looking for friends.,

We can motivate each other. Msg me or add me


  • Reepir
    Reepir Posts: 32 Member
    I sent you a friends request!
  • Mseleanor1
    Mseleanor1 Posts: 20 Member
    I sent you a friend request as well. I can use friends.
  • Friend request sent :)
  • levonap
    levonap Posts: 1
    I am new to this sight, I am trying hard to get this weight off,, I have to or die,,
    I have let myself go and I really need to get into shape,
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    Keen for some more friends here :)
  • Sgath1337
    Sgath1337 Posts: 2
    I'm Fio, I want to start meeting friends that can motivate me to get to my weight goal. Hopefully exchange tips for that, healthy diets, etc.