Need a support network

Hi All,

I've been using myfitnesspal for some time on and off and tried to do it on my own and give myself some motivation however I always seem to fall off the rail every time. I have exactly everything I want at the minute in life, however my weight is the only issue! I've just graduated as a Primary School Teacher, got a job lined up in August, in a fantastic relationship (with a boyfriend that hasn't got one bit of fat on him!!) and life is pretty good - apart from the obvious.

I'm sitting here ready to get back on the right track but think what I've lacked is a support network of people (as much of the time I've tried doing this in isolation). I've noticed those who have support networks out there do amazingly well! I love looking at the success stories and feel inspired by them. I want to really give this a go for starting my new job and helping me with some confidence issues. Also want to be a good role model for the children in my class!

If anyone has any advice or tips please feel free to share - myfitnesspal is about to become my new best friend ;)

James x


  • jjackson0822
    Congrats on the new job!! There are lots of amazing people on here that would love to help keep you accountable and encourage you! I'll add ya!
  • ShellK71
    ShellK71 Posts: 33
    I'm building one too.
  • leeleesull5192
    I am pretty much in the same situation. Everything is going pretty well for me. I am doing well in school and will be graduating in 2 years with a degree in Early Childhood Education and English (hopefully and i hope i pass all my MTELS) and I have a great boyfriend who is skinny, eats what ever he wants, and does not have an ounce of fat and does not gain weight. And I am always telling myself I am going to start tomorrow and then I am tempted by everything that is in my house. My parents are always buying sugary food and drinks because my brother can eat all of that because he is skinny and has no fat. I think I need the motivation just like you.
  • DaniKaren
    DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
    You had me at "teacher". :)

    Request sent.
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    Hi. Congrats on the new job! I just started on as well and am having trouble eating healthy on the job. My boyfriend is also in great shape and I often feel bad about myself for not being in great shape, and have some confidence issues that go along with that. I am going to add you as a friend and hopefully we can support each other :)
  • mrjrodgers
    Thank you so much guys! I am absolutely amazed at how quick you can get support on here!! leeleesull519 you sound as if you are in the same boat as me haha! I get how you feel - parents choice of food isn't great, that's why I plan on doing my own shopping from now on.

    Someone once told me a good motto is to take it a day as a time and focus on one day as it comes and make it count - good motto to adopt?
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! You (or anyone else) can add me... I've lost about 1/3 of my excess weight, so I believe I can offer support, but I still need some myself. You mentioned your bf is skinny - how's his eating habits? If he eats/exercises in moderation, I'd try to adopt some of his habits to help yourself. However, if he's one of those ppl that can eat as they please and never gain an ounce, that won't work too well! lol

    I've noticed you mentioned you've tried "on and off." First of all - you can't do that (if you're serious about this). To lose weight, it's seldom beneficial to diet. You have to change your lifestyle, which demands 100% commitment! It gets easier as time goes on, but you have to be consistent in the beginning!

    I always found it difficult to lose weight...I've been gaining for about 10 yrs (a total of 90-100 lbs)!! I've never lost anything but the typical 5 lbs here and there (water weight). However, something suddenly changed in me...and I've lost 35 lbs within 3 months!!

    Some small 'lifestyle' changes I've implemented...nothing drastic:

    Eat breakfast everyday
    Drink 10-11 glasses water daily
    Avoid mindlessly eating between meals
    Stop eating at meals when I 'FEEL' full
    Walk a few miles a week

    Losing weight is an easy concept, yet can seem so difficult to accomplish! Most of the battle is overcoming your mentality!
    Good luck! You can do it!!! :-)
  • mrjrodgers
    Hi! You (or anyone else) can add me... I've lost about 1/3 of my excess weight, so I believe I can offer support, but I still need some myself. You mentioned your bf is skinny - how's his eating habits? If he eats/exercises in moderation, I'd try to adopt some of his habits to help yourself. However, if he's one of those ppl that can eat as they please and never gain an ounce, that won't work too well! lol

    I've noticed you mentioned you've tried "on and off." First of all - you can't do that (if you're serious about this). To lose weight, it's seldom beneficial to diet. You have to change your lifestyle, which demands 100% commitment! It gets easier as time goes on, but you have to be consistent in the beginning!

    I always found it difficult to lose weight...I've been gaining for about 10 yrs (a total of 90-100 lbs)!! I've never lost anything but the typical 5 lbs here and there (water weight). However, something suddenly changed in me...and I've lost 35 lbs within 3 months!!

    Some small 'lifestyle' changes I've implemented...nothing drastic:

    Eat breakfast everyday
    Drink 10-11 glasses water daily
    Avoid mindlessly eating between meals
    Stop eating at meals when I 'FEEL' full
    Walk a few miles a week

    Losing weight is an easy concept, yet can seem so difficult to accomplish! Most of the battle is overcoming your mentality!
    Good luck! You can do it!!! :-)

    Thank you for the tips Pamela - I'll add you as a friend if that's OK! Boyfriend is one of the thin ones that eats like an absolute horse and gets away with it and I know - sitting planning on what I have to change in terms of lifestyle, it's time I got committed to this and adopted a different lifestyle as you say.
  • tracyjones795
    Hey all,

    I am new here and would love to have support and suggestion. I started the herabalife shake program 2 days ago and its to early for me to really say how things are going. My problem is that my profile has me at 1310 calories but Im not eating enough like I thought with my meals so at the end of the day I'm short of 500 calories because of my exercise. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please add me as as friend for recipes and suggestions.

  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    James - Thank you! I'm sure we'll enjoy each other's support and motivational words! FYI - I HATE ppl like your boyfriend!! ...I'm just kidding, but they do make me jealous! :-P I've found it's easiest to implement and master one lifestyle change at a don't want to overwhelm yourself.
  • AdamBrown1974
    Good to hear you're getting back on the bandwagon. I'm in a similar situation myself. Lost a bunch of weight, let myself go, now trying to get started.

    I'm new to myfitnesspal, but I like what I see so far.

    One question: I'd like my IRL friends to see my progress, but I know they don't want to sign up on the web site. Is there some way to make my progress view-able to others? I know I could do it via my blog, but I was hoping for something more structured than that.
  • mrjrodgers

    Day 1 of Lifestyle changes - baby steps!