Just turned 50

Just joined MFP. I have struggled to lose for many years. I've done weight watchers but I simply get off track when food around. Almost like I sabotage my weight loss and don't know why. I lose few then gain back then cry. Then give up. I'm afraid of failing this too.


  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this!!! And there are lots of people here to help you be successful on your weight loss journey.
  • Peejer2001
    Peejer2001 Posts: 18 Member
    You must have a mind set that you are prepared to make some life changes, not a temporary 'diet'. Logging your food daily helps you to be aware and accountable for calories, fat, protein you are actually eating. You might be surprised at the calories, if you log truthfully. I suggest trying to cut out as many processed food as possible. The one thing I don't like about weight watchers is they tend to suggest what you can 'get away' with eating. The points system is just too general for me. It does not take into account nutritional values very accurately. My choice to remove processed foods, all sodas ( sugar and sugar free) and trying to eat more wholesome diet has helped me the most. Good luck, you will find plenty of support here!:happy:
  • Jusjerzy
    Jusjerzy Posts: 26 Member
    You must have a mind set that you are prepared to make some life changes, not a temporary 'diet'. Logging your food daily helps you to be aware and accountable for calories, fat, protein you are actually eating. You might be surprised at the calories, if you log truthfully. I suggest trying to cut out as many processed food as possible. The one thing I don't like about weight watchers is they tend to suggest what you can 'get away' with eating. The points system is just too general for me. It does not take into account nutritional values very accurately. My choice to remove processed foods, all sodas ( sugar and sugar free) and trying to eat more wholesome diet has helped me the most. Good luck, you will find plenty of support here!:happy:

  • TheMMan
    TheMMan Posts: 124 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree with Peejer2001. I was shocked at all of the little calorie traps there are in our daily lives. 50 here, 150 there that all add up. Tracking the calories will make a huge difference. Be faithful to yourself and give it a shot - I think you'll be surprised. There are sooooo many success stories on this site.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    I completely understand ... been there done that! I was "doing" WW for years but didn't lose weight. I am making progress but it's slow, and after 50 (I'm 53) I think it gets harder. I agree with the other posters that it's about lifestyle changes not short term diets. It seems very unfair that it's very hard to lose weight and then very easy to gain it back! I have really increased my activity/exercise and can feel changes in my body even though the scale still has about 40 lbs to go. You can friend me if you would like - we could check in with each other?

    Good luck and hang in there. I just put something on FB that I read .... Discipline is just the difference between what you want NOW compared with what you want MOST. Now, I just need to remember that when I'm searching the fridge for something to eat :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I'll be 50 in about 6 months and though my body feels more aches and pains, most couldn't tell by looking at it. Never quit. Never surrender. Just get it done.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LeesaMarie63
    Welcome and best of luck!!! It's been quite a struggle for me...although now I seem to be on the right path...thanks to all the friends and support I've received here!
  • sweetpeas317
    sweetpeas317 Posts: 44 Member
    Just joined MFP. I have struggled to lose for many years. I've done weight watchers but I simply get off track when food around. Almost like I sabotage my weight loss and don't know why. I lose few then gain back then cry. Then give up. I'm afraid of failing this too.

    Hi I am getting ready to turn the big 50 next month, feels like my metabolism is dead lol. I was doing WW also and I didnt lose a pound doing it I think its just way too much food but anyway welcome and add me as a friend if you need some help.
  • Treecaruso
    Thank you all for your comments. Excited about this venture I think I needed something new. Surprised at all the support. Thanks again
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    Hi, just turned 49, and totally agree my metabolism is dead. trying to re-kick-start it here by just eating 3 meals a day. I'm a workaholic and sometimes can go all day without eating and then binge when I get home. Gotten into some really bad habits.

    We can all do this but it is going to take a lot of work to undo what we have done.:sad: :noway:

    If you need a friend feel free to add me.

  • BarefootSerenity
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Hi TreeCaruso,welcome! This is a great support. I'm 57, started here a little over a year ago and would have said my metabolism was shot, too. But i have lost almost fifty pounds - am within 3 pounds of my ultimate goal. For me, it was all about calories and once I started counting them, it became just a matter of time. Good luck to you
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I've been on for 2 years....am 58 now......I lost 20lbs and have kept it off. I'm trying to lose a few more and really get fit. Welcome and good luck. This is a very supportive site and I have learned a lot!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    In my younger days, just saying I was starting a diet was enough to make me want to eat everything that wasn't nailed down. For some reason MFP works for me. Maybe it came along right when I had "grown up" enough (I'm 61, lol) to realize that, as a previous poster said, this is a lifestyle change, not a short term crash weight loss thing.

    You are doing this to be healthy and fit for life, right? Start moving (baby steps), get your labs done if possible to rule out thyroid/hormonal issues, change your eating habits by improving the quality of your food and the timing of your meals, and watch portion sizes. You've got this!