Anyone with PCOS ?



  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    The Metformin is not giving you those symptoms. It's MORE likely that ypur diabetes / pre-diabetes is. Metformin is helping you regulate your sugars. If they are crazy, then you're either eating too many carbs and need to see a nutritionist to help you identify to sugars in your diet (like FRUIT)...or your metformin dose isn't quite right yet & you're still having sugar spikes. Keep logging your sugars diligently so your doc can see where the problem times / meals are & adjust your med accordingly.

    Thrist & fatigue are hallmarks of diabetes....
  • Kristy7418
    Kristy7418 Posts: 85
    Hello all I am new on this site and fairly new with trying to diet. I have PCOS as well. I've been on the bigger side most of my life. My doctor did put me on Metformin to help me get pregnant with my 2nd child but after he was born she didn't feel the need for me to be on it anymore. I typically have taken BC except for when I was trying so my periods are normal. I'm on BC now but keep spotting when I shouldn't have a period. I think my body is trying to adjust to my new dieting and exercising. I fight with being overweight, acne and facial hairs. So not fun. I would love to get support and support others who are dealing with similar issues. I am watching my calorie intake, cutting out as much processed foods as I can and switching to whole wheat products. I've lost a little so far and hope it continues!
  • marcyj
    marcyj Posts: 31 Member
    I was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I've managed to lose about 30 lbs (it bounces between 30-40) with a combination of a low carb/low starch diet and LOTS of exercise. It has been muchore difficult for me to lose and maintain losses than it is for my non-PCOS friends, but it is possible1. I've actually found that my body reacts better to the cardio exercise than it does the diet!

    About a month ago my doctor decided to put me on metformin to try to level everything out to an even better level, the jury is still out on how effective it will be! Despite my low cholesterol-low fat diet, I still somehow have high cholesterol. Thanks for that, PCOS. ;) I've always had VERY irregular periods, but they've gotten ether with weight loss. I'm hoping a cleaner diet and the metformin will help to further regulate them.

    I'm working to find that motivation again to be as clean and diligent with the things I put into my body and the exercise I put it through to be as healthy as possible. Please add me so we can encourage each other on this journey!
  • MattsGirl90
    MattsGirl90 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All,

    I got diagnosed with PCOS very young the age of 15 every time I was on birth control I had horrendous bleeds and clots. I used the pill from 15 - 17 which made me gain at least 2 stone I then used to have the implant from 17 - 20. In this time I never had a regular period and used to be admitted to hospital every time I did bleed as I used to lose so much blood.
    Since I have been on no birth control from the age of 20 and I am 23 next week I have had regular steady periods :) I am like a clock i come on every 25 days for 4 days. No more no less.
    Unfortunately I have problems with my tubes and cervix so can not have children naturally only through IVF so I do not have to worry about falling pregnant.
    I definitely would not recommend going on the implant to any one
  • I was diagnosed when I was 17 with PCOS. My doctor gave a me bc and sent me on my way. I was miserable and gained even more weight. I decided to stop taking it about 2 years ago. I haven't paid much attention to my body and really, I haven't tried to drop this weight. I don't know what finally 'clicked' but I'm SO ready to lose! I have been doing zumba and some weight lifting.. hopefully ill see a change soon!

    Has anyone tried any natural methods that worked? Thanks ladies! Xo
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I had no idea that PCOS was so prevalent! I have 4 sisters and out of all of them, I'm the only one that has it. I'm also the only one that has Type 2 diabetes but lucky for me I don't have the extremely high cholesterol that 3 of my sisters seem to have inherited from my father.

    It's nice to know that there is so much support out there.

    In terms of exercise, I have been doing Bikram "Hot" Yoga for about 10 months now. Although I have only lost about 8 lbs I have lost a lot of inches and just seem more toned and fit all around.

    Recently I increased my yoga sessions from 3 per week to 4 per week; and I've added fast walking on the other days. I'm going to start a little bit of weight training as well.

