


  • KirstenMarie18
    KirstenMarie18 Posts: 35 Member
    You'll be able to lose weight on phentermine but it's very likely that you'll gain it all back plus more. You should be learning about health and fitness so that your weight loss will last.

    I took phentermine a couple of years ago and lost 20 lbs.. Then I gained 40 lbs because I didn't take the time to understand my body and what it needs to be healthy...
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I took it almost 3 years ago and I hate the fact that I did. Why?
    Because now I know that my body can physically weigh 170lbs. I have proof.

    But I'm so incredibly angry because I can't do it myself.

    It took me 2.5 yrs to gain all the weight back and then some that I lost.

    My question is why in the hell do they make a pill like this that is short term and restricted by physician dispensing only, but they can't take the same damn technology and tweak it so that it can be a long term solution.
    To make more money. That's why.
    Yes, I'm bitter.:sad: :explode:
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I have known three people to use it all lost weight and then gained back what they lost plus double. My dr wanted me to try it I said No Thank you once I read about the side effects. Since that conversation I have lost 23 pounds on my own working out and changing my eating habits. Mind you I still have my cheeseburger once or twice a month and I still have regular food just all in moderation. Please be careful with these pills.
  • mfreeman0921
    mfreeman0921 Posts: 51 Member
    I took it for about three months and lost around forty pounds. That of course was Great with the exception that it made me a CRAZY person. The mood swings and anger that it made me have was in no way worth it. Plus when I got off the pill I gained all of the weight back plus an additional twelve pounds. I was reliant on the pill instead of adjusting my lifestyle. My advise, stop taking the pill and use MFP to monitor your calorie intake and workout. The progress may be slower but it is something that will work and you can continue to do. I 100% regret ever taking phentermine.
  • I would like to think that not everyone who takes Phetermine gains all the weight back or more. I am also using MFP to calculate my calories and am learning to change my eating habits. In addition, I am increasing my exercise as well. I completely understand that not making other changes and only relying on the pill will lead to failure. But, for those us us with motivation to make a lifestyle change and not just "diet" will succeed.
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    I think my body got used to phentermine. I don't like taking pills to lose weight, but I just need something to get over the hump due to pregnancies. I have had 2 c-sections, plus I am not getting any younger. So just understand that this is no magic pill. Weight has not came back due to lifestyle change, but it just isn't doing the job that it used to do.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I have been thinking about it. I think the only place around here that dispenses it is some diet center where you have to go in for your weekly B-12 shots, etc. Insurance doesn't cover it and it's expensive. My sister has been on it for a couple of years and she is insane. She lost all the weight (80lbs) pretty shortly after starting it, but she never sleeps, never eats, has weird nervous ticks. She looks and acts high/edgy all the time and then complains about not getting sleep. She is getting it through an old doctor she used to work for. It is all very shady in her case and I wish she would stop. She is just terrified of getting fat again so she won't stop taking them.

    Now that I typed that all out, I am back to not wanting it. I will certainly lose the weight but possibly gain an addiction and definitely gain it all back. I have an addictive personality.
  • I am in Ohio and here, not sure everywhere, this can only be prescribed by a doctor. Also, I can only take for 3 months and then have to be off it for at least 6 before I can get it again, if needed. So, going into it knowing that this can only be taken for 3 months helps in the fact I know that this is not a "forever" fix. I am going to have to do this for myself after the 3 months. This is just my kick start!
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I used it about 4-5 years ago. I lost about 40 pounds in a matter of months. I loved how I felt while I was on it.
    Within a year or two I gained back all of the weight and an additional 20 pounds or so.
    I was also diagnosed about a year later with a regurgitating heart valve which was induced by the phentermine/adipex. It is permanent without surgery.
    I would not use it again even though I still need to lose over 100 pounds and I would not recommend it to anyone. It just wasn't worth it for the damage caused to my heart, and I regained the weight plus more anyway.
  • slgraha
    slgraha Posts: 27 Member
    I took it last year for 5 months and lost 50 lbs. At that time, you could only take it for 6 months with monthly visits to discuss your eating/exercising and then had to be off for 6 months. I was able to maintain the loss until this year. I began sabotage my eating until I completely forgot everything I learned. I knew what to do but just couldn't get the mindset. My appetite grew out of control and I gained 20 pounds. Luckily I'm a scale stalker and was worried about gaining all 50 lbs back. I went back to my doctor and explained what I had done. I've been taking it for one week now and back on the correctly way of eating and exercising. For me, this is all a complete mind game. I know what to eat and how to eat but what I crave is EVERYTHING that's bad for you. When I watching what goes in my mouth and I have accountability, I do great. My biggest concern is reaching my goal and not having that accountability to keep me focused.
  • dcollins12
    dcollins12 Posts: 16 Member
    same thing happened to me.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I used it about 4-5 years ago. I lost about 40 pounds in a matter of months. I loved how I felt while I was on it.
    Within a year or two I gained back all of the weight and an additional 20 pounds or so.
    I was also diagnosed about a year later with a regurgitating heart valve which was induced by the phentermine/adipex. It is permanent without surgery.
    I would not use it again even though I still need to lose over 100 pounds and I would not recommend it to anyone. It just wasn't worth it for the damage caused to my heart, and I regained the weight plus more anyway.

