Ready to really get started

I signed up for this site over a year and a half ago, got pregnant with my third child soon after, and now that I'm done having babies, I'm ready to shed the weight that has accumulated through 3 pregnancies and then some. I have been overweight all of my life, but I have always been athletic and loved to exercise. I just also love to eat and have a major problem with overeating. I'm at the heaviest in my life, so now it's even hard to enjoy exercise. I'm soon going to start the 6 month plus process (insurance requirement) to have weight loss surgery, and I think it would be great if I give it another chance to lose the weight on my own and finally find success. I'm hoping that being an active part of this community will help me get there. I'm 33 years old and from western PA.


  • tyb03
    tyb03 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm glad you became active on here first before going through with the surgery. DON'T DO IT! It's an easier/quicker way out but from the people I know that have done it...It's a miserable way to live. Constant meds and an inability to eat regular meals. Believe me, I've thought about it before and am not entirely against it, but try losing it the routine way first. We got you girl! :)
  • 1HappyTurtleRunner
    1HappyTurtleRunner Posts: 125 Member
    I really don't know about the surgery but like you, I like to exercise even though I am overweight, I feel as though I am the fit but fat person. I also am a foodie, I love to eat and many times I overeat without even realizing it! I hope you are able to lose the weight and that exercising becomes fun for you again!
  • DLC1978
    DLC1978 Posts: 51 Member
    I, like you, signed up a long time ago but never got serious. I am also at my heaviest (aside from pregnancy) and have decided that IT IS TIME!!! I "re-started" on Monday. Let's help keep each other accountable!
  • ambrosia79
    ambrosia79 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for the replies! That is exactly the kind of support I need!