    I read recently that cardio with resistance training is the most beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes in terms of lowering blood sugars and losing belly fat. There was no mention of this in relation to PCOS but since they seem to be so highly related, and in fact both are treated with Metformin, it could be that cardio and resistance are the best exercises for PCOS as well.
  • Hello PCOSers-

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago after not getting my cycle for nearly a year. Last year I really decided I was going to tackle this; I went off the pill and in January kicked in a diet plan, I am new to myfitnesspal but have lost 25 lbs so far in just eating healthy and very moderate exercise (due to the extra testosterone I have a lot of muscle tone that I dont like). I need to lose 45 more lbs just to be in the high healthy range.

    Feel free to add me- I would love to support other PCOSers.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I have PCOS. I was diagnosed a few years back. I don't take any medication for it not even birthcontrol. I just try to eat right and exercise and have (until a month ago) been successfully losing weight. The more weight you lose the less PCOS symptoms or the less severe those symptoms seem to be. I do try to follow a lower carb diet specially processed carbs and sugars. (If you check out my diary ignore the last few weeks or so, because I was on vacation and such.)

    You guys can add me if you want.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I don't have a PCOS diagnosis, but have many of the symptoms. Weight loss is a huge struggle for me, even when I'm doing everything "right."

    I recently stopped taking DEPO because it was making my face numb (yea, that was no fun), so I am NOT really looking forward to the return of the my period, as they are SUPER heavy. Gross, embarrassing, debilitating.

    Feel free to add me, I definitely could use the support, especially from those that understand the struggle with PCOS.

    Also - for those of you who have been successful with weight loss - what worked for you ? I know that everyone is different, but I am definitely curious.
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    Hello, I have PCOS and have struggled with it and all of terrible side effect for years. Until I accepted that I needed to eat better and exercise regularly I was headed downhill fast. I've lost 70+ lbs on my own with MFP and along with the weight most of the side effects that PCOS. I struggled to get pregnant with my first child and finally gave up and saw a fertility doc and was able to have a healthy child under his care. Unfortunately, my pregnancy was miserable and I soon realized that I needed to take action and make some serious changes in my life. Fast forwarded three years and here I am. I got pregnant on my own a second time and although I stressed about gaining all of the weight I had worked so hard to lose I had a completely different pregnancy and had no complications. I feel great and although I still struggle with PCOS I know that I won't let it get me down.

    If you need any support, please feel free to add me.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?

    ^^ This is me like every month. I spot for at least a week leading up to my period. Then on day 8-9 I have a really heavy flow for a day or two. Then it tapers off and finishes around day 12-14 which basically means I have my period for 2 weeks. :-(

    My naturopath says my body this is my body's way of passing all it's old cysts. I'm not sure if it's true. I should ask my doc for another ovarian ultrasound to find out!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I have always gotten my period even with PCOS. However PMS was very painful for me which is how I got diagnosed. I got sent for ultrasounds in which you could visually see all the cysts. Most periods for me have extremely heavy days.... Without going in too much gross detail but huge clots and almost unstopable flow. Before I lost weight I also had high blood pressure, hair growth, acne, high cholestrol, vaginal dryness, was insuln resistant, and was borderline diabetic due to PCOS. Almost all of these symptoms are gone just from a better diet and exercise. I still have heavy long periods and sometimes acne breakouts but the rest of the symptoms are gone. I wasn't trying to get pregnant so I have no idea if I was able at the peak of the symptoms. My top weight was like 240lbs and my heaviest since MFP was 208lbs. I am around 175lbs today (5'7") and I am hoping in the next 20 to 25 pounds I lose that my period will lighten up and the acne will go away on it's own.
  • Selendraco
    Selendraco Posts: 41 Member
    I gained a lot of weight, a large amount in a short time.
    My period went bye-bye.
    I had no period for 10+years. That is ANY no spots, no darkness, no blood, no clots, no anything.

    I had myself checked, they said i had an "almost" PCOS status.
    I lost a lot of weight, not quite there yet but lost a big chunk, and my period came back.

    I cried the first time I got it back, I was so happy. (Ya i was happy for the return of the plague.)
    The first time it lasted 7 days... I worried that it wouldn't come back.
    The next month like clockwork my normal 3 days, and its been the same ever since.
    Every month, on time, three days, for the last 5 years.

