Filling Breakfasts?

I struggle with finding low-calorie breakfasts that are filling. I wake up early for work and don't get to eat for about 6 hours so by the time I get to lunch, I am starving and more likely to eat things I really shouldn't. Any ideas for some filling breakfasts that won't break my calorie count?



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A couple of eggs with a slice of whole wheat toast and a smear of peanut butter should keep you satisfied for a while. Nice combination of protein carbs and fat. Could you grab a piece of fruit or some yogurt in between breakfast and lunch?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Steel cut oats with PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and light maple syrup. You could bump up the protein by making oatmeal with milk instead of water..... or add a scoop of protien powder.

    3/4 C Kashi Go Lean mix in: Dannon Light & Fit, 1/4 C frozen raspberries, 1 TBL sliced almonds. 250 Calories ... 16.8 gms protein, 10.5 gms fiber, 4.6 gms good fat ..... keeps me full until lunch

    Greek yogurt with fruit & a scoop of Grapenuts mixed in..... I also like vanilla greek with PB2 & Grapenuts.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    My go-to breakfast, after years of searching, is one hard boiled egg and an whole grain hearty english muffin with teaspoon of sugar free strawberry preserves along with LOTS of water.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    1 whole egg
    4 egg whites
    slice of cheese
    1 cup sauteed vegetables (I use zucchini, onions and mushrooms)
    slice of lean ham or turkey

    scramble it up

  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    When I need energy for extended periods of time I always have non-instant oatmeal (made with water, some milk added) with fruits for breakfast. If my calorie allowance is ok with it, I add pb or dried fruits (or any other source of protein and healthy fats). It's the only thing that allows me to work properly for that long, I got used to eating often and I can get very cranky and lightheaded if I don't get to satisfy my hunger.
  • aquirico
    aquirico Posts: 21 Member
    An omelette (egg substitute) filled with tons of veggies fills me up and is low on calories.
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    Lately I've been making breakfast muffins. 1 cup egg whites, 1 cup heart smart bisquik (there are substitution recipes out there if you don't want to use bisquik), and 1 cup skim milk. Mix the milk and the bisquik, then fold in the egg whites. Add fillings as desired: onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, ham, cheese, pureed greens, berries, applesauce, pumpkin puree, whatever you like. (I add a teeny bit of salt with the savory options and a tablespoon of sugar to the batter with the fruity options. I also reduce the skim milk if adding something that contains a lot of water like applesauce or pumpkin puree). Bake in a cooking-sprayed nonstick regular sized muffin pan (12 muffins) at 400F for about 15 minutes. They store wonderfully in the fridge and heat nicely with about a minute in the microwave per 3. Don't worry if they seem a little wet after being stored in the fridge- they taste great after about a short time in the microwave. They are approximately 70 cals and 8 carbs per muffin (depending on fillings) and are fairly substantial. I eat 2-3 for breakfast in the car on my way to work and am not hungry until lunch time.
  • ShellK71
    ShellK71 Posts: 33
    I'm not a big breakfast fan. But I eat a bowl of either oatmeal or healthy cereal. Then take some fruit I can eat at work. I work weird hours and lunch is never a set time. Which makes it hard to stay on track sometimes.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    This morning, in a rare moment of food awareness, I made a breakfast sandwich. 1/2 cup egg substitute, 2 slices of bacon, 1 slice of Colby jack cheese, on a one of those sandwich deli thin bun things. 320 calories.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I agree with the breakfast omelet.. they are the best bargain for your calories. 1 whole egg, 2-3 egg whites, 1/4 cup skim mozzarella cheese, at least a cup of cooked vegetables, 1/3 cup fresh salsa, 1 tablespoon sourcream. If I have them around, alfalfa sprouts are the bomb in an omelet, but add them after the omelet is cooked. For vegetables I usually used what was leftover from the night before: zucchini, summer squash, broccoli, spinach, greens (turnip, collard, swiss chard, kale), asparagus.. lots of vegetables are great on an omelet, they really make you feel like you get a lot to eat. Mine stay under 300 calories.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    I do several things:

    I make paleo (I have a problem with gluten) muffins and freeze them. Using almond flour tends to make a denser and more filling muffin. I freeze them in packs of two (I like pumpkin, morning glory, and zuccini berry). Then I either grab them out the night before and let them defrost, or stick them in the microwave for a warm and toasty muffin. When I'm tired of the muffins I'll toss it in a bowl with 1 cup of coconut milk and whatever berries I have on hand.

