hello I'm new

Nice to meet all of you.i just herd about this site on the today show. So I figured why not. I am a mother of a two year old and currently way more than ever. My BMi is obese and i need to lose 60 pounds.My plan states I can only have 1200 calories a day.i dont know that I will ever make it,it sure does not seem like much. Im always hungy and eat my stress away.Please help any advice. wish I just had the will power!


  • Sboothe
    Sboothe Posts: 2
    hey girl i am new too! I am a mommy of 4 and I am just way to sick and tired of being over-weight! i dont know much about this yet but I am hear if you need support!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
  • Jendf
    Jendf Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome!!! My plan also states 1200 calories, great news though, it's not nearly as hard as you think. I've found when you are choosing the right foods (fruits, veg, lean protien) it can actually be quite hard to reach your 1200. Not to mention that when you log your exercise you earn even more calories so it really encourages you to get out and moving. Every little thing counts, whether it's food or fitness!! Feel free to add me as a friend and GOOD LUCK!!