

AND I seriously need help with motivation to exercise. I am a single busy working mother of three, and I don't take that time to work out. I see clothes that needs be to done, dirty kitchen,yard work, and I do that instead of taking the time to workout. I keep saying okay I'll get these things done and tomorrow try to get a walk in or something but it never happens. I know so many of you are or were in my situations, can you please give any advice. This is my schedule, I wake up at 5:45, get the girls up have to be out the door at 6:45 drop off all three at three different places, have to be at work for 7:30, work until 4:30, pick up girls get home at 5:30. start supper, homework, any cleaning and yardwork, get grils to bed at 9:00 take my bath, go to bed for 10:00. I am trying so hard to fit something in I just dont know where.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    HRM = heart rate monitor, it tracks heart rate and calories burned for a workout
  • art2010
    art2010 Posts: 5 Member
    I know the life you speak of - I am also a single mom with four children, working full time and going to school. I think that like so much of life, making time to exercise is a choice and you decide whether to give time to it or you don't. I know it is hard to wake up earlier, I sometimes wake up at 5 so I can fit in a walk or exercise video. I guess the other choice is to relinquish some of the cleaning, cooking, maintenance to your children. Running a household is a huge responsibility and it should be shared with all the individuals who reside in that home - delegate some of the chores and don't gripe about the results, be happy they were taken care of. You could also just let go of some of the yardwork, cleaning, etc. I think we sometimes hold ourselves to a standard that is not realistic, nor achievable. Give yourself a gift of 30 minutes each day to exercise, regroup or relax - whatever it takes. Good Luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Why not workout at lunch, that's when I get most of my workouts in. Even just going out for a walk or a jog, is better than nothing.