Not losing weight with INSANITY?

I started my weight loss "journey" this past October and was able to lose 70 pounds. I went on a short diet and weight loss hiatus and gained back 10-15lbs, so currently, I am at 245. Since taking that break, I decided it might be smart to try out Insanity. I've heard good things and the infomercials looked promising.

I have been eating quite healthy. I've had some minor hiccups, but nothing where I have been eating more calories than MFP suggests I burn. I weighed myself just today and, over the course of the week, have gained nearly 3lbs. Majorly discouraged and quite confused, I don't know what to do? I have been dripping with sweat following every workout, and I've taken rests when I've needed to, but have been pushing myself nonetheless. I'm just getting quite agitated because I saw major weight loss success before when I was doing minimal exercise, but now that I have been doing a lot of exercise, I see nothing.. Nada. I can't help, but be discouraged.

If there's anyone out there who has taken Insanity, should I up my calories? I currently eat 1700/day. Is this common for the first few weeks?

I really wanted to lose 35lbs this summer and be completely confident going into my senior year of high school. I'm worried I'll end up wasting all of June/July on a program that boasts zero results!

HELP! :(


  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    This is a common thread I see with Insanity, and one I experienced myself.
    For some reason, I and many others, see an incremental gain during the first few weeks of Insanity.

    I'm sure there's a person with fitness knowledge that puts mine to shame who might know the science of "why".

    To make you feel more at ease, I found that this weight gain was only during the early part of Phase 1 of Insanity. Towards the end of Phase 1 and beginning of Phase 2 and beyond, my body cranked it into high gear and the pounds and inches began to fall off. Just make sure you are feeding your self.......don't starve yourself, and don't kid yourself by trying to adhere to any 1200 calorie regiment.

    Don't get discouraged, and keep pushing play.
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Keep working insanity does help ALOT! I've found staying off the scale is the best way to stay motivated. I may weigh myself once a month.
  • buggings
    buggings Posts: 18
    That's what I keep hearing. I'm wondering whether I should be eating my exercise calories back or not? What do you think?

    Because I don't use an HRM, I've been clocking Insanity as calisthenics as advised by members of the forum. Is that a problem?
  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    The weight gain is due to water retention.
  • pHatWeenie
    pHatWeenie Posts: 23
    I have stopped losing altogether. I have to be honest though I've missed some workouts and have water retention my toes are looking like little stuffed sausages atm. I'm starting week 3 and think we should just keep ploughing through. Don't give up! I've been asking questions as well and its been mentioned that maybe my cals are too low because I walk as well. Fingers crossed what route we choose things start moving again.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    I did insanity last year for 2 reasons
    1. I wanted to see if I could &
    2. To lose weight

    Completed it (hurrahhh)
    But didn't lose any weight at all - which seems to be pretty common for females - I took weekly pictures and they were a HUGE motivator as I could see my body shape changing.

    But weight loss - nope
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i put on 2lbs after insanity (gained 5 lbs the first week!!!) but lost a load of bodyfat.... have you taken pictures & measurements?
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Its just water retention, not true weight gain.
    Your muscles are being challenged as is your heart.
    What would you prefer? Skinny and unfit, or great physique with a fabulous fitness level?
    I know which I'd prefer.
    Just keep going and get rid of those bloody scales..... measure measure measure.
    You can do this!
  • cheralee22
    cheralee22 Posts: 5 Member
    You definitely needs to measure to track the results properly I'm on my second round week 2 and I only lost a few pounds but around 10inches around my chest waist and hips alone! Diet is also really important I see alot that you need to make sure your eating enough calories so try eat as much back! Good luck keep going and you'll get results!
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89
    I finished Insanity about a month ago and "only" lost about 6.5 lbs. Really not a lot when you think how with a less intense program (Power 90) I lost about 25 lbs. With Insanity, the greatest improvements were in my general fitness and endurance, and that should count for something too!! I did however lose some of my strength with Insanity that is why I am now doing the P90x/Insanity hybrid, to get some of that strength back and probably lose some more weight again.
  • Kevinkpcc55
    Kevinkpcc55 Posts: 20 Member
    Ive completed Insanity now, did the world of good for me, got me fitter than i have been in a long time, weight loss was steady averaging 1lb a week with an average diet and burning approx. 1000 cal more than my intake. I plateau'd with about 3 weeks to finish the programme, so have now started the Charlean Extreme one to tone the muscles and kick start some more weight loss in other areas of the body.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I am also experiencing the same thing as far as not losing weight and I am careful to eat back my calories and make sure that it is healthy food that I have for snacks and such. I'm not immune to snacking though, but I watch my intake carefully as I have some health issues unrelated to my weight. Since I am not really in good shape now, Insanity is definitely helping me build endurance and strength in my upper body and abs. I would like to see more weight loss and am wandering if I can add any additional cardio as well as doing Insanity, even just running or should I just stick to Insanity and watch my diet more?
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I agree. I just started chalean extreme and in fact i'm staying away from the scale because I've heard its common to "gain" in the beginning. It will come off, just keep at it and of course, don't starve yourself as mentioned :)
    This is a common thread I see with Insanity, and one I experienced myself.
    For some reason, I and many others, see an incremental gain during the first few weeks of Insanity.

    I'm sure there's a person with fitness knowledge that puts mine to shame who might know the science of "why".

    To make you feel more at ease, I found that this weight gain was only during the early part of Phase 1 of Insanity. Towards the end of Phase 1 and beginning of Phase 2 and beyond, my body cranked it into high gear and the pounds and inches began to fall off. Just make sure you are feeding your self.......don't starve yourself, and don't kid yourself by trying to adhere to any 1200 calorie regiment.

    Don't get discouraged, and keep pushing play.
  • buggings
    buggings Posts: 18
    Wah, I wish things were easier. I just hate the idea of wasting my summer on something that doesn't produce ANY weight loss results, but I hate to have a defeatist attitude so I guess I'll continue.

    I'm getting a fitbit aswell, so that should help me staying motivated as far as cardio goes and such!

    Thanks for all the encouragement.
  • ltinegate
    ltinegate Posts: 1
    I too am just going into week 3 with insanity, after the 30 day shred, and have not lost one single lb! I try not to let the scales de- motivate me and measure myself instead, I have lost 4 inches from my waist already and my fitness is overall much better, therefore the no weight loss is not too much of an issue.

    Good luck and keep at it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Wah, I wish things were easier. I just hate the idea of wasting my summer on something that doesn't produce ANY weight loss results, but I hate to have a defeatist attitude so I guess I'll continue.

    I'm getting a fitbit aswell, so that should help me staying motivated as far as cardio goes and such!

    Thanks for all the encouragement.

    you need to stop thinking WEIGHT LOSS and start thinking FAT LOSS.... who cares what the number on the scales is.... think how great you will look in skinny jeans and a vest (or whatever you like to wear) when you are all nice and toned!