    holy wow. that is terrifying.
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member
    (Keeping 4 l8r when got some free time, interested to know everyones thoughts) hmmmm! :)
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    PLease don't take that stuff. Lose weight the right way...the way MFP says to do it. This site is not for pill poppers. And PLEASE don't take that stuff when you're trying to get pregnant. Your baby deserves so much more. Your baby deserves a mommy who knows how to lose weight by EATING WELL (since what you eat and pill-pop goes directly to that baby). You baby deserves healthy food. And how will you ever be able to teach YOUR BABY how to eat well if you don't learn how to do it yourself??! Stop relying on pills and educate yourself on eating healthy and exercising. Your baby will thank you.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I've done Phen and had success - one thing I will say is DO NOT rely on the pills to lose the weight. Use it as a side-kick of sorts, in addition to doing what MFP suggests - counting calories, healthier choices, exercise. I used it just for a month to get used to eating less and "shrink my stomach" so to speak and it worked fine. I would not suggest doing it any longer than a month or two because then you run the risk of dependency. The mistake too many people make is that they rely solely on the pill to slash their appetite but don't make any other changes. You should adhere to a new, healthier lifestyle as if the pill were not even in the mix, and carry on about your day as such. The pill is just an added bonus to help ease hunger pains and cravings while your body gets used to eating less and eating healthier options. It only takes 3 weeks to establish a new habit, so 1 month on Phen should be plenty.

    Feel free to add/message me!
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I don't know much about it but there are two ladies in the office that I work with who take it from time to time and it makes them seem like they are on crack! Lol. Neither have lost any weight in the year that I have been here though. They still eat like crap. But idk if your doctor is suggesting it I suppose it could be ok. I don't think I would ever take anything like that. I won't even take over the counter diet pills. I have only lost 19 pounds so far and still have about 18 to go but I feel like I will be more proud having done it all alone and also I will feel more confident that it will stay gone. Good luck to all though we all have the same goal!
  • I love me some phentermine!!!!

    good stuff for me!
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    I've taken phentermine before, but I've discovered recently that I actually lose more weight without it. I do struggle with energy though (pernicious anemia) so I rely on B-100, B12 injections, Vitamin D, and a natural energy supplement. All of these do way more for me than the phentermine ever did, and I can still fall asleep at night.

    I noticed when I took phentermine before that I would not be able to sleep more than 4 hours at night
  • bethanylaugh
    bethanylaugh Posts: 237
    I just want to put it out there that it's super common to gain a lot of the weight lost on phentermine back once you go off it. Not only does this lead to an endless phentermine cycle, but it becomes less effective each time you go on it (or, the longer you are on it). So wanted to encourage you to look into, or commit to, other options!

  • I would like to think that not everyone who takes Phetermine gains all the weight back or more. I am also using MFP to calculate my calories and am learning to change my eating habits. In addition, I am increasing my exercise as well. I completely understand that not making other changes and only relying on the pill will lead to failure. But, for those us us with motivation to make a lifestyle change and not just "diet" will succeed.

    I was on Phentermine and lost 50lbs. I gained it all back after I stopped taking them, it wasn't because I stopped. It was because I quit caring and was hitting up Mcdonalds 3-4x a day. Eating 5 mini ice cream sandwiches, quit the gym. etc.
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