I need help before I drop dead

I started on here a couple months back and somehow lost it after a short period of time. Instead of changing my life it felt like another thing to take my time up. I have a very stressful life and my weight gain is from it. I buy convenience fast foods and junk when I have a craving. I'm going broke from it too, which adds to my stress. I have recently started having more health issues from my stress and weight and realized that I have to do something before I drop dead. I don't sleep well and even when I exercise (walking is about all I could do right now), I feel exhausted all the time. My junk food habit has gotten worse, sometimes even eating a quart of ice cream a night plus a pack of oreos. I can't live like this. I need help. I don't know how to stick to it anymore. I sabotage myself and I don't know why. I'm trying to cut out the major stress in my life, but that takes time. I just don't know what to do anymore. I just need to know how to stay on track.


  • isaacpfiz
    isaacpfiz Posts: 2
    :smile: Ya, I kinda miss the junk food too but I know that if if let myself go, even for a second then i'll go back to how I was hatting myself for it. the reason I saying this is b/c I know we (speaking as a whole, a group of like minded people that want to lose weight) can't do this alone. it's not something that you can just do on your own, you know? keep working guys and girls.
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    You have to find your Why/motivation and remind yourself of it constantly. Hang pictures on the fridge, cupboards ect of whatever the reason is you want to lose the weight.

    Another thing that helped me get started was stop buying junk food. If its not in the house I can't eat it.

    Fast food is tough because it is so easy.....If you can't avoid it, try to make better choices. Look up the nutrition information for your favorite places on line and print it out. I keep it in my car for easy access incase I am stuck and need a fast meal.

    Hope that's helpful & good luck!
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I don't even know you and I find we are a lot alike. :) We have the same weight-loss goals (similar lb numbers). I too used to do the gas station thing. I could polish off a whole pizza in one sitting and a few cans of pop. I ate when I was mad, I ate when I was sad, I ate when I felt fat, then felt guilty about it after! I have been on MFP for years, having picked it up and dropped off again. It was always a source of shame.

    In the past, I've lost over 100 lbs and then gained it all back again... plus more. :(

    This time is different. :) I'm only about 2 weeks into my latest try, but it is different this time. I found I could not change until I decided that I DESERVE BETTER. So I did. This time is different because it is the first time I have stumbled across the message boards. They are great! I found so many people just looking for someone in their same boat! A TON of people on here just want to support and be supported... and they vastly outnumber the grumpy ones. I find the people on here very inspiring. :)

    Next, I gave up my biggest vice, diet mountain dew. I could easily have 8-9 cans per day, OR MORE. I have now replaced it with water, and I feel much better. I actually save money from giving this up, too! Score!

    -Log everything
    -Find people who you are similar to (on MFP) and friend them!
    -Say no. Use your willpower. You will be proud when you do, and it WILL get easier.
    -Do your best. I have days when I go over (my calorie goal). I just reflect on it and use it as motivation.
    -Celebrate small victories. :) You will often see the abbreviation NSV on here. It means Non-Scale Victory.

    Also, just an option I think I would be remiss to leave out... possibly look into OA (http://www.overeatersanonymous.org/). Nothing to be embarrassed about, an addiction is an addiction, and sometimes people need help to kick them. :)

    I'm betting you will be down 10 lbs before you know it! Then 20, then more. Just like I know I will. :)

    Feel free to friend me. (This goes for anyone)
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I was just like you at one time. I had many excuses. Some were valid....most weren't. There are some things in life beyond our control. Things just happen and you learn to adapt. Ultimately, we control what we put into our mouth. I CHOSE to be a pig and eat every thing in sight. Same goes to choosing to change. The power to change what you don't like about yourself is within you.....its up to YOU to dig deep and find the motivation you will need to change. ...no1 else.......Either you want it or you don't. If you're still making excuses as to why you can't control what goes into your mouth....you simply aren't ready to change and don't want it bad enough.