like that. Focus on avoiding situations where you binge eat. Change your patterns.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Unfortunately, I live with my mom and brother right now. I've begged her to hide things or keep them in her room but she's not very helpful.

    I don't personally buy these things, I buy tons of veggies and my mom will say "you're taking up all the space in the fridge." And I'm like "yeah, with GOOD food." But nothing works. She still buys it.

    I AM eating enough through the day. I eat every 3 hours.

    Are you near a Walmart? Could you buy a mini-fridge for yourself? Walmart sells them starting at $69.00. They have some with freezers for a little higher price. Then you could have a place for more of your own food.
  • Krisunderconstruction
    Krisunderconstruction Posts: 21 Member
    When I'm faced with temptation (chips, fast food, donuts etc) I am TRYING to train myself by saying to myself "This is not the last day they will ever make donuts, i can have donuts all i want, I'm allowed, however today I'm going to pass on them, I can have them another day when i am REALLY hungry." Because lets face it...I AM allowed to chose the junk, so its not "not allowed" its just my way of showing "junk food" that "Hey i can be strong and CHOOSE not to eat you." I'm not denying myself of junk food, im just taking charge & making a better choice for myself & my health this time..." take away the NOT ALLOWED phrase is making me feel empowered over my urges....also, i don't keep it in the house as much, & if the urge is too much i just adjust my exercise to counter act the calories...crazy? lol maybe!

    I absolutely LOVE this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Unfortunately, I live with my mom and brother right now. I've begged her to hide things or keep them in her room but she's not very helpful.

    I don't personally buy these things, I buy tons of veggies and my mom will say "you're taking up all the space in the fridge." And I'm like "yeah, with GOOD food." But nothing works. She still buys it.

    I AM eating enough through the day. I eat every 3 hours.

    Are you near a Walmart? Could you buy a mini-fridge for yourself? Walmart sells them starting at $69.00. They have some with freezers for a little higher price. Then you could have a place for more of your own food.

    It's so sad when even your mother won't understand why you need to get healthier. I do agree with the recommendation to buy a mini-fridge so you won't even think about all those goodies your mom and brother are stocking up.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Have you thought about seeing a counselor for a few sessions? A good one might be able to help you figure out what factors are driving you to eat foods you know you don't really want. Particularly since you're in a difficult situation- surrounded by delicious, high-calorie food!

    I also, personally, found the book "Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink to be very helpful with similar issues I was having- he's a food psychologist at Cornell who uses the book to describe the reasons we tend to eat more than we think. But he doesn't do it in a blaming or judging way- just points out how our minds tend to work, then offers tips on how to change our environments to make healthier, more conscious choices. (Including the occasional sausage biscuit!)

    In any case, best of luck!
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    When I'm faced with temptation (chips, fast food, donuts etc) I am TRYING to train myself by saying to myself "This is not the last day they will ever make donuts, i can have donuts all i want, I'm allowed, however today I'm going to pass on them, I can have them another day when i am REALLY hungry." Because lets face it...I AM allowed to chose the junk, so its not "not allowed" its just my way of showing "junk food" that "Hey i can be strong and CHOOSE not to eat you." I'm not denying myself of junk food, im just taking charge & making a better choice for myself & my health this time..." take away the NOT ALLOWED phrase is making me feel empowered over my urges....also, i don't keep it in the house as much, & if the urge is too much i just adjust my exercise to counter act the calories...crazy? lol maybe!

    I totally agree with this! Usually my mantra is "I can have (insert food here), but I dont want it" and then I think of all the reasons why its not a good choice for me, especially because I cannot have certain things in moderation it will lead to a binge, knowing this and reminding myself of it helps as well.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    You have a compulsive eating disorder - many of us do. But they go undiagnosed because everyone feels it is just a lack of willpower. It is worth a google and getting yourself some good reading material. There is a lot out there and it is a true medical condition. You can use some self help books or see a psychologist or counselor or dietician/nutricianist who has experience in these matters to help you along. I found it extremely helpful to talk to someone because they helped me be accountable and mentally help me get where I needed to be! Good luck to you.
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I've sent you an invitation to join a group with the same problems.
    You are NOT alone, and there are friends here to help and cheer you on.
  • lizchic82
    lizchic82 Posts: 46 Member
    I have exactly the same. Exactly. I have just started taking chromium capsules, as this is supposed to help rid you of any cravings, whatever it is you're addicted to. I will let you know how I get on :-)
  • deez2015
    deez2015 Posts: 75 Member
    When I'm faced with temptation (chips, fast food, donuts etc) I am TRYING to train myself by saying to myself "This is not the last day they will ever make donuts, i can have donuts all i want, I'm allowed, however today I'm going to pass on them, I can have them another day when i am REALLY hungry." Because lets face it...I AM allowed to chose the junk, so its not "not allowed" its just my way of showing "junk food" that "Hey i can be strong and CHOOSE not to eat you." I'm not denying myself of junk food, im just taking charge & making a better choice for myself & my health this time..." take away the NOT ALLOWED phrase is making me feel empowered over my urges....also, i don't keep it in the house as much, & if the urge is too much i just adjust my exercise to counter act the calories...crazy? lol maybe!

    i've been going through the same situation...very good advice!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Unfortunately, I live with my mom and brother right now. I've begged her to hide things or keep them in her room but she's not very helpful.

    I don't personally buy these things, I buy tons of veggies and my mom will say "you're taking up all the space in the fridge." And I'm like "yeah, with GOOD food." But nothing works. She still buys it.

    I AM eating enough through the day. I eat every 3 hours.

    There are boxes of movie butter popcorn and chocolate chip cookies in my cupboard at home right now but I don't touch either one of them, even during TOM. How do I muster the willpower? I think of them as "his" food and I'm not allowed to have them. Instead I have my own snacks that make me just as happy - 100 cal bags of light butter popcorn, chocolate squares, etc. OP, it's good you have fruits and veg to snack on but obviously you need something a bit more decadent that will satisfy your cravings. How about pudding cups or snack bars with chocolate drizzle on them (the Nature Valley almond dark chocolate protein bars are amazing) or whatever you think will do it. It's be better to find a healthier snack for a couple hundred calories rather than continue binging as you are now.

    You may be eating frequently but are you eating enough calories? I think that was the point the other poster was trying to make. In addition, my point above, are you eating things you actually enjoy? Some poeple can just eat whatever they should because it's just fuel to them but many of us are foodies and need to eat things that make us happy!

    Which brings me to my next point - I think you are emotionally eating, you just haven't identified the emotion. Something is making you anxious and the way you're soothing it is with food. Try having a good heart to heart talk with yourself to see what might be bugging you.

    And if you can, stop with the food and work off that anxiety by going for a walk or something.