I'm not Crazy, You're Crazy!

fowlmeli1093 Posts: 199
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I have been watching what I eat for quite some time now. My husband, as well as everyone around me, always tries to get me to eat something sinful! Just the other day my husband was eating tortilla chips with an amazing looking chili cheese sauce. "Here, just have a bite." I of course said no. "You're nuts," he says, "One bite isn't going to kill you. You are gonna drive yourself nuts." I get this reaction a lot when I say no to someone trying to get me to eat something amazing.

I would like to pass on to everyone...it is not the "bite" that will kill me. This bite has horrible powers... It is the "gateway" bite that will lead to more bites, combined with my weakness to food.. that will kill me.


  • Agree so much with this! Of course I love my friends and family, but they make it even harder when they're chewing on something that looks and smells sooo good right next to you, and offer you some!

    Agree also with the "gateway" idea - it only takes one bite to change your mindset for that day, throwing yourself to go off the weight loss rails and undoing all your hard work and commitment. I know it's hard to resist now, but I read somewhere that if you can resist your favourite food for 2-4 weeks then it becomes easier to resist on the whole!
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    yes yes!:happy:

    know yourself!:wink::wink:

    the first bite/slip of the day ruins my healthy attempts. but i'm failing more than succeeding, lately.:cry:
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    I am with you on this. The "bite of doom" is my enemy. There is a very distinct possibility that if I take the bite, MANY will follow.
  • Yes! Some people can have just one bite but not people like me. I am an all or nothing gal!
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    See I am a litle different when it comes to this topic. I dont always have that bite, but I refuse to deny myself anything. I have done that in the past and failed so many times. So now i eat what i want when i want it, but i just make healthier choices about it. I ate pizza the other day, but made sure i ordered a personal pan pizza loaded with veggies and had a salad first. I then only ate half that pizza but it satisfied my craving. I have tried stopping all bad food before, and made it a few weeks and even a month one time. But then the cravings got so bad i gave in and went down hill from there. It may not work for everyone but so far its been a month and i am down 12 pounds and not loosing any steam. Good luck to you.
  • I am so glad I am not the only one that struggles with having just one bite of certain foods. I literally can't have certain foods in my home because I know I can't stop with just one bite. I wish I had more will power and self-control! So far not having them in the house is working for me so I will keep going like this and hope the cravings will lessen.
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