    I haven't gotten checked to be honest, So I don't know about my PCOS status.
    Never took birth control of any kind, I took metformin for weight loss, but didn't use it long.
  • I am a fellow PCOS lady! PCOS definitely has its own array of symptoms that vary depending on the individual. For me it was irregular periods, weight gain, and lovely unwanted hair growth. I take 1500mg Metformin ER to help and am now starting to get serious about my weight loss. I hit the dreaded 200 pounds last week and since then it has been a real wake up call! Time to get serious!
  • Kimber100683
    Kimber100683 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you to everyone that responded to my post!!!

    To all::

    What are your biggest PCOS issues you are tring to overcome? Losing weight? Getting pregnant? Regulating periods?

    Just trying to get to know everyone!

    My biggest issue is pregnancy. I am almost 30 :/ and I do not have children. All of my friends and family hav kids now, and I am left being the best Aunt in the world... But, i yearn for a child of my own. I have not been treating myself right the last 10 years or longer, so I guess I have a ways to go, but I had always hoped that I would be a mom when I was 30.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Biggest challenge is definitely the weight. I used to have blood sugar issues, but my sugars and my cycles have both self-regulated with heavily increased exercise.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Hello! I too suffer from PCOS. I have been trying to get prgnant since 2009. I recently cracked down on myself and my diet and exercise and I am trying to beat PCOS with out medication. I just started my period for the first time in about 10 months and I am a little freaked out. It has been about 11 days and I am not seeing any slow down I know that the longest period I have had before was about 7 or 8 days, but this is going on 2 weeks. Has anyone ever expirenced a long period like this before? Do you think its "normal" for PCOS-ers?

    I wish I could tell you differently, but that is very normal and actual short compared to some who suffer from PCOS.

    I was diagnosed when I was 13 years old, and have since been troubled. I was told to get a hysterectomy when I was 18 years old by my physician, and I told him right away that I didn't want to be because I want children! Like you, I have been trying to get pregnant and am going to start losing weight once more. I did lose 75lbs back in 2010, and have no just gained back a majority of that weight due to severe depression.

    My PCOS thanks to the recent weight gain has become a bigger issue, so hopefully diet and exercise will see me through to the end. I also want to do the Dirty Girl mud-run in February down in Las Vegas, so I need to get in shape!!! >:o

    If anyone would like to add me to their friends list, I'd be grateful to have the company!
  • marcyj
    marcyj Posts: 31 Member
    My biggest challenge is the weight and the general concern for overall health. It used to be pregnancy. We did several IUI/injectable cycles before deciding to adopt. When my sweet boy was 18 months old (and after I had lost about 30 lbs) we found out we were pregnant. Weight and sugar/starch intake + exercise seems to be the biggest factor in keeping all my symptoms under control!
  • My biggest challenge is pregnancy and weight. We have been trying to get pregnant since 2010 and have several months of failed infertility treatments with a RE. We are in the process of becoming foster parents though. Weight gain has been more recently. I have gained about 40 pounds in 5 years. Luckily with 1500 mg Metformin, my periods are regular. Without they are non-existent (even while on birth control).
  • Temstarr
    Temstarr Posts: 1
    Hi Kim,

    My greatest issue with PCOS has definitely been the weight. I have always been the bigger girl and it never bothered me until about 6 years ago I decided to give the whole fitness thing a go. After very little progress after I'd been going to the gym for 3 months I got worried and saw a doctor. It took a year but I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. Then it got real. I realised it wouldn't be a walk in the park to lose weight. I've tried on and off since then. I was put on Metformin and Orlistat and got pregnant pretty much straight away even though I was told that I would find it difficult to have kids. I didn't know I was pregnant for the first 16 weeks as my periods were very irregular. I had thought getting pregnant would be my greatest issue but it turned out not to be. I got pregnant again last year without any medication and I'm now on BC. I'm also on a strict low carb and low fat diet and exercising 4-5 times a week. Its only been 2 weeks my first weigh in is in 2 weeks hopefully it'll pay off this time!

    All I can say is just hold on. I know its harder for some than others and we all fight different battles with our PCOS but we can overcome it. My GP and nutritionist have told me that with weight loss, the symptoms of PCOS reduce and sometimes go away. You will have kids and they'll drive you crazy! Just keep fighting. x