adding fat to my diet

so im short about 200 calories and 20g of fat on my daily goals usually, would it be smart to add some sausage to my breakfast? its the right amount of calories and fat but im not sure if its considered healthy. if not, anyone got any better recommendations?


  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    Nuts!! Or avocados! They have healthier fats (mono/unsaturated, omega-3's) in them than sausage (saturated fats, omega-6's).
  • Olive and Coconut Oil ~120 Cals / Tbsp and 14g fat
    Peanut Butter, ~180 Cals / 2 Tbsp and ~19g fat

  • frenkinstein
    frenkinstein Posts: 37 Member
    ohhhhh i forgot about peanut butter, god i miss peanut butter, i think im going with that haha
  • Avacado & Almonds