    I also buy large portions of ham and cut them into 4 ounce steaks which I freeze individually for quick eating.

    I also make 3 gallons (roughly) of various veggie and fruit smoothies. These tend to be very low-cal, and can make a nice addition to an otherwise light breakfast. Great way to get vitamins too. These are stay frozen in 8 ounce cups, also in my freezer.

    I also just keep Bob's Red Mill products on hand, sometimes I make a large batch of quinoia/stone ground oats oatmeal at the beginning of the week, and scoop it out of the container as the week goes on.

    I also always keep eggs around. If you've got deli meat and those 100 cal english muffins you can have a 160 cal english muffin every morning. It only takes about 3 minutes to make. Also I keep some chopped mushrooms, peppers, celery, spinach jumbled in a tupperwares all week so I can make an omelet at a moments notice.

    .... I'm passionate about my breakfast :D but I dont have much time in the mornings so its all about preparing ahead of time for me.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    Also there are very few things that are going to keep you full for six hours. I highly recommend protein, it will really help. If you dont get to eat for six hours, you might not want breakfast to be your lowest calorie meal of the day.

    I'd plan on some snacks. Something quick but filling. If you plan on snacks you wont gorge on unhealthy ones. If you have a work fridge you can take prepared smoothies full of fruits and veggies, an apple with almond butter, keep jerky and nuts around the office. Etc.
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    Oh I ALSO make mini-quiches in cupcake pans. Wrap the sides with bacon for extra flavor and fill the centers with eggs)whipped into froth) and veggies. These freeze EXCELLENTLY. And now you have a 300 cal-full of veg and protien- breakfast
  • I usually start with 3 egg whites, 1 egg yolk. Mix it up and make a plain omelet. Sometimes an addition of broccoli on the side to feel decently full. Mostly protein for breakfast I find is the best way to go. Eggs are not too heavy. Chicken breast I find still makes me feel hungry.
  • Oats!

    They make these awesome packets of Oatmeal now, called Oat Fit, that are only 100 calories. Fill the packet to water line and microwave for 90 seconds and voila. They're made with flaxseed as well so you get some extra fiber goodness in there.

    Otherwise, I make overnight proats: 1/2 cup rolled oats, scoop of protein powder, 1 cup almond milk, and whatever other goodies I want to throw in such as chia seeds, flax meal, fruit, chocolate chips, etc.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Made protein pancakes yesterday that were a slight modification from a recipe I found on here.

    8 oz plain low fat greek yogurt
    1 egg white
    1/4 cup self rising flower
    1 scoop vanilla whey

    I also used 1 tsp of baking soda as the recipe called for, but I think this was unneccessary with the self rising flour and added a crap ton of sodium. Anyways, it was delicious. And it made 3 HUGE pancakes. Should have done it as 5-6 good sized ones. I was so stuffed I couldn't finish the last two bites. Best part:

    368 calories, 35g carbs/2g fat/54g protein

    Come lunch time, I had to force myself to eat lunch because I just wasn't hungry at all.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Those protein pancakes sound delicious...

    I usually have breakfast burritos, a burrito filled with one egg, two turkey sausage links, and a slice of cheese. But there's no way it would fill me up for 6 hours... Usually 3. I'd bring a protein bar or something.
  • alethea88
    alethea88 Posts: 112 Member
    Morning coffee, an apple, and an egg (hard boiled).
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I make smoothies, oatmeal, eggs with English muffins and Canadian bacon,
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    There is nothing I can eat for breakfast that will keep me going for 6 hours.
    That being said, a three egg omelet with salsa keeps me full for a few hours.
  • lemonmon1
    lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
    Smoothies. I always have a whole banana in my smoothie. I use Unsweetened Flax Milk for the Omega 3 essential fatty acids and it's only 25 calories per cup. I then add a serving of hemp protein powder, a cup of chopped kale, and either more fruit (like strawberries and a kiwi) or half a Tbsp of peanut butter and 1 Tbsp organic baking cocoa powder. My breakfast smoothie keeps me feeling satisfied for a long time! I don't recommend not eating for more than 5 hours though. Plan some healthy low cal snacks to keep your metabolism going! Almonds are a great healthy snack!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I make egg muffins and freeze them. I normally drive my daughter to school in the morning so I have no time to eat at home. I heat a couple up, grab a piece of fruit and eat on the hour long drive.