Fitness & Friendship

Just looking for some friendly help from you fine folks on MFP. I don't have many personal friends that actually use MFP and it'd be nice to meet some new people on here for help and encouragement. I've lost 47 lbs since October 2012 and I'm currently at a "stall/plateau". I decided I wanted to start an actual 30 Day handwritten log. I'll be doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred religiously to see if that helps boost this stall. Anyone have any helpful tips to get over these long lasting stalls? It seems I've only been able to drop 2-3 lbs per month the last two months and it drives me a little insane! :) Any help would be greatly appreciated, and new friendships are welcome!


  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    feel free to add me:smile::smile:
  • 123tryingtobefree
    Add me ^^ I want friends too
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    Hi there! I've also been on a stall for a while after losing 42 pounds, and just posted in here today looking for new friends to help encourage me and vice versa. I'll add you!
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    You are doing great and should not feel you are stalling when you continue to lose weight on a monthly basis.
    I try to wake up and think how can I be fitter today. I never think how can I be a better person, I think
    how can I be fitter.
  • FeelinChastastic
    So glad to know there are others in similar situations as me. I'm just incredibly proud of myself for not giving up when the frustration has set in. A year ago I wouldn't have stuck to any of this, so that's further than I ever expected of myself.

    Thanks for the encouraging words! Such great people and advice on this site! Thanks for the new found friendships as well :)
  • raymondstott
    Well done for not giving up, good luck with your goal
  • FeelinChastastic
    Thank you! :)